ESB 5305 -
By Representative Cody
Beginning on page 2, at the beginning of line 34, strike all material through "family" on page 3, line 4 and insert "is the result of domestic violence, the hospital must follow its guidelines regarding identifying patients who are victims of physical assault and assist with the referral of the patient to an appropriate patient advocate such as a case manager, social worker, or domestic violence advocate"
EFFECT: Eliminates the requirement that hospitals inform a
patient advocate when a patient's bullet, gunshot, or stab wound is
believed to have been caused by domestic violence. Eliminates the
requirement that the patient advocate coordinate with law enforcement
to determine if a delay in contact with the patient, a suspect, or a
witness is necessary to protect the patient or the patient's family.
Requires hospitals to follow their guidelines for identifying
patients who may be victims of assault and assist with referring the
patient to a patient advocate.