6552-S2.E AMH SULP MCLA 034
E2SSB 6552 - H AMD TO APP COMM AMD (H-4469.1/14) 940
By Representative Sullivan
WITHDRAWN 03/12/2014
On page 1, line 27 of the striking amendment, after "2019" insert ", with the opportunity for school districts to request a waiver for up to two years"
On page 5, line 8 of the striking amendment, after "2019" insert "or as otherwise provided in RCW 28A.230.090"
On page 7, line 14 of the striking amendment, after "2019" insert "or as otherwise provided in this subsection (d)"
On page 7, line 17 of the striking amendment, after "education." insert "School districts may apply to the state board of education for a waiver to implement the career and college ready graduation requirement proposal beginning with the graduating class of 2020 or 2021 instead of the graduating class of 2019. In the application, a school district must describe why the waiver is being requested, the specific impediments preventing timely implementation, and efforts that will be taken to achieve implementation with the graduating class proposed under the waiver. The state board of education shall grant a waiver under this subsection (d) to an applying school district at the next subsequent meeting of the board after receiving an application."
EFFECT: Maintains the direction to the State Board of Education (SBE) to adopt rules implementing a 24-credit graduation requirement proposal with the Class of 2019, but allows school districts to apply to the SBE for a waiver to instead implement the requirements with the Class of 2020 or 2021. Requires the application to describe why the waiver is being requested, impediments to implementation, and steps that will be taken to achieve implementation with the proposed graduating class. Requires the SBE to grant a waiver to an applying school district at the next board meeting. |
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