2SSB 5912 -
By Senator Roach
WITHDRAWN 06/26/2013
On page 6, after line 37 of the amendment, insert the following:
"Sec. 8 RCW 9.94A.760 and 2011 c 106 s 3 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) Whenever a person is convicted in superior court, the court may
order the payment of a legal financial obligation as part of the
sentence. The court must on either the judgment and sentence or on a
subsequent order to pay, designate the total amount of a legal
financial obligation and segregate this amount among the separate
assessments made for restitution, costs, fines, and other assessments
required by law. On the same order, the court is also to set a sum
that the offender is required to pay on a monthly basis towards
satisfying the legal financial obligation. If the court fails to set
the offender monthly payment amount, the department shall set the
amount if the department has active supervision of the offender,
otherwise the county clerk shall set the amount. Upon receipt of an
offender's monthly payment, restitution shall be paid prior to any
payments of other monetary obligations. After restitution is
satisfied, the county clerk shall distribute the payment proportionally
among all other fines, costs, and assessments imposed, unless otherwise
ordered by the court.
(2) If the court determines that the offender, at the time of
sentencing, has the means to pay for the cost of incarceration, the
(a) Shall require the offender to pay the actual cost of
incarceration per day if the offender was sentenced for a violation of
RCW 46.61.502 or 46.61.504, or an equivalent local ordinance;
(b) May require the offender to pay for the cost of incarceration
at a rate of fifty dollars per day of incarceration, if incarcerated in
a prison, or the court may require the offender to pay the actual cost
of incarceration per day of incarceration, if incarcerated in a county
(3) In no case may the court require the offender to pay more than
one hundred dollars per day for the cost of incarceration. Payment of
other court-ordered financial obligations, including all legal
financial obligations and costs of supervision shall take precedence
over the payment of the cost of incarceration ordered by the court.
All funds recovered from offenders for the cost of incarceration in the
county jail shall be remitted to the county and the costs of
incarceration in a prison shall be remitted to the department.
(((3))) (4) The court may add to the judgment and sentence or
subsequent order to pay a statement that a notice of payroll deduction
is to be issued immediately. If the court chooses not to order the
immediate issuance of a notice of payroll deduction at sentencing, the
court shall add to the judgment and sentence or subsequent order to pay
a statement that a notice of payroll deduction may be issued or other
income-withholding action may be taken, without further notice to the
offender if a monthly court-ordered legal financial obligation payment
is not paid when due, and an amount equal to or greater than the amount
payable for one month is owed.
If a judgment and sentence or subsequent order to pay does not
include the statement that a notice of payroll deduction may be issued
or other income-withholding action may be taken if a monthly legal
financial obligation payment is past due, the department or the county
clerk may serve a notice on the offender stating such requirements and
authorizations. Service shall be by personal service or any form of
mail requiring a return receipt.
(((4))) (5) Independent of the department or the county clerk, the
party or entity to whom the legal financial obligation is owed shall
have the authority to use any other remedies available to the party or
entity to collect the legal financial obligation. These remedies
include enforcement in the same manner as a judgment in a civil action
by the party or entity to whom the legal financial obligation is owed.
Restitution collected through civil enforcement must be paid through
the registry of the court and must be distributed proportionately
according to each victim's loss when there is more than one victim.
The judgment and sentence shall identify the party or entity to whom
restitution is owed so that the state, party, or entity may enforce the
judgment. If restitution is ordered pursuant to RCW 9.94A.750(6) or
9.94A.753(6) to a victim of rape of a child or a victim's child born
from the rape, the Washington state child support registry shall be
identified as the party to whom payments must be made. Restitution
obligations arising from the rape of a child in the first, second, or
third degree that result in the pregnancy of the victim may be enforced
for the time periods provided under RCW 9.94A.750(6) and 9.94A.753(6).
All other legal financial obligations for an offense committed prior to
July 1, 2000, may be enforced at any time during the ten-year period
following the offender's release from total confinement or within ten
years of entry of the judgment and sentence, whichever period ends
later. Prior to the expiration of the initial ten-year period, the
superior court may extend the criminal judgment an additional ten years
for payment of legal financial obligations including crime victims'
assessments. All other legal financial obligations for an offense
committed on or after July 1, 2000, may be enforced at any time the
offender remains under the court's jurisdiction. For an offense
committed on or after July 1, 2000, the court shall retain jurisdiction
over the offender, for purposes of the offender's compliance with
payment of the legal financial obligations, until the obligation is
completely satisfied, regardless of the statutory maximum for the
crime. The department may only supervise the offender's compliance
with payment of the legal financial obligations during any period in
which the department is authorized to supervise the offender in the
community under RCW 9.94A.728, 9.94A.501, or in which the offender is
confined in a state correctional institution or a correctional facility
pursuant to a transfer agreement with the department, and the
department shall supervise the offender's compliance during any such
period. The department is not responsible for supervision of the
offender during any subsequent period of time the offender remains
under the court's jurisdiction. The county clerk is authorized to
collect unpaid legal financial obligations at any time the offender
remains under the jurisdiction of the court for purposes of his or her
legal financial obligations.
