6002-S.E AMH HALE LUCE 083
ESSB 6002 - H AMD TO H AMD (H-4473.1/14) 824
By Representative Haler
FAILED 03/04/2014
On page 222, line 7, increase the general fund--state appropriation for fiscal year 2015 by $4,000,000
On page 222, line 19, correct the total.
On page 224, line 4, after "(10)" insert the following:
"$4,000,000 of the general fund-state appropriation for fiscal year 2015 is provided solely for implementation of family practice residencies consistent with Substitute House Bill No. 2109 (family practice residencies).
EFFECT: Provides $4,000,000 to the University of Washington solely for implementation of family practice residencies in southeastern Washington in partnership with qualified hospitals.
FISCAL IMPACT: Increases General Fund - State by $4,000,000.
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