ESSB 6041 -
By Committee on Agriculture & Natural Resources
Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:
"Sec. 1 RCW 77.08.010 and 2012 c 176 s 4 are each reenacted and
amended to read as follows:
The definitions in this section apply throughout this title or
rules adopted under this title unless the context clearly requires
(1) "Anadromous game fish buyer" means a person who purchases or
sells steelhead trout and other anadromous game fish harvested by
Indian fishers lawfully exercising fishing rights reserved by federal
statute, treaty, or executive order, under conditions prescribed by
rule of the director.
(2) "Angling gear" means a line attached to a rod and reel capable
of being held in hand while landing the fish or a hand-held line
operated without rod or reel.
(3) "Aquatic invasive species" means any invasive, prohibited,
regulated, unregulated, or unlisted aquatic animal or plant species as
defined under subsections (4), (34), (49), (53), (((70))) (73), and
(((71))) (74) of this section, aquatic noxious weeds as defined under
RCW 17.26.020(5)(c), and aquatic nuisance species as defined under RCW
(4) "Aquatic plant species" means an emergent, submersed, partially
submersed, free-floating, or floating-leaving plant species that grows
in or near a body of water or wetland.
(5) "Bag limit" means the maximum number of game animals, game
birds, or game fish which may be taken, caught, killed, or possessed by
a person, as specified by rule of the commission for a particular
period of time, or as to size, sex, or species.
(6) "Building" means a private domicile, garage, barn, or public or
commercial building.
(7) "Closed area" means a place where the hunting of some or all
species of wild animals or wild birds is prohibited.
(8) "Closed season" means all times, manners of taking, and places
or waters other than those established by rule of the commission as an
open season. "Closed season" also means all hunting, fishing, taking,
or possession of game animals, game birds, game fish, food fish, or
shellfish that do not conform to the special restrictions or physical
descriptions established by rule of the commission as an open season or
that have not otherwise been deemed legal to hunt, fish, take, harvest,
or possess by rule of the commission as an open season.
(9) "Closed waters" means all or part of a lake, river, stream, or
other body of water, where fishing or harvesting is prohibited.
(10) "Commercial" means related to or connected with buying,
selling, or bartering.
(11) "Commission" means the state fish and wildlife commission.
(12) "Concurrent waters of the Columbia river" means those waters
of the Columbia river that coincide with the Washington-Oregon state
(13) "Contraband" means any property that is unlawful to produce or
(14) "Deleterious exotic wildlife" means species of the animal
kingdom not native to Washington and designated as dangerous to the
environment or wildlife of the state.
(15) "Department" means the department of fish and wildlife.
(16) "Director" means the director of fish and wildlife.
(17) "Endangered species" means wildlife designated by the
commission as seriously threatened with extinction.
(18) "Ex officio fish and wildlife officer" means:
(a) A commissioned officer of a municipal, county, or state agency
having as its primary function the enforcement of criminal laws in
general, while the officer is acting in the respective jurisdiction of
that agency;
(b) An officer or special agent commissioned by one of the
following: The national marine fisheries service; the Washington state
parks and recreation commission; the United States fish and wildlife
service; the Washington state department of natural resources; the
United States forest service; or the United States parks service, if
the agent or officer is in the respective jurisdiction of the primary
commissioning agency and is acting under a mutual law enforcement
assistance agreement between the department and the primary
commissioning agency;
(c) A commissioned fish and wildlife peace officer from another
state who meets the training standards set by the Washington state
criminal justice training commission pursuant to RCW 10.93.090,
43.101.080, and 43.101.200, and who is acting under a mutual law
enforcement assistance agreement between the department and the primary
commissioning agency; or
(d) A Washington state tribal police officer who successfully
completes the requirements set forth under RCW 43.101.157, is employed
by a tribal nation that has complied with RCW 10.92.020(2) (a) and (b),
and is acting under a mutual law enforcement assistance agreement
between the department and the tribal government.
(19) "Fish" includes all species classified as game fish or food
fish by statute or rule, as well as all fin fish not currently
classified as food fish or game fish if such species exist in state
waters. The term "fish" includes all stages of development and the
bodily parts of fish species.
(20) "Fish and wildlife officer" means a person appointed and
commissioned by the director, with authority to enforce this title and
rules adopted pursuant to this title, and other statutes as prescribed
by the legislature. Fish and wildlife officer includes a person
commissioned before June 11, 1998, as a wildlife agent or a fisheries
patrol officer.
(21) "Fish broker" means a person whose business it is to bring a
seller of fish and shellfish and a purchaser of those fish and
shellfish together.
(22) "Fish buyer" means ((a person engaged by a wholesale fish
dealer to purchase food fish or shellfish from a licensed commercial
(a) A wholesale fish dealer or a retail seller who directly
receives fish or shellfish from a commercial fisher or receives fish or
shellfish in interstate or foreign commerce; or
(b) A person engaged by a wholesale fish dealer who receives fish
or shellfish from a commercial fisher.
(23) "Fishery" means the taking of one or more particular species
of fish or shellfish with particular gear in a particular geographical
(24) "Food, food waste, or other substance" includes human and pet
food or other waste or garbage that could attract large wild
(25) "Freshwater" means all waters not defined as saltwater
including, but not limited to, rivers upstream of the river mouth,
lakes, ponds, and reservoirs.
(26) "Fur-bearing animals" means game animals that shall not be
trapped except as authorized by the commission.
(27) "Fur dealer" means a person who purchases, receives, or
resells raw furs for commercial purposes.
(28) "Game animals" means wild animals that shall not be hunted
except as authorized by the commission.
(29) "Game birds" means wild birds that shall not be hunted except
as authorized by the commission.
(30) "Game farm" means property on which wildlife is held,
confined, propagated, hatched, fed, or otherwise raised for commercial
purposes, trade, or gift. The term "game farm" does not include
publicly owned facilities.
(31) "Game reserve" means a closed area where hunting for all wild
animals and wild birds is prohibited.
(32) "Illegal items" means those items unlawful to be possessed.
(33)(a) "Intentionally feed, attempt to feed, or attract" means to
purposefully or knowingly provide, leave, or place in, on, or about any
land or building any food, food waste, or other substance that attracts
or could attract large wild carnivores to that land or building.
(b) "Intentionally feed, attempt to feed, or attract" does not
include keeping food, food waste, or other substance in an enclosed
garbage receptacle or other enclosed container unless specifically
directed by a fish and wildlife officer or animal control authority to
secure the receptacle or container in another manner.
(34) "Invasive species" means a plant species or a nonnative animal
species that either:
(a) Causes or may cause displacement of, or otherwise threatens,
native species in their natural communities;
(b) Threatens or may threaten natural resources or their use in the
(c) Causes or may cause economic damage to commercial or
recreational activities that are dependent upon state waters; or
(d) Threatens or harms human health.
(35) "Large wild carnivore" includes wild bear, cougar, and wolf.
(36) "License year" means the period of time for which a
recreational license is valid. The license year begins April 1st, and
ends March 31st.
(37) "Limited-entry license" means a license subject to a license
limitation program established in chapter 77.70 RCW.
(38) "Money" means all currency, script, personal checks, money
orders, or other negotiable instruments.
(39) "Natural person" means a human being.
(40)(a) "Negligently feed, attempt to feed, or attract" means to
provide, leave, or place in, on, or about any land or building any
food, food waste, or other substance that attracts or could attract
large wild carnivores to that land or building, without the awareness
that a reasonable person in the same situation would have with regard
to the likelihood that the food, food waste, or other substance could
attract large wild carnivores to the land or building.
