1955-S AMH ORCU BALL 054
SHB 1955 - H AMD TO H AMD (H-2651.9/13) 556
By Representative Orcutt
FAILED 06/25/2013
On page 22, beginning on line 37 of the striking amendment, after "(M00200R)." strike all material through "until" on page 23, line 1 and insert "The office of financial management shall place the amounts provided in this subsection in unallotted status. The office may allot the funds only if"
EFFECT: Prohibits the use of new transportation revenues from the Connecting Washington Account for the Columbia River Crossing (CRC) on Interstate 5 unless the United States Coast Guard approves the project permit, reasonable mitigation agreements are reached with affected river users, and C-TRAN and TriMet enter into the necessary agreements for light rail service.
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