(((5))) (6) In order to assist the court in setting a monthly sum
that the offender must pay during the period of supervision, the
offender is required to report to the department for purposes of
preparing a recommendation to the court. When reporting, the offender
is required, under oath, to respond truthfully and honestly to all
questions concerning present, past, and future earning capabilities and
the location and nature of all property or financial assets. The
offender is further required to bring all documents requested by the
(((6))) (7) After completing the investigation, the department
shall make a report to the court on the amount of the monthly payment
that the offender should be required to make towards a satisfied legal
financial obligation.
(((7))) (8)(a) During the period of supervision, the department may
make a recommendation to the court that the offender's monthly payment
schedule be modified so as to reflect a change in financial
circumstances. If the department sets the monthly payment amount, the
department may modify the monthly payment amount without the matter
being returned to the court. During the period of supervision, the
department may require the offender to report to the department for the
purposes of reviewing the appropriateness of the collection schedule
for the legal financial obligation. During this reporting, the
offender is required under oath to respond truthfully and honestly to
all questions concerning earning capabilities and the location and
nature of all property or financial assets. The offender shall bring
all documents requested by the department in order to prepare the
collection schedule.
(b) Subsequent to any period of supervision, or if the department
is not authorized to supervise the offender in the community, the
county clerk may make a recommendation to the court that the offender's
monthly payment schedule be modified so as to reflect a change in
financial circumstances. If the county clerk sets the monthly payment
amount, or if the department set the monthly payment amount and the
department has subsequently turned the collection of the legal
financial obligation over to the county clerk, the clerk may modify the
monthly payment amount without the matter being returned to the court.
During the period of repayment, the county clerk may require the
offender to report to the clerk for the purpose of reviewing the
appropriateness of the collection schedule for the legal financial
obligation. During this reporting, the offender is required under oath
to respond truthfully and honestly to all questions concerning earning
capabilities and the location and nature of all property or financial
assets. The offender shall bring all documents requested by the county
clerk in order to prepare the collection schedule.
(((8))) (9) After the judgment and sentence or payment order is
entered, the department is authorized, for any period of supervision,
to collect the legal financial obligation from the offender.
Subsequent to any period of supervision or, if the department is not
authorized to supervise the offender in the community, the county clerk
is authorized to collect unpaid legal financial obligations from the
offender. Any amount collected by the department shall be remitted
daily to the county clerk for the purpose of disbursements. The
department and the county clerks are authorized, but not required, to
accept credit cards as payment for a legal financial obligation, and
any costs incurred related to accepting credit card payments shall be
the responsibility of the offender.
(((9))) (10) The department or any obligee of the legal financial
obligation may seek a mandatory wage assignment for the purposes of
obtaining satisfaction for the legal financial obligation pursuant to
RCW 9.94A.7701. Any party obtaining a wage assignment shall notify the
county clerk. The county clerks shall notify the department, or the
administrative office of the courts, whichever is providing the monthly
billing for the offender.
(((10))) (11) The requirement that the offender pay a monthly sum
towards a legal financial obligation constitutes a condition or
requirement of a sentence and the offender is subject to the penalties
for noncompliance as provided in RCW 9.94B.040, 9.94A.737, or
(((11))) (12)(a) The administrative office of the courts shall mail
individualized periodic billings to the address known by the office for
each offender with an unsatisfied legal financial obligation.
(b) The billing shall direct payments, other than outstanding cost
of supervision assessments under RCW 9.94A.780, parole assessments
under RCW 72.04A.120, and cost of probation assessments under RCW
9.95.214, to the county clerk, and cost of supervision, parole, or
probation assessments to the department.
(c) The county clerk shall provide the administrative office of the
courts with notice of payments by such offenders no less frequently
than weekly.
(d) The county clerks, the administrative office of the courts, and
the department shall maintain agreements to implement this subsection.
(((12))) (13) The department shall arrange for the collection of
unpaid legal financial obligations during any period of supervision in
the community through the county clerk. The department shall either
collect unpaid legal financial obligations or arrange for collections
through another entity if the clerk does not assume responsibility or
is unable to continue to assume responsibility for collection pursuant
to subsection (((4))) (5) of this section. The costs for collection
services shall be paid by the offender.
