62nd Legislature - 2012 Regular Session

Speaker Speaker Pro Tempore


Please Note: Items marked in Bold are not ready.
Bill No. Description Sponsors Committee Inf.
HB 1049 f Net metering of electricity McCoy,Frockt TEC DPS10 DNP9
HB 1124 f Hunting cougars using dogs Blake,Kretz AGNR DPS9 DNP4
HB 1256 f Body art/piercing, tattooing Appleton BFS DPS13
HB 1297 f Water right beneficial use Chandler,Blake AGNR DP8 DNP4
HB 1313 f Soil and wetland scientists Green,Sells APPG DPS7 DNP5
HB 1504 f Driving record abstracts Fitzgibbon,Moscoso TR DPS18 DNP9
HB 1508 Sport shooting ranges Takko,Probst JUDI DPS13
HB 1556 f First-time DUI offenders Kirby,Orwall JUDI DPS13
HB 1576 f Dental anesthesia assistants Jinkins,Hinkle HCW DPS11
HB 1753 f School nurses Liias,Hope ED DPS13 DNP7
HB 1755 f Humane treatment of dogs Goodman,Fitzgibbon JUDI DPS7 DNP6
HB 1824 f Armored vehicle employees Condotta,Shea LWD DP8 DNP5
HB 1828 f Family leave violations Dickerson,Sells LWD DPS7 DNP6
HB 1853 Structural engineering Sells BFS DPS13
SHB 1860 f Partisan elections SGTA(Hurst) APPG DP3S13
HB 2010 Title insurance rate filings Kirby,Bailey BFS DPS10 DNP2
HB 2056 f Assisted living facilities Van De Wege,Bailey APPH DPS(HCW)11
HB 2128 f Local phone service/sales tx Hunter WAYS DP16 DNP9
HB 2150 f Comm'ty residential services Pettigrew,Hunter WAYS DPS15 DNP11
HB 2156 f Workforce training/aerospace Kenney,Sells APPE DP2S(w/o sub LWD)18
HB 2162 f Shoreland areas and permits Takko,Angel LG DPS8 DNP1
HB 2170 f Career pathways act Probst,Rivers APPE DP2S(w/o sub LWD)18
HB 2171 f Agency planning processes Green,Probst SGTA DP7 DNP4
HB 2176 f Impaired drivers/judgments Goodman,Hope JUDI DPS7 DNP4
HB 2177 f Child sexual exploitation Ladenburg,Dammeier PSEP DPS9 DNP1
HB 2179 f Liquor license objections Morris,Lytton LG DP9
HB 2184 f School construction assist. Dunshee,Warnick CB DP6 DNP5
HB 2193 f Third-party visitation Pedersen,Nealey JUDI DPS7 DNP4
HB 2197 Uniform commercial code Pedersen,Rodne JUDI DPS11
HB 2198 f Renewable energy systems Morris,Eddy TEC DPS10 DNP9
HB 2201 Hearing examiners Fitzgibbon,Springer LG DPS5 DNP4
HB 2205 f Voter registration at age 16 Billig,Zeiger SGTA DP7 DNP4
HB 2211 f Adoptee information access Orwall,Ormsby APPH DP2S(w/o sub JUDI)11
HB 2228 f Meds/access for uninsured Jinkins,Appleton HCW DPS9 w/oRec1
HB 2234 f Commercial driver's license Hurst,Dahlquist TR DPS29
HB 2238 f Environmental mitigation Wilcox,Clibborn APPG DP2S(w/o sub AGNR)13
HB 2240 f Public improvement contracts Moscoso,Fitzgibbon TR DP21
HB 2251 Subversive activities Fitzgibbon,Pedersen JUDI DP7 DNP4
HB 2252 Transportation fare payment Fitzgibbon TR DPS27 DNP2
HB 2253 f SEPA Fitzgibbon,Billig APPG DP2S(w/o sub ENVI)8 DNP3
HB 2257 f Vehicle documentry serv chrg Takko,Armstrong TR DP27 DNP2
HB 2261 Eye glasses/donations Takko,Reykdal JUDI DPS13
HB 2267 f Sewer systems Angel,Johnson LG DPS7 DNP2
HB 2271 Transit passes/personal info Darneille,Jinkins SGTA DP9 DNP2
HB 2272 f Antifreeze products Appleton BFS DPS8 DNP4
HB 2275 Vehicle reimpoundment Goodman,Armstrong TR DP29
HB 2277 Puget Sound partnership Upthegrove,Tharinger ENVI DPS13 DNP2
HB 2280 f Motor vehicles/yellow dot Moeller,Pettigrew TR DP23 DNP6
HB 2284 Civil liability of parents Hunt JUDI DP13
HB 2287 f Veterans and child support Goodman,Dickerson APPH DP11
HB 2292 f Aerospace student loan prog. Maxwell,Sells APPE DP18
