5034-S.E AMH ROBE MULH 050


ESSB 5034 - H AMD TO APP COMM AMD (H-2378.4/13) 374

By Representative Roberts

WITHDRAWN 04/12/2013

    On page 36, line 26, increase the general fund--state appropriation for fiscal year 2014 by $22,000


    On page 36, line 28, increase the general fund--federal appropriation by $8,000


    On page 36, line 35, correct the total.


    On page 40, after line 21, insert the following:


    "(11)  $22,000 of the general fund--state appropriation for fiscal year 2014 and $8,000 of the general fund--federal appropriation is provided solely for the secretary of the department of social and health services to establish, and the children's administration to implement, procedures and requirements  for identifying, tracking, and reporting adoption disruptions and dissolutions, and the factors that lead to adoption disruptions and dissolutions.  The procedures must require that child-placing agencies report regularly to the children's administration on adoptive placements."




    EFFECT:   Directs the Department of Social and Health Services to establish and implement procedures to identify and track adoption disruptions, dissolutions, and the factors behind those outcomes.  As part of the procedures, child-placing agencies must report to the Department on adoptive placements.



           Increases General Fund - State by $22,000.

           Increases General Fund - Federal by $8,000.



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