(b) "Negligently feed, attempt to feed, or attract" does not
include keeping food, food waste, or other substance in an enclosed
garbage receptacle or other enclosed container unless specifically
directed by a fish and wildlife officer or animal control authority to
secure the receptacle or container in another manner.
(41) "Nonresident" means a person who has not fulfilled the
qualifications of a resident.
(42) "Offshore waters" means marine waters of the Pacific Ocean
outside the territorial boundaries of the state, including the marine
waters of other states and countries.
(43) "Open season" means those times, manners of taking, and places
or waters established by rule of the commission for the lawful hunting,
fishing, taking, or possession of game animals, game birds, game fish,
food fish, or shellfish that conform to the special restrictions or
physical descriptions established by rule of the commission or that
have otherwise been deemed legal to hunt, fish, take, ((harvest,)) or
possess by rule of the commission. "Open season" includes the first
and last days of the established time.
(44) "Owner" means the person in whom is vested the ownership
dominion, or title of the property.
(45) "Person" means and includes an individual; a corporation; a
public or private entity or organization; a local, state, or federal
agency; all business organizations, including corporations and
partnerships; or a group of two or more individuals acting with a
common purpose whether acting in an individual, representative, or
official capacity.
(46) "Personal property" or "property" includes both corporeal and
incorporeal personal property and includes, among other property,
contraband and money.
(47) "Personal use" means for the private use of the individual
taking the fish or shellfish and not for sale or barter.
(48) "Predatory birds" means wild birds that may be hunted
throughout the year as authorized by the commission.
(49) "Prohibited aquatic animal species" means an invasive species
of the animal kingdom that has been classified as a prohibited aquatic
animal species by the commission.
(50) "Protected wildlife" means wildlife designated by the
commission that shall not be hunted or fished.
(51) "Raffle" means an activity in which tickets bearing an
individual number are sold for not more than twenty-five dollars each
and in which a permit or permits are awarded to hunt or for access to
hunt big game animals or wild turkeys on the basis of a drawing from
the tickets by the person or persons conducting the raffle.
(52) "Recreational and commercial watercraft" includes the boat, as
well as equipment used to transport the boat, and any auxiliary
equipment such as attached or detached outboard motors.
(53) "Regulated aquatic animal species" means a potentially
invasive species of the animal kingdom that has been classified as a
regulated aquatic animal species by the commission.
(54) "Resident" has the same meaning as defined in RCW 77.08.075.
(55) "Retail-eligible species" means commercially harvested salmon,
crab, and sturgeon.
(56) "Saltwater" means those marine waters seaward of river mouths.
(57) "Seaweed" means marine aquatic plant species that are
dependent upon the marine aquatic or tidal environment, and exist in
either an attached or free floating form, and includes but is not
limited to marine aquatic plants in the classes Chlorophyta,
Phaeophyta, and Rhodophyta.
(58) "Senior" means a person seventy years old or older.
(59) "Shark fin" means a raw, dried, or otherwise processed
detached fin or tail of a shark.
(60)(a) "Shark fin derivative product" means any product intended
for use by humans or animals that is derived in whole or in part from
shark fins or shark fin cartilage.
(b) "Shark fin derivative product" does not include a drug approved
by the United States food and drug administration and available by
prescription only or medical device or vaccine approved by the United
States food and drug administration.
(61) "Shellfish" means those species of marine and freshwater
invertebrates that have been classified and that shall not be taken or
possessed except as authorized by rule of the commission. The term
"shellfish" includes all stages of development and the bodily parts of
shellfish species.
(62) "State waters" means all marine waters and fresh waters within
ordinary high water lines and within the territorial boundaries of the
(63) "Taxidermist" means a person who, for commercial purposes,
creates lifelike representations of fish and wildlife using fish and
wildlife parts and various supporting structures.
(64) "To fish((,))" (("to harvest," and "to take,")) and ((their))
its derivatives means an effort to kill, injure, harass, harvest, or
((catch)) capture a fish or shellfish.
(65) "To hunt" and its derivatives means an effort to kill, injure,
harass, harvest, or capture((, or harass)) a wild animal or wild bird.
(66) "To process" and its derivatives mean preparing or preserving
fish, wildlife, or shellfish.
(67) "To take" and its derivatives means to kill, injure, harvest,
or capture a fish, shellfish, wild animal, bird, or seaweed.
(68) "To trap" and its derivatives means a method of hunting using
devices to capture wild animals or wild birds.
(((68))) (69) "To waste" or "to be wasted" means to allow any
edible portion of any game bird, food fish, game fish, shellfish, or
big game animal other than cougar to be rendered unfit for human
consumption, or to fail to retrieve edible portions of such a game
bird, food fish, game fish, shellfish, or big game animal other than
cougar from the field. For purposes of this chapter, edible portions
of game birds must include, at a minimum, the breast meat of those
birds. Entrails, including the heart and liver, of any wildlife
species are not considered edible.
(70) "Trafficking" means offering, attempting to engage, or
engaging in sale, barter, or purchase of fish, shellfish, wildlife, or
deleterious exotic wildlife.
(((69))) (71) "Unclaimed" means that no owner of the property has
been identified or has requested, in writing, the release of the
property to themselves nor has the owner of the property designated an
individual to receive the property or paid the required postage to
effect delivery of the property.
(((70))) (72) "Unclassified wildlife" means wildlife existing in
Washington in a wild state that have not been classified as big game,
game animals, game birds, predatory birds, protected wildlife,
endangered wildlife, or deleterious exotic wildlife.
(73) "Unlisted aquatic animal species" means a nonnative animal
species that has not been classified as a prohibited aquatic animal
species, a regulated aquatic animal species, or an unregulated aquatic
animal species by the commission.
(((71))) (74) "Unregulated aquatic animal species" means a
nonnative animal species that has been classified as an unregulated
aquatic animal species by the commission.
(((72))) (75) "Wholesale fish dealer" means a person who, acting
for commercial purposes, takes possession or ownership of fish or
shellfish and sells, barters, or exchanges or attempts to sell, barter,
or exchange fish or shellfish that have been landed into the state of
Washington or entered the state of Washington in interstate or foreign
(((73))) (76) "Wild animals" means those species of the class
Mammalia whose members exist in Washington in a wild state. The term
"wild animal" does not include feral domestic mammals or old world rats
and mice of the family Muridae of the order Rodentia.
(((74))) (77) "Wild birds" means those species of the class Aves
whose members exist in Washington in a wild state.
(((75))) (78) "Wildlife" means all species of the animal kingdom
whose members exist in Washington in a wild state. This includes but
is not limited to mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, and
invertebrates. The term "wildlife" does not include feral domestic
mammals, old world rats and mice of the family Muridae of the order
Rodentia, or those fish, shellfish, and marine invertebrates classified
as food fish or shellfish by the director. The term "wildlife"
includes all stages of development and the bodily parts of wildlife
(((76))) (79) "Wildlife meat cutter" means a person who packs,
cuts, processes, or stores wildlife for consumption for another for
commercial purposes.
(((77))) (80) "Youth" means a person fifteen years old for fishing
and under sixteen years old for hunting.
