Passed by the House January 27, 2014 Yeas 96 ________________________________________ Speaker of the House of Representatives Passed by the Senate March 4, 2014 Yeas 47 ________________________________________ President of the Senate | I, Barbara Baker, Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is ENGROSSED SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL 1417 as passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on the dates hereon set forth. ________________________________________ Chief Clerk | |
Approved ________________________________________ Governor of the State of Washington | Secretary of State State of Washington |
State of Washington | 63rd Legislature | 2014 Regular Session |
AN ACT Relating to the administration of irrigation districts; and amending RCW 87.03.135, 87.03.620, 87.03.630, 87.06.030, 87.03.437, and 87.03.015.
Sec. 1 RCW 87.03.135 and 1994 c 117 s 1 are each amended to read
as follows:
An irrigation district has the power to sell or lease personal
property owned by the district whenever its board of directors, by
resolution: Determines that the property is not necessary or needed
for the use of the district; and authorizes the sale or lease. No sale
or lease of such property shall be made until notice of the sale or
lease is given by publication at least twenty days before the date of
the sale or lease in a newspaper of general circulation in the county
where the property or part of the property is located or, if there is
no such newspaper in the county, in a newspaper of general circulation
published in an adjoining county. The publication shall be made at
least once a week during three consecutive weeks before the day fixed
for making the sale or lease. The publication shall contain notice of
the intention of the board of directors to make the sale or lease and
shall state the time and place at which proposals for the sale or lease
will be considered and at which the sale or lease will be made. Any
such property so sold or leased shall be sold or leased to the highest
and best bidder.
The provisions of this section relating to publication of notice
shall not apply when the value of the property to be sold or leased is
less than ((five hundred)) ten thousand dollars.
Sec. 2 RCW 87.03.620 and 1939 c 150 s 2 are each amended to read
as follows:
Upon the filing of the petition, the board shall fix a time and
place for the hearing of the same which shall not be less than thirty
days and not more than ((forty-five)) one hundred eighty days from the
date of said filing; and the board shall cause a notice of such hearing
to be published prior to said hearing in three consecutive weekly
issues of the official newspaper of each county in which any of said
land prayed to be included is situated.
Sec. 3 RCW 87.03.630 and 1939 c 150 s 4 are each amended to read
as follows:
The board of directors of the district shall meet at the time and
place specified in the notice and shall have full authority to
determine all matters pertaining to the petition, including the denial
as well as the granting of said petition or any part thereof; and if it
appears at said hearing, or at any adjournment thereof which may be had
not to exceed in all ((thirty)) one hundred eighty days, that the land
or any portion thereof petitioned to be included within the district,
is susceptible of irrigation from the water supply and system of works
of the said district and will be benefited by such irrigation; and if
at said hearing or at any adjournment thereof as aforesaid, not more
than fifty percent of the holders of title or evidence of title to the
lands described in the petition and proposed to be included file their
objections in writing to the inclusion of such land within the time and
as ((in this act)) provided in RCW 87.03.615 through 87.03.640, the
said board shall make and enter in the records of their proceedings an
order including said land, or such portion thereof as in their judgment
is susceptible of irrigation and will be benefited as aforesaid, within
the operation of said district.
Sec. 4 RCW 87.06.030 and 2004 c 215 s 4 are each amended to read
as follows:
Before preparing a certificate of delinquency, the treasurer of a
district that has designated its own treasurer as provided in RCW
87.03.440, shall ((order a title search of the property for which a
certificate of delinquency has been prepared to determine or verify the
legal description of the property to be sold and parties in interest.
In districts with two hundred thousand acres or more, the board of
directors, upon receiving the certificates of delinquency may, after
reviewing the amount of delinquent assessment compared to the costs of
foreclosure, including but not limited to title search, court filing
fees, costs of service, and attorneys' fees, determine that it is not
in the best interest of the district to commence legal action to
foreclose the delinquent assessment liens)) provide to the board of
directors a list of properties that may be subject to foreclosure for
delinquent assessments. The board of directors shall review the list
of delinquent properties. After comparing the amount of the delinquent
assessment with the costs of foreclosure, including but not limited to
title search, court filing fees, costs of service, and attorneys' fees,
the board of directors may determine that it is not in the best
interest of the district to commence legal action to foreclose the
delinquent assessment liens. Nothing in this section precludes a
county treasurer from proceeding with foreclosure on parcels otherwise
delinquent and, in those actions, from collecting delinquent
assessments due under this title.
Sec. 5 RCW 87.03.437 and 2009 c 229 s 13 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) Purchases of any materials, supplies, or equipment by the
district shall be based on competitive bids except as provided in RCW
87.03.435 and 39.04.280. A formal sealed bid procedure shall be used
as standard procedure for the purchases made by irrigation districts.
However, the board may by resolution adopt a policy to waive formal
sealed bidding procedures for purchases of any materials, supplies, or
equipment for an amount set by the board not to exceed ((forty)) fifty
thousand dollars for each purchase.
