2034-S AMH MAXW FRAS 568
SHB 2034 - H AMD 499
By Representative Maxwell
WITHDRAWN 06/06/2013
On page 55, beginning on line 17, after "For the" strike "2013-14 and"
On page 55, line 18, after "2014-15 school" strike "years" and insert "year"
On page 55, line 22, after "in the" strike "2013-14 and"
On page 55, line 23, after "2014-15 school" strike "years" and insert "year"
On page 66, after line 37, insert the following:
"NEW SECTION. Sec. 221. A new section is added to 2013 1st sp.s. c . . . (Substitute House Bill 1057) (uncodified) to read as follows:
The sum of two million four hundred seventy thousand dollars is appropriated for the fiscal biennium ending June 30, 2015, from the education legacy trust account to the superintendent of public instruction for educational service districts. The appropriation in this section is provided solely for regional professional development related to English language arts curriculum and instructional strategies, in support of implementation of the common core state standards. Funding shall be distributed among each of the educational service districts as determined by the superintendent of public instruction. Each educational service district shall use this funding solely for salary and benefits for a certificated instructional staff with expertise in the appropriate subject matter and in professional development delivery, and for travel, materials, and other expenditures related to providing regional professional development support.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 222. A new section is added to 2013 1st sp.s. c . . . (Substitute House Bill 1057) (uncodified) to read as follows:
The sum of two million sixty one thousand dollars is appropriated for the fiscal biennium ending June 30, 2015, from the education legacy trust account to the superintendent of public instruction. The amount in this section is provided solely for chapter 184, Laws of 2013 (Second Substitute House Bill 1642) (academic acceleration). Of the amount appropriated in this section, forty nine thousand is provided as one-time funding."
Renumber remaining sections consecutively and correct any internal references accordingly.
Correct the title.
Appropriates $2.47 million from the Education Legacy Trust Account. Increases funding for the educational service districts (ESD), adding one certificated instructional staff full-time equivalent at each of the nine ESDs for professional development related to English language arts curriculum and instructional strategies related to implementation of the common core state standards.
Appropriates $2.061 million from the Education Legacy Trust Account to fund Second Substitute House Bill 1642 (academic acceleration), which was enacted during the regular session.
Technical correction: In the appropriation provided for enhancement of K-12 general apportionment, corrects an erroneous reference to the 2013-14 school year in the funding for increased instructional hours. |
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