Sec. 2 RCW 77.08.075 and 2012 c 176 s 5 are each amended to read
as follows:
For the purposes of this title or rules adopted under this title,
"resident" means:
(1) A natural person who has maintained a permanent place of abode
within the state for at least ninety days immediately preceding an
application for a license, has established by formal evidence an intent
to continue residing within the state, is not licensed to hunt or fish
as a resident in another state or country, and is not receiving
resident benefits of another state or country.
(a) For purposes of this section, "permanent place of abode" means
a residence in this state that a person maintains for personal use.
(b) A natural person can demonstrate that the person has maintained
a permanent place of abode in Washington by showing that the person:
(i) Uses a Washington state address for federal income tax or state
tax purposes;
(ii) Designates this state as the person's residence for obtaining
eligibility to hold a public office or for judicial actions;
(iii) Is a registered voter in the state of Washington; or
(iv) Is a custodial parent with a child attending prekindergarten,
kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, or high school in this
(c) A natural person can demonstrate the intent to continue
residing within the state by showing that he or she:
(i) Has a valid Washington state driver's license; or
(ii) Has a valid Washington state identification card, if the
person is not eligible for a Washington state driver's license; and
(iii) Has registered the person's vehicle or vehicles in Washington
(2) The spouse of a member of the United States armed forces if the
member qualifies as a resident under subsection (1), (3), or (4) of
this section, or a natural person age eighteen or younger who does not
qualify as a resident under subsection (1) of this section, but who has
a parent or legal guardian who qualifies as a resident under subsection
(1), (3), or (4) of this section;
(3) A member of the United States armed forces temporarily
stationed in Washington state on predeployment orders. A copy of the
person's military orders is required to meet this condition;
(4) ((A)) An active duty, nonretired member of the United States
armed forces who is permanently stationed in Washington ((state)) or
who designates Washington ((state)) on ((their)) his or her military
"state of legal residence certificate" or enlistment or re-enlistment
documents. A copy of the person's "state of legal residence
certificate" or enlistment or re-enlistment documents is required to
meet the conditions of this subsection.
Sec. 3 RCW 77.15.080 and 2012 c 176 s 9 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) Based upon articulable facts that a person is engaged in
fishing, harvesting, or hunting activities, fish and wildlife officers
and ex officio fish and wildlife officers have the authority to
temporarily stop the person and check for valid licenses, tags,
permits, stamps, or catch record cards, and to inspect all fish,
shellfish, seaweed, and wildlife in possession as well as the equipment
being used to ensure compliance with the requirements of this title.
Fish and wildlife officers and ex officio fish and wildlife officers
also may request that the person write his or her signature for
comparison with the signature on his or her fishing, harvesting, or
hunting license. Failure to comply with the request is prima facie
evidence that the person is not the person named on the license. Fish
and wildlife officers and ex officio fish and wildlife officers may
require the person, if age sixteen or older, to exhibit a driver's
license or other photo identification.
(2) Based upon articulable facts that a person is transporting a
prohibited aquatic animal species or any aquatic plant, fish and
wildlife officers and ex officio fish and wildlife officers have the
authority to temporarily stop the person and inspect the watercraft to
ensure that the watercraft and associated equipment are not
transporting prohibited aquatic animal species or aquatic plants.
Sec. 4 RCW 77.15.100 and 2012 c 176 s 10 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) Fish, shellfish, and wildlife are property of the state under
RCW 77.04.012. Fish and wildlife officers may sell seized,
commercially ((harvested)) taken or possessed fish and shellfish to a
wholesale buyer and deposit the proceeds into the fish and wildlife
enforcement reward account under RCW 77.15.425. Seized, recreationally
((harvested)) taken or possessed fish, shellfish, and wildlife may be
donated to nonprofit charitable organizations. The charitable
organization must qualify for tax-exempt status under 26 U.S.C. Sec.
501(c)(3) of the federal internal revenue code.
(2) Unless otherwise provided in this title, fish, shellfish, or
wildlife taken((,)) or possessed((, or harvested)) in violation of this
title or department rule shall be forfeited to the state upon
conviction or any outcome in criminal court whereby a person
voluntarily enters into a disposition that continues or defers the case
for dismissal upon the successful completion of specific terms or
conditions. For criminal cases resulting in other types of
dispositions, the fish, shellfish, or wildlife may be returned, or its
equivalent value paid, if the fish, shellfish, or wildlife have already
been donated or sold.
Sec. 5 RCW 77.15.120 and 2000 c 107 s 236 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) A person is guilty of unlawful taking of endangered fish or
wildlife in the second degree if:
(a) The person hunts for, fishes for, possesses, maliciously
harasses, or kills fish or wildlife, or ((maliciously)) possesses or
intentionally destroys the nests or eggs of fish or wildlife ((and));
(b) The fish or wildlife is designated by the commission as
endangered((,)); and
(c) The taking of the fish or wildlife or the destruction of the
nests or eggs has not been authorized by rule of the commission, a
permit issued by the department, or a permit issued pursuant to the
federal endangered species act.
(2) A person is guilty of unlawful taking of endangered fish or
wildlife in the first degree if the person has been:
(a) Convicted under subsection (1) of this section or convicted of
any crime under this title involving the ((killing, possessing,
harassing, or harming)) taking, possessing, or malicious harassment of
endangered fish or wildlife; and
(b) Within five years of the date of the prior conviction the
person commits the act described by subsection (1) of this section.
(3)(a) Unlawful taking of endangered fish or wildlife in the second
degree is a gross misdemeanor.
(b) Unlawful taking of endangered fish or wildlife in the first
degree is a class C felony. The department shall revoke any licenses
or tags used in connection with the crime and order the person's
privileges to hunt, fish, trap, or obtain licenses under this title to
be suspended for two years.
Sec. 6 RCW 77.15.130 and 2012 c 176 s 14 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) A person is guilty of unlawful taking of protected fish or
wildlife if:
(a) The person hunts for, fishes for, maliciously takes, harasses,
or possesses((, or maliciously kills protected)) fish or wildlife, or
the person possesses or maliciously destroys the eggs or nests of
((protected)) fish or wildlife designated by the commission as
protected, other than species designated as threatened or sensitive,
and the taking has not been authorized by rule of the commission or by
a permit issued by the department; ((or))
(b) The person violates any rule of the commission regarding the
taking, ((harming, harassment)) harassing, possession, or transport of
protected fish or wildlife; or
(c)(i) The person hunts for, fishes for, intentionally takes,
harasses, or possesses fish or wildlife, or the person possesses or
intentionally destroys the nests or eggs of fish or wildlife designated
by the commission as threatened or sensitive; and
(ii) The taking of the fish or wildlife, or the destruction of the
nests or eggs, has not been authorized by rule of the commission, a
permit issued by the department, or a permit issued pursuant to the
federal endangered species act.
(2) Unlawful taking of protected fish or wildlife is a misdemeanor.
(3) In addition to the penalties set forth in subsection (2) of
this section, if a person is convicted of violating this section and
the violation results in the death of protected wildlife listed in this
subsection, the court shall require payment of the following amounts
for each animal ((killed)) taken or possessed. This is a criminal
wildlife penalty assessment that must be paid to the clerk of the court
and distributed each month to the state treasurer for deposit in the
fish and wildlife enforcement reward account created in RCW 77.15.425:
(a) Ferruginous hawk, two thousand dollars;
(b) Common loon, two thousand dollars;
(c) Bald eagle, two thousand dollars;
(d) Golden eagle, two thousand dollars; and
(e) Peregrine falcon, two thousand dollars.