(2) The directors may by resolution adopt a policy to use the
process provided in RCW 39.04.190 for purchases of materials, supplies,
or equipment when the estimated cost is between the amount established
by the board under subsection (1) of this section and a maximum amount
set by resolution adopted by the board for purchases up to fifty
thousand dollars exclusive of sales tax.
Sec. 6 RCW 87.03.015 and 1999 c 153 s 74 are each amended to read
as follows:
Any irrigation district, operating and maintaining an irrigation
system, in addition to other powers conferred by law, shall have
(1) To purchase and sell electric power to the inhabitants of the
irrigation district for the purposes of irrigation and domestic use, to
acquire, construct, and lease dams, canals, plants, transmission lines,
and other power equipment and the necessary property and rights
therefor and to operate, improve, repair, and maintain the same, for
the generation and transmission of electrical energy for use in the
operation of pumping plants and irrigation systems of the district and
for sale to the inhabitants of the irrigation district for the purposes
of irrigation and domestic use; and, as a further and separate grant of
authority and in furtherance of a state purpose and policy of
developing hydroelectric capability in connection with irrigation
facilities, to construct, finance, acquire, own, operate, and maintain,
alone or jointly with other irrigation districts, boards of control,
other municipal or quasi-municipal corporations or cooperatives
authorized to engage in the business of distributing electricity, or
electrical companies subject to the jurisdiction of the utilities and
transportation commission, hydroelectric facilities including but not
limited to dams, canals, plants, transmission lines, other power
equipment, and the necessary property and rights therefor, located
within or outside the district, for the purpose of utilizing for the
generation of electricity, water power made available by and as a part
of the irrigation water storage, conveyance, and distribution
facilities, waste ways, and drainage water facilities which serve
irrigation districts, and to sell any and all the electric energy
generated at any such hydroelectric facilities or the irrigation
district's share of such energy, to municipal or quasi-municipal
corporations and cooperatives authorized to engage in the business of
distributing electricity, and electrical companies subject to the
jurisdiction of the utilities and transportation commission, or to
other irrigation districts, and on such terms and conditions as the
board of directors shall determine, and to enter into contracts with
other irrigation districts, boards of control, other municipal or
quasi-municipal corporations and cooperatives authorized to engage in
the business of distributing electricity, and electrical companies
subject to the jurisdiction of the utilities and transportation
commission: PROVIDED, That no contract entered into by the board of
directors of any irrigation district for the sale of electrical energy
from such hydroelectric facility for a period longer than forty years
from the date of commercial operation of such hydroelectric facility
shall be binding on the district until ratified by a majority vote of
the electors of the district at an election therein, called, held and
canvassed for that purpose in the same manner as that provided by law
for district bond elections.
(2) To construct, repair, purchase, maintain or lease a system for
the sale or lease of water to the owners of irrigated lands within the
district for domestic purposes.
(3) To construct, repair, purchase, lease, acquire, operate and
maintain a system of drains, sanitary sewers, and sewage disposal or
treatment plants as herein provided.
(4) To assume, as principal or guarantor, any indebtedness to the
United States under the federal reclamation laws, on account of
district lands.
(5) To maintain, repair, construct and reconstruct ditches,
laterals, pipe lines and other water conduits used or to be used in
carrying water for irrigation of lands located within the boundaries of
a city or town or for the domestic use of the residents of a city or
town where the owners of land within such city or town shall use such
works to carry water to the boundaries of such city or town for
irrigation, domestic or other purposes within such city or town, and to
charge to such city or town the pro rata proportion of the cost of such
maintenance, repair, construction and reconstruction work in proportion
to the benefits received by the lands served and located within the
boundaries of such city or town, and if such cost is not paid, then and
in that event said irrigation district shall have the right to prevent
further water deliveries through such works to the lands located within
the boundaries of such city or town until such charges have been paid.
(6) To acquire, install and maintain as a part of the irrigation
district's water system the necessary water mains and fire hydrants to
make water available for firefighting purposes; and in addition any
such irrigation district shall have the authority to repair, operate
and maintain such hydrants and mains.
(7) To enter into contracts with other irrigation districts, boards
of control, municipal or quasi-municipal corporations and cooperatives
authorized to engage in the business of distributing electricity, and
electrical companies subject to the jurisdiction of the utilities and
transportation commission to jointly acquire, construct, own, operate,
and maintain irrigation water, domestic water, drainage and sewerage
works, and electrical power works to the same extent as authorized by
subsection (1) of this section, or portions of such works.
(8) To acquire from a water-sewer district wholly within the
irrigation district's boundaries, by a conveyance without cost, the
water-sewer district's water system and to operate the same to provide
water for the domestic use of the irrigation district residents. As a
part of its acceptance of the conveyance the irrigation district must
agree to relieve the water-sewer district of responsibility for
maintenance and repair of the system. Any such water-sewer district is
authorized to make such a conveyance if all indebtedness of the water-sewer district, except local improvement district bonds, has been paid
and the conveyance has been approved by a majority of the water-sewer
district's voters voting at a general or special election.
(9) To approve and condition placement of hydroelectric generation
facilities by entities other than the district on water conveyance
facilities operated or maintained by the district.
This section shall not be construed as in any manner abridging any
other powers of an irrigation district conferred by law.