BILLS IN SENATE RULES - April 6, 2011 - Wednesday
6:41 PM
Bill No. Description Sponsors Committee Inf.
SB 5091 f Family leave insurance prog. Keiser,Shin,OFM LCCP DPS4 DNP3
SB 5140 f Criminal alien offenders Hargrove,Tom,etc.,DOC HSC DPS6
SB 5182 f Student financial assistance White,Tom,etc. WM DP2S12 DNP3 w/oRec1
SB 5539 f Motion pictures Kohl-Welles,Prentice,etc. WM DP2S12 DNP6 w/oRec2
SB 5844 f Local govt infrastructure Kilmer,Parlette,etc. WM DPS21
SB 5882 f Local govt employee pensions Schoesler,Fraser,etc. WM DP13 w/oRec6
HB 1039 f Financial institutions dept Bailey,Kirby,DFI FIHI DP5
SHB 1046 f Vehicle & vessel quick title Moeller,etc. TRAN DPA10
EHB 1050 Children w/ military parents McCoy,Appleton HSC DP6
HB 1052 Shareholder & board actions Pedersen,Rodne,etc.,SBA JUD DP9
SHB 1057 Farm labor contractor acct Hudgins,etc. LCCP DP7
SHB 1061 Wastewater system designers Green,etc. EWE DP7
SHB 1084 f Board on geographic names McCoy,etc. NRMW DP5 w/oRec1
HB 1106 f Seashore conservation area Takko,Orcutt,etc.,PRC NRMW DP5
2SHB 1128 f Extended foster care Roberts,etc. HSC DPA6
SHB 1136 f Vol. firefighter lic plates Eddy,etc. TRAN DPA16
HB 1166 f Alcohol poisoning deaths Liias,Goodman,etc. JUD DP5 w/oRec3
SHB 1205 f Court reporter licensing Goodman,etc. JUD DPA7 w/oRec1
SHB 1211 Hunger programs/utilities Rivers,etc. EWE DPA6 DNP1
HB 1225 Port district commissioners Angel,Takko,etc. GO DP7
EHB 1234 Security alarms, crime watch Moscoso,Hope,etc. GO DP6
HB 1244 f Liquor permits and licenses Condotta,Hunt,etc. LCCP DP5 w/oRec1
SHB 1253 f Family support act Fitzgibbon,etc. HSC DP4 DNP2
SHB 1257 Investments of insurers act Stanford,etc. FIHI DPA6
E2SHB 1267 Domestic partners/parentage Pedersen,etc. GO DP4 DNP2
SHB 1328 f Motorcycles in parades Van De Wege,etc. TRAN DPA13
SHB 1329 f Music Matters license plates Maxwell,etc. TRAN DPA16
HB 1358 f Combination of vehicles Klippert,Liias,etc.,DOT TRAN DP13
ESHB 1367 f For hire vehicles, operators Green,etc. LCCP DPA5 w/oRec2
SHB 1384 f Public improvement contracts Moscoso,etc. TRAN DP14
EHB 1398 Low-income housing/fee exemp Fitzgibbon,Seaquist,etc. FIHI DPA6 DNP1
HB 1413 f Invasive species council Blake,Chandler,etc.,RCO NRMW DP5
HB 1418 f Military training/licensing Rolfes,McCune,etc. LCCP DPA7
HB 1419 f Background check information Kagi,Roberts,etc.,DERL HSC DP5
ESHB 1421 f Community forest trust Rolfes,etc. WM DP15 DNP2 w/oRec2
HB 1440 Building communities fund Kenney,Ryu,etc. WM DPA21
E2SHB 1443 f Education reforms Maxwell,etc. WM DPA21
HB 1455 Firearm possession rights McCune JUD DPA7
HB 1486 f ARNP prescriptions Green,Jinkins,etc. HEA DP8
HB 1498 f Taxation of employee meals Pettigrew,Orcutt,etc. WM DP20
SHB 1516 f State ferry system managemnt Morris,etc. TRAN DPA12 w/oRec2
SHB 1524 International baccalaureate Orwall EDU DP10
SHB 1543 f Motorcycle instruct. permits Rolfes,etc. TRAN DP13
SHB 1560 f Health insurance partnership Cody,etc. HEA DPA5 DNP3 w/oRec1
SHB 1570 Energy facility siting Chandler,etc. EWE DPA8
E2SHB 1599 f Actual student success prog Probst,etc. WM DPA16 DNP3
SHB 1615 Service member civil relief Ladenburg,etc. JUD DP9
SHB 1621 Dept. of early learning Orwall,etc. EDU DP11
HB 1669 Educational opportunity gap Santos,Parker,etc. EDU DP10 w/oRec1
EHB 1674 Manufacturing ext. program Kenney,Smith,etc. EDTI DP6 w/oRec1
ESHB 1708 Mechanics' claims of liens Moeller LCCP DP6
SHB 1712 Null power Harris,etc. EWE DPA6 w/oRec2
ESHB 1737 f DSHS pharmacy audit program Short,etc. HEA DPA7 w/oRec1
EHB 1775 f Juvenile restorative justice Goodman,Kagi HSC DPA6
SHB 1815 f School district levy base Sullivan,etc. WM DPA14 w/oRec8
SHB 1822 Nonprofit online university Kenney,etc. HEWD DP7 w/oRec1
SHB 1854 f Fire protection authorities Upthegrove,etc. GO DP7
ESHB 1864 Collection agencies Stanford,etc. JUD DPA9
HB 1867 Prepaid wireless services Kelley,Rivers,etc. FIHI DP7
SHB 1897 f Rural mobility grant program Billig,etc. TRAN DP10
2SHB 1903 f Child care background checks Orwall,etc. WM DPA18
HB 1916 f Associate development orgs Ryu,Kagi,etc. EDTI DPA6 DNP2
SHB 1923 f Concealed pistol license Goodman,etc. JUD DP7
ESHCR 4404 Health reform implementation Schmick,etc. HEA DPA8 w/oRec1

Total Count: 64