6002-S.E AMH SULP TOUL 092
ESSB 6002 - H AMD TO H AMD (H-4473.1/14) 863
By Representative Sullivan
ADOPTED 03/04/2014
On page 30, line 10, reduce the general fund--state appropriation for fiscal year 2015 by $200,000
On page 30, line 26, correct the total appropriation
On page 33, line 22, strike all of subsection 8
Renumber the remaining subsections consecutively and correct any internal references accordingly.
On page 224, line 13, increase the general fund--state appropriation for fiscal year 2015 by $50,000
On page 224, line 16, correct the total appropriation
On page 225, after line 14, insert the following:
"(4) $50,000 of the general fund—state appropriation for fiscal year 2015 is provided solely for the William D. Ruckelshaus Center to convene and facilitate a collaborative process to address issues related to public records requests of local governments. A task force shall be convened by the Ruckelshaus Center representing a balanced cross-section of parties and interests (not to exceed 20 individuals), in order to collaboratively seek solutions for issues identified in the Ruckelshaus Center’s December 2013 report to the legislature on public records requests made to local governments. The Ruckelshaus Center will facilitate one meeting of the task force every two months, and one meeting per month of a framing group comprised of leaders representing the various perspectives, selected by the Ruckelshaus Center. The Ruckelshaus Center shall provide a report containing the task force’s recommendations to appropriate committees of the legislature by December 15, 2014."
Renumber the remaining subsections consecutively and correct any internal references accordingly.
EFFECT: Eliminates funding for the Office of Financial Management to contract with a data collection expert and a mediator to implement a process to develop solutions for maintaining public records access under chapter 42.56 RCW with the least impact to government resources and operations. Adds funding for the William D. Ruckelshaus Center to convene and facilitate a collaborative process to address issues related to public records requests of local governments.
FISCAL IMPACT: Reduces General Fund - State by $150,000.
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