(4) If two or more persons are convicted under subsection (1) of
this section, and subsection (3) of this section is applicable, the
criminal wildlife penalty assessment must be imposed against the
persons jointly and ((separately)) severally.
(5)(a) The criminal wildlife penalty assessment under subsection
(3) of this section must be imposed regardless of and in addition to
any sentence, fines, or costs otherwise provided for violating any
provision of this section. The criminal wildlife penalty assessment
must be included by the court in any pronouncement of sentence and may
not be suspended, waived, modified, or deferred in any respect.
(b) This subsection may not be construed to abridge or alter
alternative rights of action or remedies in equity or under common law
or statutory law, criminal or civil.
(6) A defaulted criminal wildlife penalty assessment authorized
under subsection (3) of this section may be collected by any means
authorized by law for the enforcement of orders of the court or
collection of a fine or costs, including but not limited to vacation of
a deferral of sentencing or vacation of a suspension of sentence.
(7) The department shall revoke the hunting license and suspend the
hunting privileges of a person assessed a criminal wildlife penalty
assessment under this section until the penalty assessment is paid
through the registry of the court in which the penalty assessment was
(8) The criminal wildlife penalty assessments provided in
subsection (3) of this section must be doubled in the following
(a) When a person commits a violation that requires payment of a
criminal wildlife penalty assessment within five years of a prior gross
misdemeanor or felony conviction under this title; or
(b) When the trier of fact determines that the person ((killed))
took or possessed the protected wildlife in question with the intent of
bartering, selling, or otherwise deriving economic profit from the
wildlife or wildlife parts.
Sec. 7 RCW 77.15.160 and 2013 c 307 s 2 are each amended to read
as follows:
The following acts are infractions and must be cited and punished
as provided under chapter 7.84 RCW:
(1) Fishing and shellfishing infractions:
(a) Barbed hooks: Fishing for personal use with barbed hooks in
violation of any department rule.
(b) Catch recording: Failing to immediately record a catch of fish
or shellfish on a catch record card as required by RCW 77.32.430 or
department rule.
(c) Catch reporting: Failing to return a catch record card to the
department for other than Puget Sound Dungeness crab, as required by
department rule.
(d) Recreational fishing: Fishing for fish or shellfish ((and)),
without yet possessing fish or shellfish, the person:
(i) Owns, but fails to have in the person's possession, the license
or the catch record card required by chapter 77.32 RCW for such an
activity; or
(ii) Violates any department rule regarding seasons, closed areas,
closed times, or any other rule addressing the manner or method of
fishing for fish or shellfish. This subsection does not apply to use
of a net to take fish under RCW 77.15.580 or the unlawful use of
shellfish gear for personal use under RCW 77.15.382.
(e) Seaweed: Taking((,)) or possessing((, or harvesting)) less
than two times the daily possession limit of seaweed:
(i) While owning, but not having in the person's possession, the
license required by chapter 77.32 RCW; or
(ii) In violation of any rule of the department or the department
of natural resources regarding seasons, closed areas, closed times, or
any other rule addressing the manner or method of taking((,)) or
possessing((, or harvesting of)) seaweed.
(f) Unclassified fish or shellfish: Fishing for or taking
unclassified fish or shellfish in violation of ((any department rule by
killing, fishing, taking, holding, possessing, or maliciously injuring
or harming fish or shellfish that is not classified as game fish, food
fish, shellfish, protected fish, or endangered fish)) this title or
department rule.
(g) Wasting fish or shellfish: ((Killing,)) Taking((,)) or
possessing food fish, game fish, or shellfish having a value of less
than two hundred fifty dollars and recklessly allowing the fish or
shellfish to be wasted.
(2) Hunting infractions:
(a) Eggs or nests: Maliciously, and without permit authorization,
destroying, taking, or harming the eggs or active nests of a wild bird
or wild animal not classified as endangered or protected. For purposes
of this subsection, "active nests" means nests that are attended by an
adult or contain eggs or ((fledglings)) young.
(b) Unclassified wildlife: Hunting for, harassing, or taking
unclassified wildlife in violation of ((any department rule by killing,
hunting, taking, holding, possessing, or maliciously injuring or
harming wildlife that is not classified as big game, game animals, game
birds, protected wildlife, or endangered wildlife)) this title or
department rule.
(c) Wasting wildlife: ((Killing,)) Taking((,)) or possessing
wildlife ((that is not)) classified as ((big)) game birds and ((has))
having a value of less than two hundred fifty dollars, and recklessly
allowing the ((wildlife)) game birds to be wasted.
(d) Wild animals: Hunting for wild animals not classified as big
game or threatened or endangered and, without yet possessing the wild
animals, the person owns, but fails to have in the person's possession,
all licenses, tags, or permits required by this title.
(e) Wild birds: Hunting for and, without yet possessing a wild
bird or birds, the person:
(i) Owns, but fails to have in the person's possession, all
licenses, tags, stamps, and permits required under this title; or
(ii) Violates any department rule regarding seasons, closed areas,
closed times, or any other rule addressing the manner or method of
hunting wild birds.
(3) Trapping, taxidermy, fur dealing, ((and)) wildlife meat
cutting, and wildlife rehabilitator infractions:
(a) Recordkeeping and reporting: If a person is a taxidermist, fur
dealer, or wildlife meat cutter who is processing, holding, or storing
wildlife for commercial purposes, failing to:
(i) Maintain records as required by department rule; or
(ii) Report information from these records as required by
department rule.
(b) Trapper's report: Failing to report trapping activity as
required by department rule.
(c) Wildlife rehabilitator's recordkeeping and reporting: If a
person is a primary permittee or a subpermittee on a wildlife
rehabilitation permit issued by the department, failing to:
(i) Maintain records as required by department rule; or
(ii) Report information from these records as required by
department rule.
(4) Aquatic invasive species infraction: Entering Washington by
road and transporting a recreational or commercial watercraft that has
been used outside of Washington without meeting documentation
requirements as provided under RCW 77.12.879.
(5) Other infractions:
(a) Contests: Unlawfully conducting, holding, or sponsoring a
hunting contest, a fishing contest involving game fish, or a
competitive field trial using live wildlife.
(b) Other rules: Violating any other department rule that is
designated by rule as an infraction.
(c) Posting signs: Posting signs preventing hunting or fishing on
any land not owned or leased by the person doing the posting, or
without the permission of the person who owns, leases, or controls the
land posted.
(d) Scientific permits: Using a scientific permit issued by the
director for fish, shellfish, or wildlife, but not including big game
or big game parts, and the person:
(i) Violates any terms or conditions of the scientific permit; or
(ii) Violates any department rule applicable to the issuance or use
of scientific permits.
(e) Transporting aquatic plants: Unlawfully transporting aquatic
plants on any state or public road, including forest roads. However:
(i) This subsection does not apply to plants that are:
(A) Being transported to the department or to another destination
designated by the director, in a manner designated by the department,
for purposes of identifying a species or reporting the presence of a
(B) Legally obtained for aquarium use, wetland or lakeshore
restoration, or ornamental purposes;
(C) Located within or on a commercial aquatic plant harvester that
is being transported to a suitable location to remove aquatic plants;
(D) Being transported in a manner that prevents their unintentional
dispersal, to a suitable location for disposal, research, or
educational purposes; or
(E) Being transported in such a way as the commission may otherwise
prescribe; and
(ii) This subsection does not apply to a person who:
(A) Is stopped at an aquatic invasive species check station and
possesses a recreational or commercial watercraft that is contaminated
with an aquatic invasive plant species if that person complies with all
department directives for the proper decontamination of the watercraft
and equipment; or
(B) Has voluntarily submitted a recreational or commercial
watercraft for inspection by the department or its designee and has
received a receipt verifying that the watercraft has not been
contaminated since its last use.
