SHB 1287 -
By Representative Holy
WITHDRAWN 02/14/2014
On page 7, after line 13, insert the following:
"(4) Regarding a lease of property owned by a federally recognized
Indian tribe that is exempt from property tax under RCW 84.36.010, if
a lessee has failed to pay the tax imposed by this chapter for a period
of at least twelve months, the department may subject the property to
a payment in lieu of leasehold excise taxes, under the terms and
qualifications of section 7 of this act, for the remainder of the term
of the lease."
On page 10, line 1, after "(2)" insert "If there is a taxable
leasehold interest in the property otherwise described in subsection
(1) of this section, the department may subject the property to payment
in lieu of taxes for the remainder of the term of the lease, if a
lessee has failed to pay the leasehold excise tax for a period of at
least twelve months. Notwithstanding subsections (3) and (4) of this
section, the amount payable under this subsection must be the same as
the amount of the leasehold excise tax and must be distributed to the
state, county, and local taxing districts in the same manner. Nothing
in this subsection relieves the lessee from any debt obligations to the
Renumber the remaining subsection consecutively and correct any internal references accordingly.
EFFECT: Allows the department of revenue to subject tribally owned property to the PILT mechanism if the lessee defaults on paying the leasehold excise tax for at least one year.