5034-S AMS DARN GREJ 034


SSB 5034 - S AMD 241

By Senators Darneille, Schlicher, Chase

NOT ADOPTED 04/05/2013

    On page 51, line 21, increase the General Fund--State Appropriation by $28,698,000

    On page 51, line 22, increase the General Fund--State Appropriation by $36,804,000

Adjust the total appropriation accordingly.


    On page 52, after line 29, strike all material down through line 33, and insert

    "(6) (a) $21,876,000 of the general fund--state appropriation for fiscal year 2014 and $27,004,000 of the general fund--state appropriation for fiscal year 2015, in addition to supplemental security income recoveries, are provided solely for the assistance programs in RCW 76.62.030."




    EFFECT:  Reinstates funding for cash assistance to disabled clients and increases the aged cash grant from the $99 per month back to the current $197 per month. Reinstates funding for incapacity examinations related to determining if clients are disabled. Funding for state SSI facilitation is not provided.  Facilitation will be conducted by local managed care providers.


Fiscal Impact: $65,502,000 GFS



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