HB 2296 f Biofuel processing/siting Morris,McCoy TEC DPS12 DNP6
HB 2297 f Energy efficiency improvemnt Morris,McCoy TEC DPS18
HB 2301 f Boxing, mar. arts, wrestling Green,Kirby APPG DPS(BFS)12
HB 2302 f Being under the influence Goodman,Warnick APPG DPS(JUDI)12
HB 2316 f Health care info disclosure Cody,Hinkle HCW DPS7 DNP3
HB 2318 f Patient decisions/shared Cody,Hinkle HCW DPS10
HB 2328 Job order contracting Dammeier,Haigh SGTA DP11
HB 2329 f Encumbered st. forest lands Takko,Orcutt CB DP11
HB 2331 f Child abuse reporting Dickerson,Darneille ELHS DPS5 DNP4
HB 2335 Science and public policy Short,Upthegrove ENVI DPS17
HB 2339 f Unemployment insurance Sells,Condotta LWD DP13
HB 2341 f Hospitals/community benefits Jinkins,Cody APPH DPS(HCW)6 DNP5
HB 2343 f Controlled substances Cody,Schmick HCW DP10
HB 2344 f Corporate officers Angel,Sells LWD DPS13
HB 2346 f Correctional officer uniform Walsh,Reykdal APPG DPS13
HB 2349 f Beavers Kretz,Blake APPG DPS(AGNR)13
HB 2352 f Higher ed institutions/fees Reykdal,Fitzgibbon HE DPS17
HB 2353 Tow truck operators/lunch Liias,Condotta TR DP28
HB 2354 f Stolen property trafficking Orwall,Asay PSEP DPS11
HB 2355 f Alternative traction devices Armstrong,Clibborn TR DPS29
HB 2359 f Industrial insurance/medical Reykdal,Ormsby LWD DPS8 DNP5
HB 2361 f Usage-based auto insurance Kirby,Bailey BFS DPS11 DNP1
HB 2365 f Large wild carnivores Blake,Kretz APPG DP2S(w/o sub AGNR)11 DNP1
HB 2366 Suicide assessment, treatmnt Orwall,Bailey HCW DPS10
HB 2370 f State transportation system Billig,Jinkins TR DP19 DNP10
HB 2372 f Tow truck services Pollet,Kenney TR DPS22 DNP7
HB 2375 State govt reorganization Appleton,Hunt SGTA DPS10
HB 2383 Debt adjuster Kelley,Dammeier BFS DPS11 DNP1
HB 2384 f Personal vehicle sharing Hudgins,Bailey BFS DPS11
HB 2385 Domestic partnership records Jinkins,Liias SGTA DP7 DNP4
HB 2393 f New hire/support registry Rodne,Pedersen APPH DP10 DNP1
HB 2395 f Drayage truck operators Sells,Reykdal LWD DPS7 DNP6
HB 2400 f Habitual traffic offenders Hunt,Hudgins SGTA DP7 DNP4
HB 2401 f License suspension/notices Hunt,Hudgins SGTA DP7 DNP4
HB 2405 f Vehicular homicide offenders Goodman,Rodne JUDI DP10 w/oRec1
HB 2407 Structured settlement agrmnt Roberts,Green SGTA DPS6 DNP5
HB 2410 Real estate trans/wells Stanford,Tharinger BFS DP7 DNP5
HB 2412 f WISHA employee protections Kenney,Sells LWD DP7 DNP6
HB 2413 f Pesticide drift Reykdal,Sells APPH DP2S(w/o sub JUDI)6 DNP5
HB 2415 Water rights transfer Buys,Blake AGNR DP10 w/oRec2
HB 2416 Auditor costs allocation Takko LG DPS9
HB 2420 f Insurance comm/study, report Cody,Roberts HCW DP11
HB 2421 f Foreclosure fairness act Orwall,Rodne APPG DPS(JUDI)12
HB 2422 f Aviation biofuels production Billig,Haler CB DPS(TEC)9 w/oRec1
HB 2430 f Vehicle maximum lengths Overstreet,Armstrong TR DPS29
HB 2431 Industrial insurance laws Reykdal,Appleton LWD DPS8 DNP5
HB 2437 f Early supp security income Dickerson,Hinkle APPH DP11
HB 2457 f Specialty producer licenses Kirby,Bailey BFS DP12
HB 2459 f Commer. vehicle lic. plates Kagi,Armstrong TR DP29
HB 2471 f Firearm purchase & transfer Goodman,Chandler JUDI DP13
HB 2473 f Medication assist. endorsmnt Green,Hinkle APPH DPS(HCW)11
HB 2476 f Heavy haul corridors Jinkins,Ladenburg TR DP29
HB 2482 f Innovation partnership zones Kenney,Finn CDH DP7 DNP2
HB 2488 Class A biosolids/municipal Green,Ladenburg ENVI DP9 DNP8
