1651-S AMH OVER MERE 356
SHB 1651 - H AMD 116
By Representative Overstreet
ADOPTED 03/06/2013
On page 2, line 18, after "RCW" insert ","
On page 2, line 19, beginning with "or" strike all material through "RCW 9.94A.030" and insert "a serious violent offense as defined in RCW 9.94A.030, or arson in the first degree or criminal solicitation of or criminal conspiracy to commit arson in the first degree"
On page 12, line 4, after "for" insert "arson in the first degree or criminal solicitation of or criminal conspiracy to commit arson in the first degree,"
EFFECT: Provides that the records for a juvenile who has been adjudicated of Arson in the First Degree or criminal solicitation of or criminal conspiracy to commit Arson in the First Degree, in addition to any serious violent offense or sex offense, will not be confidential, unless sealed.
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