1134-S2 AMH HUNS HARJ 065
2SHB 1134 - H AMD 81
By Representative Hunt
ADOPTED 03/08/2013
On page 5, line 26, after "shall be" strike "allocated" and insert "apportioned"
On page 5, line 29, after "Allocations" strike all material through "funding" on line 33 and insert "for certificated instructional staff must be based on the average staff mix ratio of the school, as calculated by the superintendent of public instruction using the statewide salary allocation schedule and related documents, conditions, and limitations established by the omnibus appropriations act. Allocations for classified staff and certificated administrative staff must be based on the salary allocations of the school district in which the school is located, subject to conditions and limitations established by the omnibus appropriations act. Nothing in this section requires a school that is the subject of a state tribal education compact to use the statewide salary allocation schedule"
On page 6, beginning on line 1, strike all of subsection (3)
Renumber the remaining subsections consecutively and correct any internal references accordingly.
EFFECT: Changes the funding structure so that the distribution of state funds to a school that is the subject of a state-tribal education compact is the same as the prototypical school funding formula model. Clarifies that such a school is not required to use the state salary schedule. |
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