Sec. 8 RCW 77.15.170 and 2012 c 176 s 16 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) A person is guilty of waste of fish and wildlife if the person:
(a) ((The person kills,)) Takes((,)) or possesses wildlife
classified as food fish, game fish, shellfish, or ((wildlife)) game
birds having a value of two hundred fifty dollars or more, or wildlife
classified as big game; and
(b) ((The person)) Recklessly allows such fish, shellfish, or
wildlife to be wasted.
(2) Waste of fish and wildlife is a gross misdemeanor. Upon
conviction, the department shall revoke any license or tag used in the
crime and shall order suspension of the person's privileges to engage
in the activity in which the person committed waste of fish and
wildlife for a period of one year.
(3) It is prima facie evidence of waste if:
(a) A processor purchases or engages a quantity of food fish,
shellfish, or game fish that cannot be processed within sixty hours
after the food fish, game fish, or shellfish are taken from the water,
unless the food fish, game fish, or shellfish are preserved in good
marketable condition; or
(b) A person brings a big game animal to a wildlife meat cutter and
then abandons the animal. For purposes of this subsection (3)(b), a
big game animal is deemed to be abandoned when its carcass is placed in
the custody of a wildlife meat cutter for butchering and processing
(i) Having been placed in such custody for an unspecified period of
time, the meat is not removed within thirty days after the wildlife
meat cutter gives notice to the person who brought in the carcass or,
having been so notified, the person who brought in the carcass refuses
or fails to pay the agreed upon or reasonable charges for the
butchering or processing of the carcass; or
(ii) Having been placed in such custody for a specified period of
time, the meat is not removed at the end of the specified period or the
person who brought in the carcass refuses to pay the agreed upon or
reasonable charges for the butchering or processing of the carcass.
Sec. 9 RCW 77.15.180 and 2001 c 253 s 29 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) A person is guilty of unlawful interference with fishing or
hunting gear in the second degree if the person:
(a) ((Takes)) Removes or releases a wild animal from another
person's trap without permission;
(b) Springs, pulls up, damages, possesses, or destroys another
person's trap without the owner's permission; or
(c) Interferes with recreational gear used to take fish or
(2) Unlawful interference with fishing or hunting gear in the
second degree is a misdemeanor.
(3) A person is guilty of unlawful interference with fishing or
hunting gear in the first degree if the person:
(a) ((Takes)) Removes or releases fish or shellfish from commercial
fishing gear without the owner's permission; or
(b) Intentionally destroys or interferes with commercial fishing
(4) Unlawful interference with fishing or hunting gear in the first
degree is a gross misdemeanor.
(5) A person is not in violation of unlawful interference with
fishing or hunting gear if the person removes a trap placed on property
owned, leased, or rented by the person.
Sec. 10 RCW 77.15.190 and 2012 c 176 s 17 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) A person is guilty of unlawful trapping if the person:
(a) Sets out traps that are capable of taking wild animals, wild
birds, game animals, or furbearing mammals and does not possess ((all))
the licenses, tags, or permits required under this title;
(b) Violates any department rule regarding seasons, bag, or
possession limits, closed areas including game reserves, closed times,
or any other rule governing the trapping of wild animals or wild birds,
with the exception of reporting rules; or
(c) Fails to identify the owner of the traps or devices by neither
(i) attaching a metal tag with the owner's department-assigned
identification number or the name and address of the trapper legibly
written in numbers or letters not less than one-eighth inch in height
nor (ii) inscribing into the metal of the trap such number or name and
(2) Unlawful trapping is a misdemeanor.
Sec. 11 RCW 77.15.240 and 2012 c 176 s 18 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1)(a) A person is guilty of unlawful use of dogs if the person:
(((a))) (i) Negligently fails to prevent a dog under the person's
control from pursuing, harassing, attacking, or killing deer, elk,
moose, caribou, mountain sheep, or animals classified as endangered
under this title; or
(((b))) (ii) Uses the dog to hunt deer or elk.
(((2))) (b) For the purposes of this subsection, a dog is "under a
person's control" if the dog is owned or possessed by, or in the
custody of, a person.
(((3))) (2) Unlawful use of dogs is a misdemeanor.
(((4))) (3)(a) Based on a reasonable belief that a dog is pursuing,
harassing, attacking, or killing a ((snow bound)) deer, elk, moose,
caribou, mountain sheep, or animals classified as protected or
endangered under this title, fish and wildlife officers and ex officio
fish and wildlife officers may:
(i) Lawfully take a dog into custody; or
(ii) If necessary to avoid repeated harassment, injury, or death of
wildlife under this section, destroy the dog.
(b) Fish and wildlife officers and ex officio fish and wildlife
officers who destroy a dog pursuant to this section are immune from
civil or criminal liability arising from their actions.
(4)(a) This section does not apply to a person using a dog to
conduct a department-approved and controlled hazing activity, as long
as the person prevents or minimizes physical contact between the dog
and the wildlife, and the hazing is being done only for the purposes of
wildlife control and the prevention of damage to commercial crops.
(b) For the purposes of this subsection, "hazing" means the act of
chasing or herding wildlife in an effort to move them from one location
to another.
Sec. 12 RCW 77.15.250 and 2001 c 253 s 32 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1)(a) A person is guilty of unlawfully releasing, planting,
possessing, or placing fish, shellfish, or wildlife if the person
knowingly releases, plants, possesses, or places live fish, shellfish,
wildlife, or aquatic plants within the state in violation of this title
or rule of the department, and the fish, shellfish, or wildlife have
not been classified as deleterious wildlife. This subsection does not
apply to a release of game fish into private waters for which a game
fish stocking permit has been obtained, or the planting of fish or
shellfish by permit of the commission.
(b) A violation of this subsection is a gross misdemeanor. In
addition, the department shall order the person to pay all costs the
department incurred in capturing, killing, or controlling the fish,
shellfish, aquatic plants, ((or wildlife released or its progeny))
wildlife, or progeny unlawfully released, planted, possessed, or
placed. This does not affect the existing authority of the department
to bring a separate civil action to recover costs of capturing,
killing, or controlling the fish, shellfish, aquatic plants, ((or))
wildlife ((released or their progeny, or restoration of habitat
necessitated by the unlawful release)), or progeny unlawfully released,
planted, possessed, or placed, or the costs of habitat restoration
necessitated by the unlawful release, planting, possession, or placing.
(2)(a) A person is guilty of ((unlawful release of)) unlawfully
releasing, planting, possessing, or placing deleterious exotic wildlife
if the person knowingly releases, plants, possesses, or places live
fish, shellfish, or wildlife within the state in violation of this
title or rule of the department, and ((such)) the fish, shellfish, or
wildlife ((has)) have been classified as deleterious exotic wildlife by
rule of the commission.
