SSB 5785 -
By Senators Ericksen, Rolfes
ADOPTED 04/19/2013
Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:
"Sec. 1 RCW 46.16A.200 and 2011 c 171 s 46 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) Design. All license plates may be obtained by the director
from the metal working plant of a state correctional facility or from
any source in accordance with existing state of Washington purchasing
procedures. License plates:
(a) May vary in background, color, and design;
(b) Must be legible and clearly identifiable as a Washington state
license plate;
(c) Must designate the name of the state of Washington without
(d) Must be treated with fully reflectorized materials designed to
increase visibility and legibility at night;
(e) Must be of a size and color and show the registration period as
determined by the director; and
(f) Before July 1, 2010, may display a symbol or artwork approved
by the former special license plate review board and the legislature.
Beginning July 1, 2010, special license plate series approved by the
department and enacted into law by the legislature may display a symbol
or artwork approved by the department.
(2) Exceptions to reflectorized materials. License plates issued
before January 1, 1968, are not required to be treated with
reflectorized materials.
(3) Dealer license plates. License plates issued to a dealer must
contain an indication that the license plates have been issued to a
vehicle dealer.
(4)(a) Furnished. The director shall furnish to all persons making
satisfactory application for a vehicle registration:
(i) Two identical license plates each containing the license plate
number; or
(ii) One license plate if the vehicle is a trailer, semitrailer,
camper, moped, collector vehicle, horseless carriage, or motorcycle.
(b) The director may adopt types of license plates to be used as
long as the license plates are legible.
(5)(a) Display. License plates must be:
(i) Attached conspicuously at the front and rear of each vehicle if
two license plates have been issued;
(ii) Attached to the rear of the vehicle if one license plate has
been issued;
(iii) Kept clean and be able to be plainly seen and read at all
times; and
(iv) Attached in a horizontal position at a distance of not more
than four feet from the ground.
(b) The Washington state patrol may grant exceptions to this
subsection if the body construction of the vehicle makes compliance
with this section impossible.
(6) Change of license classification. A person who has altered a
vehicle that makes the current license plate or plates invalid for the
vehicle's use shall:
(a) Surrender the current license plate or plates to the
department, county auditor or other agent, or subagent appointed by the
(b) Apply for a new license plate or plates; and
(c) Pay a change of classification fee required under RCW
(7) Unlawful acts. It is unlawful to:
(a) Display a license plate or plates on the front or rear of any
vehicle that were not issued by the director for the vehicle;
(b) Display a license plate or plates on any vehicle that have been
changed, altered, or disfigured, or have become illegible;
(c) Use holders, frames, or other materials that change, alter, or
make a license plate or plates illegible. License plate frames may be
used on license plates only if the frames do not obscure license tabs
or identifying letters or numbers on the plates and the license plates
can be plainly seen and read at all times;
(d) Operate a vehicle unless a valid license plate or plates are
attached as required under this section;
(e) Transfer a license plate or plates issued under this chapter
between two or more vehicles without first making application to
transfer the license plates. A violation of this subsection (7)(e) is
a traffic infraction subject to a fine not to exceed five hundred
dollars. Any law enforcement agency that determines that a license
plate or plates have been transferred between two or more vehicles
shall confiscate the license plate or plates and return them to the
department for nullification along with full details of the reasons for
confiscation. Each vehicle identified in the transfer will be issued
a new license plate or plates upon application by the owner or owners
and the payment of full fees and taxes; or
(f) Fail, neglect, or refuse to endorse the registration
certificate ((and deliver the license plate or plates to the purchaser
or transferee of the vehicle)), except as authorized under this
(8) Transfer. (a) Standard issue license plates ((follow the
vehicle)) must be replaced when ownership of the vehicle changes
((unless)), pursuant to subsection (9)(a)(i) of this section, but the
registered owner ((wishes to)) may retain the license plates and
transfer them to a replacement vehicle of the same use. In addition to
all other taxes and fees due upon change in ownership, a registered
owner wishing to keep standard issue license plates shall pay the
license plate transfer fee required under RCW 46.17.200(1)(c) when
applying for license plate transfer.
(b) Special license plates and personalized license plates may be
treated in the same manner as described in (a) of this subsection
unless otherwise limited by law.
(c) License plates issued to the state or any county, city, town,
school district, or other political subdivision entitled to exemption
as provided by law may be treated in the same manner as described in
(a) of this subsection.
(9) Replacement. (a) Except as provided in subsection (8)(a) of
this section, an owner or the owner's authorized representative
((shall)) must apply for a replacement license plate or plates: (i)
When taking ownership of the vehicle; (ii) if the current license plate
or plates assigned to the vehicle have been lost, defaced, or
destroyed((,)); or (iii) if one or both plates have become so illegible
or are in such a condition as to be difficult to distinguish. An owner
or the owner's authorized representative may apply for a replacement
license plate or plates at any time the owner chooses. The department
shall offer to owners the option of retaining the current license plate
number when obtaining replacement license plates for the fee required
in RCW 46.17.200(1)(b).
