5034-S AMS RIVE S2503.1

SSB 5034  - S AMD224
     By Senator Rivers

ADOPTED 04/05/2013

     On page 20, line 33, after "limitations:" insert the following:

     On page 21, after line 3, insert the following:

     "(2)(a) The liquor control board must work with the department of health and the department of revenue to develop recommendations for the legislature regarding the interaction of medical marijuana regulations and the provisions of Initiative Measure No. 502. At a minimum, the recommendations must include provisions addressing the following:
     (i) Age limits;
     (ii) Authorizing requirements for medical marijuana;
     (iii) Regulations regarding health care professionals;
     (iv) Collective gardens;
     (v) Possession amounts;
     (vi) Location requirements;
     (vii) Requirements for medical marijuana producing, processing, and retail licensing; and
     (viii) Taxation of medical marijuana in relation to recreational marijuana.
     (b) The board must submit its recommendations to the appropriate committees of the legislature by January 1, 2014.

EFFECT:  Requires the liquor control board, the department of health, and the department of revenue to develop recommendations for the legislature for rules and regulations regarding the integration of medical marijuana provisions and the provisions of I-502.
     No fiscal impact.

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