(b) A violation of this subsection is a class C felony. In
addition, the department shall ((also)) order the person to pay all
costs the department incurred in capturing, killing, or controlling the
fish, shellfish, ((or)) wildlife ((released or its progeny)), or
progeny unlawfully released, planted, possessed, or placed. This does
not affect the existing authority of the department to bring a separate
civil action to recover costs of capturing, killing, or controlling the
fish, shellfish, ((or wildlife released or their progeny, or
restoration of habitat necessitated by the unlawful release)) wildlife,
or progeny unlawfully released, planted, possessed, or placed, or the
costs of habitat restoration necessitated by the unlawful release,
planting, possession, or placing.
Sec. 13 RCW 77.15.370 and 2012 c 176 s 22 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) A person is guilty of unlawful recreational fishing in the
first degree if:
(a) The person takes((,)) or possesses((, or retains)) two times or
more than the bag limit or possession limit of fish or shellfish
allowed by any rule of the director or commission setting the amount of
food fish, game fish, or shellfish that can be taken((,)) or
possessed((, or retained)) for noncommercial use;
(b) The person fishes in a fishway;
(c) The person shoots, gaffs, snags, snares, spears, dipnets, or
stones fish or shellfish in state waters, or possesses fish or
shellfish taken by such means, unless such means are authorized by
express department rule;
(d) The person fishes for or possesses a fish listed as threatened
or endangered in 50 C.F.R. Sec. 223.102 (2006) or Sec. 224.101 (2010),
unless fishing for or ((possession of)) possessing such fish is
specifically allowed under federal or state law;
(e) The person possesses a white sturgeon measuring in excess of
the maximum size limit as established by rules adopted by the
department; ((or))
(f) ((The person possesses a salmon or steelhead during a season
closed for that species)) The person possesses a green sturgeon of any
size; or
(g)(i) The person possesses a wild salmon or wild steelhead during
a season closed for wild salmon or wild steelhead.
(ii) For the purposes of this subsection:
(A) "Wild salmon" means a salmon with an unclipped adipose fin,
regardless of whether the salmon's ventral fin is clipped.
(B) "Wild steelhead" means a steelhead with no fins clipped.
(2) Unlawful recreational fishing in the first degree is a gross
(3) In addition to the penalties set forth in subsection (2) of
this section, if a person is convicted of violating this section and
the violation results in the death of fish listed in this subsection,
the court shall require payment of the following amounts for each fish
taken or possessed. This is a criminal wildlife penalty assessment
that must be paid to the clerk of the court and distributed each month
to the state treasurer for deposit in the fish and wildlife enforcement
reward account created in RCW 77.15.425:
(a) White sturgeon longer than fifty-five inches in fork length,
two thousand dollars;
(b) Green sturgeon, two thousand dollars; and
(c) Wild salmon or wild steelhead, five hundred dollars.
(4) If two or more persons are convicted under subsection (1) of
this section, and subsection (3) of this section is applicable, the
criminal wildlife penalty assessment must be imposed against the
persons jointly and severally.
(5)(a) The criminal wildlife penalty assessment under subsection
(3) of this section must be imposed regardless of and in addition to
any sentence, fines, or costs otherwise provided for violating any
provision of this section. The criminal wildlife penalty assessment
must be included by the court in any pronouncement of sentence and may
not be suspended, waived, modified, or deferred in any respect.
(b) This subsection may not be construed to abridge or alter
alternative rights of action or remedies in equity or under common law
or statutory law, criminal or civil.
(6) A defaulted criminal wildlife penalty assessment authorized
under subsection (3) of this section may be collected by any means
authorized by law for the enforcement of orders of the court or
collection of a fine or costs, including but not limited to vacation of
a deferral of sentencing or vacation of a suspension of sentence.
(7) The department shall revoke the fishing license and suspend the
fishing privileges of a person assessed a criminal wildlife penalty
assessment under this section until the penalty assessment is paid
through the registry of the court in which the penalty assessment was
(8) The criminal wildlife penalty assessments provided in
subsection (3) of this section must be doubled in the following
(a) When a person commits a violation that requires payment of a
criminal wildlife penalty assessment within five years of a prior gross
misdemeanor or felony conviction under this title; or
(b) When the trier of fact determines that the person took or
possessed the fish in question with the intent of bartering, selling,
or otherwise deriving economic profit from the fish or fish parts.
Sec. 14 RCW 77.15.380 and 2012 c 176 s 23 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) A person is guilty of unlawful recreational fishing in the
second degree if the person fishes for fish or shellfish and, whether
or not the person possesses fish or shellfish, the person has not
purchased the appropriate fishing or shellfishing license and catch
record card issued to Washington residents or nonresidents under
chapter 77.32 RCW.
(2) A person is guilty of unlawful recreational fishing in the
second degree if the person takes((,)) or possesses((, or harvests))
fish or shellfish and:
(a) The person owns, but does not have in the person's possession,
the license or the catch record card required by chapter 77.32 RCW for
such activity; or
(b) The action violates any department rule regarding seasons, bag
or possession limits but less than two times the bag or possession
limit, closed areas, closed times, or any other rule addressing the
manner or method of fishing for, taking, or ((possession of))
possessing fish or shellfish. This section does not apply to use of a
net to take fish under RCW 77.15.580 or the unlawful use of shellfish
gear for personal use under RCW 77.15.382.
(3) Unlawful recreational fishing in the second degree is a
Sec. 15 RCW 77.15.390 and 2012 c 176 s 24 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) A person is guilty of unlawful taking of seaweed if the person
takes((,)) or possesses((, or harvests)) seaweed and:
(a) The person has not purchased a personal use shellfish and
seaweed license issued to Washington residents or nonresidents under
chapter 77.32 RCW; or
(b) The person takes((,)) or possesses((, or harvests)) seaweed in
an amount that is two times or more of the daily possession limit of
(2) Unlawful taking of seaweed is a misdemeanor. This does not
affect rights of the state to recover civilly for trespass, conversion,
or theft of state-owned valuable materials.
Sec. 16 RCW 77.15.420 and 2005 c 406 s 5 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) If a person is convicted of violating RCW 77.15.410 and that
violation results in the death of wildlife listed in this section, the
court shall require payment of the following amounts for each animal
((killed)) taken or possessed. This shall be a criminal wildlife
penalty assessment that shall be paid to the clerk of the court and
distributed each month to the state treasurer for deposit in the fish
and wildlife enforcement reward account created in RCW 77.15.425.
Sec. 17 RCW 77.15.425 and 2009 c 333 s 18 are each amended to
read as follows:
The fish and wildlife enforcement reward account is created in the
custody of the state treasurer. Deposits to the account include:
Receipts from fish and shellfish overages as a result of a department
enforcement action; fees for hunter education deferral applications;
fees for master hunter applications and master hunter certification
renewals; all receipts from criminal wildlife penalty assessments under
RCW 77.15.370, 77.15.400, and 77.15.420; all receipts of court-ordered
restitution or donations associated with any fish, shellfish, or
wildlife enforcement action; and proceeds from forfeitures and evidence
pursuant to RCW 77.15.070 and 77.15.100. The department may accept
money or personal property from persons under conditions requiring the
property or money to be used consistent with the intent of expenditures
from the fish and wildlife enforcement reward account. Expenditures
from the account may be used only for investigation and prosecution of
fish and wildlife offenses, to provide rewards to persons informing the
department about violations of this title and rules adopted under this
title, to offset department-approved costs incurred to administer the
hunter education deferral program and the master hunter (([permit]))
permit program, and for other valid enforcement uses as determined by
the commission. Only the director or the director's designee may
authorize expenditures from the account. The account is subject to
allotment procedures under chapter 43.88 RCW, but an appropriation is
not required for expenditures.
