2335 AMH ROBE LANH 073
HB 2335 - H AMD 879
By Representative Roberts
ADOPTED 03/05/2014
On page 2, line 2, after "employment;" insert "or"
On page 2, beginning on line 3, after "month" strike all material through "condition" on line 5
On page 2, line 18, after "((c))" strike
"(e)" and insert "(d)"
On page 3, beginning on line 11, strike all of section 2
Renumber the remaining sections consecutively and correct any internal references accordingly.
On page 8, line 28, after "employment;" insert "or"
On page 8, beginning on line 29, after "month" strike all material through "condition" on line 31
Correct the title.
EFFECT: Removes the expansion of extended foster care services to youth with a documented medical condition. Removes the definition of documented medical condition for the purposes of extended foster care. |
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