(b) The application for a replacement license plate or plates must:
(i) Be on a form furnished or approved by the director; and
(ii) Be accompanied by the fee required under RCW 46.17.200(1)(a).
(c) When a vehicle is sold to a vehicle dealer for resale, the
application for a replacement plate or plates need not be made until
the vehicle is sold by the vehicle dealer.
(d) The department shall not require the payment of any fee to
replace a license plate or plates for vehicles owned, rented, or leased
by foreign countries or international bodies to which the United States
government is a signatory by treaty.
(10) ((Periodic replacement. License plates must be replaced
periodically to ensure maximum legibility and reflectivity. The
department shall:)) Replacement -- Exceptions. The following license
plates are not required to be ((
(a) Use empirical studies documenting the longevity of the
reflective materials used to make license plates;
(b) Determine how frequently license plates must be replaced; and
(c) Offer to owners the option of retaining the current license
plate number when obtaining replacement license plates for the fee
required in RCW 46.17.200(1)(b).
(11) Periodicperiodically)) replaced as required in
subsection (((10))) (9) of this section:
(a) Horseless carriage license plates issued under RCW 46.18.255
before January 1, 1987;
(b) Congressional Medal of Honor license plates issued under RCW
(c) License plates for commercial motor vehicles with a gross
weight greater than twenty-six thousand pounds.
(((12))) (11) Rules. The department may adopt rules to implement
this section.
(((13))) (12) Tabs or emblems. The director may issue tabs or
emblems to be attached to license plates or elsewhere on the vehicle to
signify initial registration and renewals. Renewals become effective
when tabs or emblems have been issued and properly displayed ((on
license plates)).
Sec. 2 RCW 46.16A.020 and 2010 c 161 s 402 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) The department, county auditor or other agent, or subagent
appointed by the director shall assign a new registration year to a
vehicle if:
(a) The ((Washington state vehicle registration has expired and))
registered ownership ((to)) of the vehicle is being transferred. The
renewed ((license)) vehicle registration is valid for a full twelve-month period unless: (i) The vehicle changes ownership during the
twelve-month period, in which case the registration expires; or (ii) a
specific expiration date is required by law, rule, or program; or
(b) The Washington vehicle registration has expired and the
registered owner:
(i) Is a member of the United States armed forces;
(ii) Was stationed outside of Washington under military orders
during the prior vehicle registration year; and
(iii) Provides the department a copy of the military orders.
(2) Each registration year may be divided into twelve registration
months. Each registration month begins at 12:01 a.m. on a day of the
month assigned by the department and ends at 12:00 a.m. on the same day
the following month.
(3) A registration period extends through the end of the next
business day when the final day of a registration year or month falls
on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday.
Sec. 3 RCW 46.16A.110 and 2010 c 161 s 428 and 2010 c 8 s 9012
are each reenacted and amended to read as follows:
(1) A registered owner or the registered owner's authorized
representative must apply for a renewal vehicle registration to the
department, county auditor or other agent, or subagent appointed by the
director on a form approved by the director. The application for a
renewal vehicle registration must be accompanied by a draft, money
order, certified bank check, or cash for all fees and taxes required by
law for the application for a renewal vehicle registration.
(2)(a) When a vehicle changes ownership, the person taking
ownership or his or her authorized representative must apply for a
renewal vehicle registration as provided in subsection (1) of this
section and, except as provided in (b) of this subsection, pay all the
taxes and fees that are due at the time of registration renewal. For
the purposes of this section, when a vehicle is sold to a vehicle
dealer for resale, the application for a renewal registration need not
be made until the vehicle is sold by the vehicle dealer.
(b) The person taking ownership or his or her authorized
representative must be given credit for the portion of a motor vehicle
excise tax, including the motor vehicle excise tax collected under RCW
81.104.160, that reflects the remaining period for which the tax was
initially paid by the previous owner.
(3) An application and the fees and taxes for a renewal vehicle
registration must be handled in the same manner as an original vehicle
registration application. The registration does not need to show the
name of the lien holder when the application for renewal vehicle
registration becomes the renewal registration upon validation.
(((3))) (4) A person expecting to be out of state during the normal
renewal period of a vehicle registration may renew a vehicle
registration and have license plates or tabs preissued by applying for
a renewal as described in subsection (1) of this section. A vehicle
registration may be renewed for the subsequent registration year up to
eighteen months before the current expiration date and must be
displayed from the date of issue or from the day of the expiration of
the current registration year, whichever date is later.
(((4))) (5) An application for a renewal vehicle registration is
not required for those vehicles owned, rented, or leased by:
(a) The state of Washington, or by any county, city, town, school
district, or other political subdivision of the state of Washington; or
(b) A governing body of an Indian tribe located within this state
and recognized as a governmental entity by the United States department
of the interior.