Sec. 18 RCW 77.15.460 and 2012 c 176 s 28 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) A person is guilty of unlawful possession of a loaded rifle or
shotgun in a motor vehicle, as defined in RCW 46.04.320, or upon an
off-road vehicle, as defined in RCW 46.04.365, if:
(a) The person carries, transports, conveys, possesses, or controls
a rifle or shotgun in a motor vehicle, or upon an off-road vehicle,
except as allowed by department rule; and
(b) The rifle or shotgun contains shells or cartridges in the
magazine or chamber, or is a muzzle-loading firearm that is loaded and
capped or primed.
(2) A person is guilty of unlawful use of a loaded firearm if:
(a) The person negligently discharges a firearm from, across, or
along the maintained portion of a public highway; or
(b) The person discharges a firearm from within a moving motor
vehicle or from upon a moving off-road vehicle.
(3) Unlawful possession of a loaded rifle or shotgun in a motor
vehicle or upon an off-road vehicle, and unlawful use of a loaded
firearm are misdemeanors.
(4) This section does not apply if the person:
(a) Is a law enforcement officer who is authorized to carry a
firearm and is on duty within the officer's respective jurisdiction;
(b) Possesses a disabled hunter's permit as provided by RCW
77.32.237 and complies with all rules of the department concerning
hunting by persons with disabilities; or
(c) Discharges the rifle or shotgun from upon a nonmoving motor
vehicle ((or a nonmoving off-road vehicle)), as long as the engine is
turned off and the motor vehicle ((or off-road vehicle)) is not parked
on or beside the maintained portion of a public road, except as
authorized by the commission by rule. This subsection (4)(c) does not
apply to off-road vehicles, which are unlawful to use for hunting under
RCW 46.09.480, unless the person has a department permit issued under
RCW 77.32.237.
(5) For purposes of subsection (1) of this section, a rifle or
shotgun shall not be considered loaded if the detachable clip or
magazine is not inserted in or attached to the rifle or shotgun.
Sec. 19 RCW 77.15.470 and 2000 c 107 s 246 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) A person is guilty of unlawfully avoiding wildlife check
stations or field inspections if the person fails to:
(a) Obey check station signs;
(b) Stop and report at a check station if directed to do so by a
uniformed fish and wildlife officer or if directed by an ex officio
fish and wildlife officer participating in a department-authorized
check station; or
(c) Produce for inspection upon request by a fish and wildlife
officer or ex officio fish and wildlife officer: (i) Hunting or
fishing equipment; (ii) seaweed, fish, shellfish, or wildlife; or (iii)
licenses, permits, tags, stamps, or catch record cards required by this
(2) Unlawfully avoiding wildlife check stations or field
inspections is a gross misdemeanor.
(3) Wildlife check stations may not be established upon interstate
highways or state routes.
Sec. 20 RCW 77.15.480 and 2001 c 253 s 42 are each amended to
read as follows:
Articles or devices unlawfully used, possessed, or maintained for
((catching,)) taking, ((killing,)) harassing, attracting, or decoying
wildlife, fish, and shellfish are public nuisances. If necessary, fish
and wildlife officers and ex officio fish and wildlife officers may
seize, abate, or destroy these public nuisances without warrant or
Sec. 21 RCW 77.15.630 and 2012 c 176 s 31 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) A person ((who acts in the capacity of a wholesale fish dealer,
anadromous game fish buyer, or a fish buyer is guilty of unlawful fish
and shellfish catch accounting in the second degree if the person:)) licensed as a commercial fisher, wholesale fish dealer,
direct retail seller, anadromous game fish buyer, or a fish buyer, or
a person not so licensed but acting in such a capacity, is guilty of
unlawful fish and shellfish catch accounting in the second degree if he
or she receives or delivers for commercial purposes fish or shellfish
worth less than two hundred fifty dollars; and
(a) Possesses or receives fish or shellfish for commercial purposes
worth less than two hundred fifty dollars; and
(a) Fails to document such fish or shellfish with a fish-receiving
ticket or other documentation required by statute or department rule;
((or)) (b) Fails to sign the fish receiving ticket or other required
documentation, fails to provide all of the information required by
statute or department rule on the fish receiving ticket or other
documentation, or both; or
(c) Fails to submit the fish receiving ticket to the department as
required by statute or department rule.
(2) A person is guilty of unlawful fish and shellfish catch
accounting in the first degree if the person commits ((the)) an act
described by subsection (1) of this section and:
(a) The violation involves fish or shellfish worth two hundred
fifty dollars or more;
(b) The person acted with knowledge that the fish or shellfish were
taken from a closed area, at a closed time, or by a person not licensed
to take such fish or shellfish for commercial purposes; or
(c) The person acted with knowledge that the fish or shellfish were
taken in violation of any tribal law.
(3)(a) Unlawful fish and shellfish catch accounting in the second
degree is a gross misdemeanor.
(b) Unlawful fish and shellfish catch accounting in the first
degree is a class C felony. Upon conviction, the department shall
suspend all privileges to engage in fish buying or dealing for two
(4) For the purposes of this section:
(a) A person "receives" fish or shellfish when title or control of
the fish or shellfish is transferred or conveyed to the person.
(b) A person "delivers" fish or shellfish when title or control of
the fish or shellfish is transferred or conveyed from the person.
Sec. 22 RCW 77.15.740 and 2012 c 176 s 37 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, it is
unlawful to:
(a) Cause a vessel or other object to approach, in any manner,
within two hundred yards of a southern resident orca whale;
(b) Position a vessel to be in the path of a southern resident orca
whale at any point located within four hundred yards of the whale.
This includes intercepting a southern resident orca whale by
positioning a vessel so that the prevailing wind or water current
carries the vessel into the path of the whale at any point located
within four hundred yards of the whale;
(c) Fail to disengage the transmission of a vessel that is within
two hundred yards of a southern resident orca whale; or
(d) Feed a southern resident orca whale.
(2) A person is exempt from subsection (1) of this section if that
person is:
(a) Operating a federal government vessel in the course of his or
her official duties, or operating a state, tribal, or local government
vessel when engaged in official duties involving law enforcement,
search and rescue, or public safety;
(b) Operating a vessel in conjunction with a vessel traffic service
established under 33 C.F.R. and following a traffic separation scheme,
or complying with a vessel traffic service measure of direction. This
also includes support vessels escorting ships in the traffic lanes,
such as tug boats;
(c) Engaging in an activity, including scientific research,
pursuant to a permit or other authorization from the national marine
fisheries service and the department;
(d) Lawfully engaging in a treaty Indian or commercial fishery that
is actively setting, retrieving, or closely tending fishing gear;
(e) Conducting vessel operations necessary to avoid an imminent and
serious threat to a person, vessel, or the environment, including when
necessary for overall safety of navigation and to comply with state and
federal navigation requirements; or
(f) Engaging in rescue or clean-up efforts of a beached southern
resident orca whale overseen, coordinated, or authorized by a volunteer
stranding network.
(3) For the purpose of this section, "vessel" includes aircraft((,
canoes, fishing vessels, kayaks, personal watercraft, rafts,
recreational vessels, tour boats, whale watching boats, vessels engaged
in whale watching activities, or other small craft including power
boats and sailboats)) while on the surface of the water, and every
description of watercraft on the water that is used or capable of being
used as a means of transportation on the water. However, "vessel" does
not include inner tubes, air mattresses, sailboards, and small rafts,
or flotation devices or toys customarily used by swimmers.
