1290-S AMH ALEX VASA 054
SHB 1290 - H AMD 206
By Representative Alexander
WITHDRAWN 03/08/2013
On page 1, beginning on line 4, strike all of section 1 and insert the following:
"NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. A new section is added to chapter 29A.40 RCW to read as follows:
The office of the secretary of state and the Washington state association of county auditors shall:
(1) Inventory the style, location, cost, and utilization of all existing off-site ballot drop boxes.
(2) Create best practice standards for the placement and maintenance of ballot drop boxes.
(3) Create a 2013 pilot project to test ballot drop boxes on the campuses of public or private four-year colleges and community and technical colleges. County auditors may volunteer to install permanent or temporary ballot drop boxes on or at these campuses for use during the 2013 primary and general elections and 2014 special elections. The office of the secretary of state shall fund the fabrication and installation of these pilot campus ballot drop boxes, not to exceed eight boxes, at locations to be determined by county auditors who volunteer to test a campus ballot drop box.
(4) Produce a report for the legislature by July 1, 2014, that includes the inventory and best practices for ballot drop boxes and the results of the college campus pilot project. The report must also include recommendations for how to maximize ballot drop box utilization, as well as recommendations for alternative strategies for twenty-four hour, postage-free ballot deposit."
EFFECT: Removes the requirement that county auditors or other local election officials place at least one ballot drop box at each branch campus of a public institution of higher learning. Authorizes county auditors to volunteer to install drop boxes on campuses during 2013 and 2014. Provides that the Secretary of State shall fund the fabrication and installation of up to eight pilot drop boxes, to be placed on college campuses. Removes the requirement that county auditors or other local election officials establish and maintain advisory committees with student and administration representatives to consider the placement and utilization of ballot drop boxes. Replaces the requirement that each county auditor report on the number, type, and location of the county's ballot drop boxes within 90 days of the effective date of the act with a requirement that the advisory committee produce a report to the legislature with an inventory and best practices by July 1, 2014. |
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