2186-S AMH TAKK MOET 703
SHB 2186 - H AMD 706
By Representative Takko
On page 4, line 3, after "either" strike "fifteen" and insert "twenty-five"
On page 5, beginning on line 36, strike all of section 3
Correct the title.
EFFECT: (1) Modifies the proposed definition of "cost prohibitive" in the underlying bill by specifying that the term means that the cost to a property owner to connect to a sanitary sewer system exceeds the total installed cost of a site-specific, approved on-site sewage system by the greater of either 25 percent (rather than 15 percent) or five thousand dollars.
(2) Deletes provisions in the underlying bill requiring the Department of Commerce to, by November 1, 2015, update its guidance to sewer system service providers with respect to factors that it recommends the providers consider when determining whether to exercise their authority to mandate connections to sewer systems.
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