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Washington State Senate | ||
Introduction and First Reading of Bills, Memorials, Joint Resolutions and Concurrent Resolutions |
2012 Regular Session of the 62nd Legislature |
BRAD OWEN, President of the Senate | MARGARITA PRENTICE, President Pro Tem | ||
THOMAS HOEMANN, Secretary of the Senate | PAULL SHIN, Vice President Pro Tem | ||
January 19, 2012 - Thursday | 11TH DAY | ||
SB 6352 | By Senators Hobbs, Keiser, Fain, Benton and McAuliffe Extending the age for service in the Washington state guard. Referred to Committee on GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS, TRIBAL RELATIONS & ELECTIONS. |
SB 6353 | By Senator Ranker Concerning the application of chapter 80.50 RCW to the construction, reconstruction, or modification of certain electrical transmission facilities. Referred to Committee on ENERGY, NATURAL RESOURCES & MARINE WATERS. |
SB 6354 | By Senators Rolfes, Kastama, Chase, Tom, Frockt and McAuliffe Requiring state agencies to offer electronic filing for business forms. Referred to Committee on ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, TRADE & INNOVATION. |
SB 6355 | By Senators Rolfes, Kastama and Chase Concerning associate development organizations. Referred to Committee on ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, TRADE & INNOVATION. |
SB 6356 | By Senators Rolfes, Kastama, Chase, Shin, Tom and Frockt Concerning an interagency work group on establishing a single portal for Washington businesses. Referred to Committee on ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, TRADE & INNOVATION. |
SB 6357 | By Senators Rolfes, Conway, Keiser, Chase, Benton and McAuliffe Increasing the purchase of made in America products by the state of Washington. Referred to Committee on GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS, TRIBAL RELATIONS & ELECTIONS. |
SB 6358 | By Senator Rolfes Encouraging economic development by requiring the employment assistance program to include certain job placement services with private employers. Referred to Committee on LABOR, COMMERCE & CONSUMER PROTECTION. |
SB 6359 | By Senators Eide, Kastama, Kilmer and McAuliffe Modifying provisions related to the office of regulatory assistance. Referred to Committee on ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, TRADE & INNOVATION. |
SB 6360 | By Senators Keiser, Pflug and Shin Creating the Washington health care cost commission. Referred to Committee on HEALTH & LONG-TERM CARE. |
SB 6361 | By Senators Pflug and Keiser Concerning shared decision making. Referred to Committee on HEALTH & LONG-TERM CARE. |
SB 6362 | By Senators Keiser, King and Conway Requiring notice to patients for certain charges at a health care facility. Referred to Committee on HEALTH & LONG-TERM CARE. |
SB 6363 | By Senators Swecker and Pridemore Addressing the mobilization of all risk resources during an emergency. Referred to Committee on GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS, TRIBAL RELATIONS & ELECTIONS. |
SB 6364 | By Senators Hobbs, Shin and McAuliffe; by request of Washington State Department of Commerce Modifying the foreclosure fairness act. Referred to Committee on FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, HOUSING & INSURANCE. |
SB 6365 | By Senators Hatfield, Swecker, Prentice, Holmquist Newbry, Pridemore, Haugen, Hobbs, Parlette and Shin Waiving and clarifying certain requirements for port district small public works projects. Referred to Committee on GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS, TRIBAL RELATIONS & ELECTIONS. |
SB 6366 | By Senator Pridemore Establishing a theater license to sell beer, including strong beer, or wine, or both, at retail for consumption on theater premises. Referred to Committee on LABOR, COMMERCE & CONSUMER PROTECTION. |
SB 6367 | By Senator Chase Allowing a qualifying utility to count certain residential distributed generation at ten times the facility's output for the purposes of meeting the utility's annual target under chapter 19.285 RCW, the energy independence act. Referred to Committee on ENERGY, NATURAL RESOURCES & MARINE WATERS. |
SB 6368 | By Senators Chase, Kastama, Shin and Conway Concerning the Washington manufacturing innovation and modernization extension service program. Referred to Committee on ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, TRADE & INNOVATION. |
SB 6369 | By Senators Chase and Shin Protecting environmental quality and human health. Referred to Committee on ENVIRONMENT. |