HB 2491 f Unemplymnt experience rating Upthegrove,Orwall LWD DPS12 DNP1
HB 2492 f Board of education rules Haigh,Dammeier APPE DPS18
HB 2501 f Healthcare facil. employees Green,Cody APPG DP2S(w/o sub LWD)8 DNP4
HB 2503 Veterans & national guard Hansen,McCoy APPE DPS(HE)16 DNP2
HB 2507 Bulk mercury Hunt,Roberts ENVI DP15
HB 2509 f Blueprint for safety program Chandler,Bailey LWD DP13
HB 2510 f Preshelter care/child abuse Kagi,Walsh JUDI DPS7 DNP5
HB 2513 Common interest comm mgrs Roberts,Condotta BFS DP13
HB 2516 f Marriage & dom. partnerships Pedersen,Walsh JUDI DPS7 DNP6
HB 2524 f Military spouses & partners Orwall,Bailey BFS DP13
HB 2541 f Sealing juvenile records Darneille,Dickerson ELHS DPS8
HB 2548 f Military members & families Kelley PSEP DP11
HB 2554 f Landlord, tenant/CO2 alarms Rodne,Pedersen JUDI DPS7 DNP5
HB 2561 Water delivery/ski facilties Alexander,Orcutt AGNR DP11 DNP1
HB 2567 Conservation districts Fitzgibbon APPG DPS(LG)11 DNP1
HB 2570 f Metal property theft Goodman,Hurst PSEP DPS11
HB 2571 f Medical services programs Parker,Cody APPH DPS11
HB 2580 f Lifelong learning program Kenney,Hansen LWD DP8 DNP5
HB 2582 f Health care services billing Johnson,Cody HCW DPS8 DNP2
HB 2587 f Art & cultural facils/grants Carlyle,Haler CB DP2S(w/o sub CDH)9 DNP2
HB 2588 f DNA markers database Darneille,Hurst PSEP DPS8 DNP3
HB 2594 f Criminal street gangs Hurst,Ross PSEP DPS9 DNP1
HB 2603 Juvenile offender sentencing Goodman,Kagi ELHS DPS9
HB 2604 f Devel disabilities endowment Dickerson,Kenney APPH DP11
HB 2605 f Water pollution control fee Dunshee CB DPS11
HB 2608 f Early learning guidelines Kagi,Orwall APPE DPS(ELHS)17 DNP1
HB 2612 f WA voting rights act of 2012 Kenney,Hunt APPG DPS8 DNP4
HB 2614 Short sales/residual debts Kenney,Ryu JUDI DPS12
HB 2617 f School district insolvency Anderson,Haigh APPE DPS18
HB 2618 f Marine management planning Van De Wege,Dunshee CB DPS9 DNP2
HB 2622 Workers' primary language Kenney,Ormsby LWD DPS8 DNP5
HB 2640 f Housing trust fund Smith,Kenney CB DPS(CDH)11
HB 2643 f Mental disease institutions Green,Hinkle HCW DP11
HB 2648 f Nurses/additional surcharge Cody,Dickerson APPH DPS0 DNP3
HB 2651 f Industrial storm water Springer,Chandler ENVI DP12 DNP1
HB 2657 f Adoption support expnditures Roberts,Kagi APPH DPS11
HB 2658 f Child care providers/schools Kagi ELHS DPS9
HB 2659 Transportation benefit dists Reykdal,Liias TR DPS22 DNP7
HB 2662 f Comm econ revitalization brd Ryu,Kenney CB DP6 DNP5
HB 2665 Vacation of roads by county Parker LG DP8 DNP1
HB 2668 f Bail practices Hope,Hurst PSEP DPS9 DNP1
HB 2669 Payment of prevailing wages Ormsby,Moscoso LWD DPS8 DNP5
HB 2671 f Local shoreline master progs Takko,Fitzgibbon LG DP5 DNP4
HB 2688 f Electric generation targets Upthegrove,Fitzgibbon ENVI DPS11 DNP4
HB 2693 f Employment agencies Kirby BFS DP12
HB 2698 Life insurance policy owners Kelley,Rivers BFS DP11 DNP1
HB 2717 f Higher education innovations Seaquist,Pollet APPE DP2S(w/o sub HE)10 DNP7
HB 2721 Flood control zone districts Green LG DP6 DNP3
HB 2722 f Surplus property Parker,Dunshee CB DPS11
HB 2725 f Council on coordinated trans Ryu TR DP19 DNP10
HB 2735 Intermediate capital projcts Wylie,Zeiger CB DP10 DNP1
HB 2747 Fire service training acct Hansen CB DPS10
HJM 4006 I-5 purple heart trail Seaquist,Finn TR DP27
HJM 4015 Columbia R. gorge commission Hudgins,Van De Wege APPG DP8 DNP4
HJM 4017 US and Canada action plans Kenney,Finn CDH DPS9