SHB 2030 -
By Representative Goodman
On page 70, beginning on line 8 of the amendment, strike all of section 33 and insert the following:
"NEW SECTION. Sec. 33 The Washington association of sheriffs and
police chiefs shall conduct a 24/7 alcohol/drug monitoring pilot
(1) Pilot project sites shall be established in no more than three
counties and two cities. Local jurisdictions outside of the pilot
project sites are encouraged to establish 24/7 alcohol/drug monitoring
as soon as practicable.
(2) The Washington association of sheriffs and police chiefs must,
to the greatest extent possible, select pilot project sites from
diverse geographic areas. The cities selected for participation in the
project must not be from within a county selected for the project.
(3) The Washington association of sheriffs and police chiefs shall
develop criteria for participation in the 24/7 alcohol/drug monitoring
pilot project including, but not limited to:
(a) Geographic diversity;
(b) Sufficient volume of eligible participants to provide useable
data for the pilot project;
(c) County or city commitment to administration of the monitoring;
(d) Capability of the county or city law enforcement agency to
effectively accommodate and administer the monitoring.
(4) The Washington association of sheriffs and police chiefs shall
provide a study of the 24/7 alcohol/drug monitoring pilot project
measuring changes in recidivism and related county or city savings or
(5) The Washington association of sheriffs and police chiefs shall
report preliminary findings and final results of the study to the
governor and appropriate committees of the legislature on an annual
basis. It is the intent of the legislature that 24/7 alcohol/drug
monitoring shall achieve the goal of implementation statewide by
January 1, 2019.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 34 Each county or city, through its sheriff or
chief, may participate in 24/7 alcohol/drug monitoring. If a sheriff
or chief is unwilling or unable to participate in 24/7 alcohol/drug
monitoring, the sheriff or chief may designate an entity willing to
provide the service.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 35 (1) A participant who violates the terms of
participation in the 24/7 alcohol/drug monitoring or does not pay the
required fees or associated costs shall:
(a) Serve a term of two days of imprisonment for a first violation;
(b) Serve a term of two days imprisonment for a second violation;
(c) Serve a term of no less than two days and no more than ten days
imprisonment for a third violation; and
(d) Serve the entire remaining sentence imposed by the court for a
fourth violation.
(2) A sheriff or chief, or the designee of a sheriff or chief, who
has probable cause to believe that a participant has violated the terms
of participation in the 24/7 alcohol/drug monitoring or has not paid
the required fees or associated costs shall immediately take the
participant into custody and cause him or her to be held until an
appearance before a judge on the next judicial day."
Renumber the remaining sections consecutively and correct any internal references accordingly.
On page 70, line 23 of the amendment, after "29" insert "and 33 through 35"
On page 70, after line 24 of the amendment, insert the following:
"NEW SECTION. Sec. 36 Sections 33 through 35 of this act take
effect January 1, 2014."
Correct the title.
EFFECT: (1) Establishes the 24/7 alcohol/drug monitoring as a
pilot project established and administered by the Washington
Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs (WASPC), effective January 1,
2014. Up to three counties and two cities may be selected to
participate in the pilot project. Requires that the cities selected
must not be from within counties selected for the project. Encourages
other local jurisdictions to establish 24/7 alcohol/drug monitoring as
soon as practicable. Requires the WASPC to report findings annually.
(2) Authorizes each county, through its sheriff, to participate in
the 24/7 alcohol/drug monitoring program. If a sheriff is unwilling or
unable to participate in the 24/7 alcohol/drug monitoring program,
authorizes the sheriff to designate an entity willing to provide the
(3) Provides that any participant who violates the terms of
participation must be taken into custody and held for an appearance
before a judge on the next judicial day. Imposes two days of
incarceration for the first two violations and two to ten days of
incarceration for a third violation. Requires the offender to serve
his/her entire remaining sentence for violating the terms of
participation for a fourth time.