(((13))) (14) The county clerk may access the records of the
employment security department for the purposes of verifying employment
or income, seeking any assignment of wages, or performing other duties
necessary to the collection of an offender's legal financial
(((14))) (15) Nothing in this chapter makes the department, the
state, the counties, or any state or county employees, agents, or other
persons acting on their behalf liable under any circumstances for the
payment of these legal financial obligations or for the acts of any
offender who is no longer, or was not, subject to supervision by the
department for a term of community custody, and who remains under the
jurisdiction of the court for payment of legal financial obligations.
Sec. 9 RCW 10.01.160 and 2010 c 54 s 1 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) The court shall require a defendant sentenced for a violation
of RCW 46.61.502 or 46.61.504, or an equivalent local ordinance, to pay
costs subject to subsection (3) of this section. In all other cases,
the court may require a defendant to pay costs. Costs may be imposed
only upon a convicted defendant, except for costs imposed upon a
defendant's entry into a deferred prosecution program, costs imposed
upon a defendant for pretrial supervision, or costs imposed upon a
defendant for preparing and serving a warrant for failure to appear.
(2) Costs shall be limited to expenses specially incurred by the
state in prosecuting the defendant or in administering the deferred
prosecution program under chapter 10.05 RCW or pretrial supervision.
They cannot include expenses inherent in providing a constitutionally
guaranteed jury trial or expenditures in connection with the
maintenance and operation of government agencies that must be made by
the public irrespective of specific violations of law. Expenses
incurred for serving of warrants for failure to appear and jury fees
under RCW 10.46.190 may be included in costs the court may require a
defendant to pay. Costs for administering a deferred prosecution may
not exceed two hundred fifty dollars. Costs for administering a
pretrial supervision may not exceed one hundred fifty dollars. Costs
for preparing and serving a warrant for failure to appear may not
exceed one hundred dollars. Costs of incarceration imposed on a
defendant convicted of a misdemeanor or a gross misdemeanor may not
exceed the actual cost of incarceration. In no case may the court
require the offender to pay more than one hundred dollars per day for
the cost of incarceration. Payment of other court-ordered financial
obligations, including all legal financial obligations and costs of
supervision take precedence over the payment of the cost of
incarceration ordered by the court. All funds received from defendants
for the cost of incarceration in the county or city jail must be
remitted for criminal justice purposes to the county or city that is
responsible for the defendant's jail costs. Costs imposed constitute
a judgment against a defendant and survive a dismissal of the
underlying action against the defendant. However, if the defendant is
acquitted on the underlying action, the costs for preparing and serving
a warrant for failure to appear do not survive the acquittal, and the
judgment that such costs would otherwise constitute shall be vacated.
(3) The court shall not order a defendant to pay costs unless the
defendant is or will be able to pay them. In determining the amount
and method of payment of costs, the court shall take account of the
financial resources of the defendant and the nature of the burden that
payment of costs will impose.
(4) A defendant who has been ordered to pay costs and who is not in
contumacious default in the payment thereof may at any time petition
the sentencing court for remission of the payment of costs or of any
unpaid portion thereof. If it appears to the satisfaction of the court
that payment of the amount due will impose manifest hardship on the
defendant or the defendant's immediate family, the court may remit all
or part of the amount due in costs, or modify the method of payment
under RCW 10.01.170.
(5) Except for direct costs relating to evaluating and reporting to
the court, prosecutor, or defense counsel regarding a defendant's
competency to stand trial as provided in RCW 10.77.060, this section
shall not apply to costs related to medical or mental health treatment
or services a defendant receives while in custody of the secretary of
the department of social and health services or other governmental
units. This section shall not prevent the secretary of the department
of social and health services or other governmental units from imposing
liability and seeking reimbursement from a defendant committed to an
appropriate facility as provided in RCW 10.77.084 while criminal
proceedings are stayed. This section shall also not prevent
governmental units from imposing liability on defendants for costs
related to providing medical or mental health treatment while the
defendant is in the governmental unit's custody. Medical or mental
health treatment and services a defendant receives at a state hospital
or other facility are not a cost of prosecution and shall be
recoverable under RCW 10.77.250 and 70.48.130, chapter 43.20B RCW, and
any other applicable statute."
Renumber the remaining sections consecutively and correct any internal references accordingly.
2SSB 5912 -
By Senator Roach
WITHDRAWN 06/26/2013
On page 74, line 3 of the title amendment, after "35.20.255," insert "9.94A.760, 10.01.160,"
EFFECT: Offenders convicted for DUI or PC violations must be ordered to pay costs of incarceration unless the court finds that they are unable to pay.