5034-S.E AMH CODY TOUL 067
ESSB 5034 - H AMD TO APP COMM AMD (H-2378.4/13) 404
By Representative Cody
ADOPTED 04/12/2013
On page 46, line 13, after "funding" insert "on services that would be reimbursable for federal medicaid matching funds if provided to medicaid enrollees"
EFFECT: The formula for the Department of Social and Health Services to distribute $15,800,000 in reductions to regional support networks related to expected savings in state general fund dollars associated with the implementation of the medicaid expansion of the affordable care act in fiscal year 2014 and fiscal year 2015 is revised. The formula for these reductions must equally weight each regional support network's proportion of individuals who become newly eligible and enroll in medicaid under the expanded provisions of the affordable care act and each regional support network's spending of flexible non-medicaid funding in the 2011-13 biennium on services that would be reimbursable for federal medicaid matching funds if provided to medicaid enrollees. This is a change from the underlying bill which directs this formula will equally weight each regional support network's proportion of individuals who become newly eligible and enroll in medicaid under the expanded provisions of the affordable care act and each regional support network's spending of flexible non-medicaid funding in the 2011-13 biennium.
FISCAL IMPACT: No net change to appropriated levels.
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