(4)(a) A violation of this section is a natural resource infraction
punishable under chapter 7.84 RCW and carries a fine of five hundred
dollars, not including statutory assessments added pursuant to RCW
(b) A person who qualifies for an exemption under subsection (2) of
this section may offer that exemption as an affirmative defense, which
that person must prove by a preponderance of the evidence.
Sec. 23 RCW 77.15.770 and 2011 c 324 s 2 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) Except as otherwise provided in this section, a person is
guilty of unlawful trade in shark fins in the second degree if:
(a) The person sells, offers for sale, purchases, offers to
purchase, or otherwise exchanges a shark fin or shark fin derivative
product for commercial purposes; or
(b) The person prepares or processes a shark fin or shark fin
derivative product for human or animal consumption for commercial
(2) Except as otherwise provided in this section, a person is
guilty of unlawful trade in shark fins in the first degree if:
(a) The person commits the act described by subsection (1) of this
section and the violation involves shark fins or a shark fin derivative
product with a total market value of two hundred fifty dollars or more;
(b) The person commits the act described by subsection (1) of this
section and acted with knowledge that the shark fin or shark fin
derivative product originated from a shark that was harvested in an
area or at a time where or when the harvest was not legally allowed or
by a person not licensed to harvest the shark; or
(c) The person commits the act described by subsection (1) of this
section and the violation occurs within five years of entry of a prior
conviction under this section or a prior conviction for any other gross
misdemeanor or felony under this title involving fish, other than a
recreational fishing violation.
(3)(a) Unlawful trade in shark fins in the second degree is a gross
misdemeanor. Upon conviction, the department shall suspend any
commercial fishing privileges for the person that requires a license
under this title for a period of one year.
(b) Unlawful trade in shark fins in the first degree is a class C
felony. Upon conviction, the department shall suspend any commercial
fishing privileges for the person that requires a license under this
title for a period of one year.
(4) Any person who obtains a license or permit issued by the
department to take or possess sharks or shark parts for bona fide
research or educational purposes, and who sells, offers for sale,
purchases, offers to purchase, or otherwise trades a shark fin or shark
fin derivative product, exclusively for bona fide research or
educational purposes, may not be held liable under or subject to the
penalties of this section.
(((5) Nothing in this section prohibits the sale, offer for sale,
purchase, offer to purchase, or other exchange of shark fins or shark
fin derivative products for commercial purposes, or preparation or
processing of shark fins or shark fin derivative products for purposes
of human or animal consumption for commercial purposes, if the shark
fins or shark fin derivative products were lawfully harvested or
lawfully acquired prior to July 22, 2011.))
NEW SECTION. Sec. 24 A new section is added to chapter 77.15 RCW
to read as follows:
(1) It is unlawful for any person to possess in Washington any
fish, shellfish, or wildlife that the person knows was taken in another
state or country in violation of that state's or country's laws or
regulations relating to licenses or tags, seasons, areas, methods, or
bag or possession limits.
(2) As used in this section, the terms "fish," "shellfish," and
"wildlife" have the meaning ascribed to those terms in the applicable
law or regulation of the state or country of the fish's, shellfish's,
or wildlife's origin.
(3) Unlawful possession of fish, shellfish, or wildlife taken or
possessed in violation of another state's or country's laws or
regulations is a gross misdemeanor.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 25 A new section is added to chapter 77.15 RCW
to read as follows:
(1) A person is guilty of engaging in wildlife rehabilitation
without a permit if the person captures, transports, treats, feeds,
houses, conditions, or trains injured, diseased, oiled, or abandoned
wildlife without department authority for temporary actions or a
wildlife rehabilitation permit issued by the department.
(2) A person who is a primary permittee or subpermittee on a
wildlife rehabilitation permit issued by the department is guilty of
unlawful use of a wildlife rehabilitation permit if the person violates
any permit provisions or department rules pertaining to wildlife
rehabilitation other than those addressing recordkeeping and reporting
(3) A violation of this section is a misdemeanor.
Sec. 26 RCW 77.32.010 and 2011 c 320 s 19 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter or department
rule, a recreational license issued by the director is required to hunt
((for or take wild animals or wild birds, fish for, take, or harvest
fish, shellfish, and)), fish, or take wildlife or seaweed. A
recreational fishing or shellfish license is not required for carp,
smelt, and crawfish, and a hunting license is not required for
(2) A pass or permit issued under RCW 79A.80.020, 79A.80.030, or
79A.80.040 is required to park or operate a motor vehicle on a
recreation site or lands, as defined in RCW 79A.80.010.
(3) ((During the 2009-2011 fiscal biennium to enable the
implementation of the pilot project established in section 307, chapter
329, Laws of 2008,)) The commission may, by rule, indicate that a
fishing permit issued to a nontribal member by the Colville Tribes
shall satisfy the license requirements in subsection (1) of this
section on the waters of Lake Rufus Woods and on the north shore of
Lake Rufus Woods, and that a Colville Tribes tribal member
identification card shall satisfy the license requirements in
subsection (1) of this section on all waters of Lake Rufus Woods.
Sec. 27 RCW 77.65.280 and 2013 c 23 s 244 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) A wholesale fish dealer's license is required for:
(((1))) (a) A business in the state to engage in the commercial
processing of food fish or shellfish, including custom canning or
processing of personal use food fish or shellfish.
(((2))) (b) A business in the state to engage in the wholesale
selling, buying, or brokering of food fish or shellfish. A wholesale
fish dealer's license is not required of those businesses which buy
exclusively from Washington licensed wholesale dealers and sell solely
at retail.
(((3))) (c) Fishers who land and sell their catch or harvest in the
state to anyone other than a licensed wholesale dealer within or
outside the state, unless the fisher has a direct retail endorsement.
(((4))) (d) A business to engage in the commercial manufacture or
preparation of fertilizer, oil, meal, caviar, fish bait, or other by-products from food fish or shellfish.
(((5))) (e) A business ((employing)) engaging a fish buyer as
defined under RCW 77.65.340.
(2) The annual license fee for a wholesale dealer is two hundred
fifty dollars. The application fee is one hundred five dollars. A
wholesale fish dealer's license is not required for persons engaged in
the processing, wholesale selling, buying, or brokering of private
sector cultured aquatic products as defined in RCW 15.85.020. However,
if a means of identifying such products is required by rules adopted
under RCW 15.85.060, the exemption from licensing requirements
established by this subsection applies only if the aquatic products are
identified in conformance with those rules.
Sec. 28 RCW 77.65.340 and 2013 c 23 s 245 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) A fish buyer's license is required of and shall be carried by
each individual engaged by a wholesale fish dealer to purchase food
fish or shellfish from a ((licensed)) commercial fisher. A fish buyer
may represent only one wholesale fish dealer.
(2) The annual fee for a fish buyer's license is ninety-five
dollars. The application fee is one hundred five dollars.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 29 RCW 77.15.560 (Commercial fish, shellfish
harvest or delivery -- Failure to report -- Penalty) and 1998 c 190 s 41
are each repealed.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 30 If any provision of this act or its
application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the
remainder of the act or the application of the provision to other
persons or circumstances is not affected."
Correct the title.
EFFECT: Creates an exception for the unlawful taking of eggs and nests if the action was done under a Department of Fish and Wildlife permit or consistent with the federal Endangered Species Act, and removes redundancy of specifying that Washington means Washington State.