SB 6370 | By Senator Chase Modifying the definition of "lowest reasonable cost" for the purposes of chapter 19.280 RCW, electric utility resource plans. Referred to Committee on ENERGY, NATURAL RESOURCES & MARINE WATERS. |
SB 6371 | By Senators Shin, Benton, Chase, Haugen, Kilmer, Delvin, Hatfield, Schoesler, Becker, McAuliffe and Conway Extending the customized employment training program. Referred to Committee on ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, TRADE & INNOVATION. |
SB 6372 | By Senator Swecker Reducing nontax administration costs associated with the conduct of city and county operations. Referred to Committee on GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS, TRIBAL RELATIONS & ELECTIONS. |
SB 6373 | By Senators Kilmer, Kastama, Parlette and Shin Concerning economic development by requiring performance audits of certain permit practices by the state auditor. Referred to Committee on ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, TRADE & INNOVATION. |
SB 6374 | By Senators Kilmer, Tom, Kastama, Frockt, Harper, Hatfield, Kohl-Welles and McAuliffe Enacting the educational success for youth and alumni of foster care act. Referred to Committee on HIGHER EDUCATION & WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT. |
SB 6375 | By Senators Kilmer, Tom, Harper, Hatfield, Brown, Frockt and McAuliffe Creating the math performance incentive program. Referred to Committee on EARLY LEARNING & K-12 EDUCATION. |
SB 6376 | By Senator Kline Increasing the authority of the forensic investigations council to assist local jurisdictions in identification of human remains. Referred to Committee on JUDICIARY. |
SB 6377 | By Senator Zarelli Improving budget sustainability by modifying education funding mandates. Referred to Committee on WAYS & MEANS. |
SB 6378 | By Senators Zarelli, Baumgartner, Parlette, Hill and Tom Reforming the state retirement plans. Referred to Committee on WAYS & MEANS. |
SB 6379 | By Senator Zarelli Directing unclaimed lottery prize money to the general fund. Referred to Committee on WAYS & MEANS. |
SB 6380 | By Senators Tom, Ranker, Hill, Pridemore, Nelson, Baumgartner, Keiser, Hargrove, Harper, Hobbs, Hatfield, Kilmer, Chase, Rolfes and Frockt Concerning electric vehicle charging stations. Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION. |
SB 6381 | By Senators Prentice, Pridemore, Nelson, Chase, Murray, Conway, Kline, Harper, Keiser and McAuliffe Enacting the Washington voting rights act of 2012. Referred to Committee on GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS, TRIBAL RELATIONS & ELECTIONS. |
SB 6382 | By Senators Keiser, Parlette and McAuliffe Creating a medication assistant endorsement for certified nursing assistants who work in nursing homes. Referred to Committee on HEALTH & LONG-TERM CARE. |
SB 6383 | By Senators Benton, Eide, Schoesler, Kohl-Welles, Chase, Padden, Stevens, Hobbs, Pflug, Hargrove, Harper, McAuliffe, Prentice, Shin, Fraser, Fain, Hill, Baumgartner, Nelson, Swecker, Holmquist Newbry, Kline, Hatfield, Becker, Conway, Hewitt, King, Parlette, Ranker, Litzow, Zarelli, Ericksen, Morton and Honeyford Regarding Washington interscholastic activities association penalties. Referred to Committee on GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS, TRIBAL RELATIONS & ELECTIONS. |
SB 6384 | By Senators Parlette, Murray, Keiser, Fraser, Carrell, Kline, Pridemore, Frockt, Delvin, Harper, Fain, Honeyford, Benton, Hobbs, Hewitt, Shin, Regala, McAuliffe, Conway, Kohl-Welles, Roach, Haugen and Nelson Ensuring that persons with developmental disabilities be given the opportunity to transition to a community access program after enrollment in an employment program. Referred to Committee on HEALTH & LONG-TERM CARE. |
SB 6385 | By Senators Parlette, Fraser, Morton, Ranker and Shin Extending the tenure of the habitat and recreation lands coordinating group. Referred to Committee on ENERGY, NATURAL RESOURCES & MARINE WATERS. |
SB 6386 | By Senators Carrell, Becker, Zarelli, Hargrove, Delvin, Schoesler, Honeyford and Keiser Enacting measures to reduce public assistance fraud. Referred to Committee on HUMAN SERVICES & CORRECTIONS. |
SB 6387 | By Senator Ranker Concerning state parks, recreation, and natural resources fiscal matters. Referred to Committee on ENERGY, NATURAL RESOURCES & MARINE WATERS. |
SJM 8014 | By Senators Chase and Tom Requesting a reduction in federal military spending by ending the war in Afghanistan. Referred to Committee on GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS, TRIBAL RELATIONS & ELECTIONS. |