SHB 1076 -
By Senator Dammeier
ADOPTED 04/17/2013
On page 1, line 12, after "the" strike "cooperative" and insert "cooperative's reporting district"
On page 1, beginning on line 15, after "in" strike all material through "28A.250.010" on line 16 and insert "alternative learning experience courses or programs as defined by RCW 28A.150.325. Nothing in this section is intended to affect or otherwise modify the superintendent of public instruction's duty to approve and monitor online providers pursuant to RCW 28A.250.020"
EFFECT: Makes the following changes to the bill:
Clarifies that nonresident students must transfer into a specific
school district, not a cooperative. This aligns with current practice
and OSPI guidance around interdistrict transfers.
Requires nonresident students to enroll in at least one
nonalternative learning experience (ALE) course to ensure that students
can't attend a cooperative in a completely remote manner. This ensures
that nonresident students enrolling in the cooperatives are located
near the district, and are not enrolling from around the state. The
original use of "online courses" in this requirement would have allowed
nononline ALE courses to be used for nonresident students.
Clarifies that if a cooperative is acting as a multidistrict online
provider, they'd be subject to OSPI approval.