Sec. 4 RCW 46.17.200 and 2012 c 74 s 3 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) In addition to all other fees and taxes required by law, the
department, county auditor or other agent, or subagent appointed by the
director shall charge:
(a) The following license plate fees for each license plate, unless
the owner or type of vehicle is exempt from payment:
Original issue | $ 10.00 | RCW 46.68.070 |
Reflectivity | $ 2.00 | RCW 46.68.070 |
Replacement | $ 10.00 | RCW 46.68.070 |
Original issue, motorcycle | $ 4.00 | RCW 46.68.070 |
Replacement, motorcycle | $ 4.00 | RCW 46.68.070 |
Original issue, moped | $1.50 | RCW 46.68.070 |
Sec. 5 RCW 46.18.130 and 2011 c 171 s 68 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) Revenues generated from the sale of special license plates for
those sponsoring organizations who used the application process in RCW
46.18.110 must be deposited into the motor vehicle fund created in RCW
46.68.070 until the department determines that the state's
implementation costs have been fully reimbursed.
(2) When it is determined that the state has been fully reimbursed
the department must notify the house of representatives and senate
transportation committees, the sponsoring organization, and the state
treasurer, and begin distributing the revenue as otherwise provided by
(3) If reimbursement does not occur within two years from the date
the special license plate is first offered for sale to the public, the
special license plate series must be placed in probationary status for
a period of one year from that date. If the state is still not fully
reimbursed for its implementation costs after the one-year probation,
the special license plate series must be discontinued immediately.
Special license plates issued before discontinuation are valid until
replaced ((under RCW 46.16A.200(10))).
(4) The department shall:
(a) Provide the special license plate applicant with a written
receipt for the payment; and
(b) Maintain a record of each special license plate applicant trust
account deposit including, but not limited to, the name and address of
each special license plate applicant whose funds are being deposited,
the amount paid, and the date of the deposit.
(5) After the department receives written notice that the special
license plate applicant's application has been approved by the
legislature, the director shall request that the money be transferred
to the motor vehicle fund created in RCW 46.68.070.
(6) After the department receives written notice that the special
license plate applicant's application has been denied by the department
or the legislature, the director shall provide a refund to the
applicant within thirty days.
(7) After the department receives written notice that the special
license plate applicant's application has been withdrawn by the special
license plate applicant, the director shall provide a refund to the
applicant within thirty days.
Sec. 6 RCW 46.18.140 and 2010 1st sp.s. c 7 s 97 and 2010 c 161
s 609 are each reenacted and amended to read as follows:
(1) A special license plate series created by the legislature after
January 1, 2011, that has not been reviewed and approved by the
department is subject to the following requirements:
(a) The organization sponsoring the license plate series shall,
within thirty days of enactment of the legislation creating the special
license plate series, submit prepayment of all start-up costs
associated with the creation and implementation of the special license
plate in an amount determined by the department. The prepayment will
be credited to the motor vehicle fund created in RCW 46.68.070. The
creation and implementation of the special license plate series may not
begin until payment is received by the department.
(b) If the sponsoring organization is not able to meet the
prepayment requirements in (a) of this subsection and can demonstrate
this fact to the satisfaction of the department, the revenues generated
from the sale of the special license plates must be deposited in the
motor vehicle fund created in RCW 46.68.070 until the department
determines that the state's portion of the implementation costs have
been fully reimbursed. When it has determined that the state has been
fully reimbursed, the department must notify the treasurer to commence
distribution of the revenue according to statutory provisions.
(c) The sponsoring organization must provide a proposed special
license plate design to the department within thirty days of enactment
of the legislation creating the special license plate series.
(2) The state must be reimbursed for its portion of the
implementation costs within two years from the date the new special
license plate series goes on sale to the public. If the reimbursement
does not occur within the two-year time frame, the special license
plate series must be placed in probationary status for a period of one
year from that date. If the state is still not fully reimbursed for
its implementation costs after the one-year probation, the special
license plate series must be discontinued immediately. Those special
license plates issued before discontinuation are valid until replaced
((under RCW 46.16A.200(10))).
(3) If the sponsoring organization ceases to exist or the purpose
of the special license plate series ceases to exist, revenues generated
from the sale of the special license plates must be deposited into the
motor vehicle fund created in RCW 46.68.070.
(4) A sponsoring organization may not seek to redesign its special
license plate series until the entire existing inventory is sold or
purchased by the organization itself. All costs for the redesign of a
special license plate series must be paid by the sponsoring
NEW SECTION. Sec. 7 This act applies to vehicle registrations
that are due or become due on or after January 1, 2014."
SSB 5785 -
By Senators Ericksen, Rolfes
ADOPTED 04/19/2013
On page 1, at the beginning of line 2 of the title, strike the remainder of the title and insert "amending RCW 46.16A.200, 46.16A.020, 46.17.200, and 46.18.130; reenacting and amending RCW 46.16A.110 and 46.18.140; and creating a new section."
EFFECT: (1) Removes the provision exempting vehicles from the
requirement to display a front license plate when the design of the
vehicle is not conducive for the placement of a front license plate.
(2) Adds a provision that the new owner of a vehicle applying for
a renewal registration must be credited for any motor vehicle excise
tax paid by the previous owner that expired.
(3) Makes a technical correction to clarify that a special license
plate that has been discontinued is only valid until it is replaced for
any reason.