By Senators Ericksen, Hewitt, Honeyford, Brown, Tom, King, Becker, Kline, Pearson, Conway, Ranker, Harper, Murray, Fain, Hasegawa, Sheldon, Eide, Parlette, Darneille, Cleveland, Bailey, Baumgartner, Litzow, Schoesler, Chase, Padden, Shin, Hobbs, Roach, Keiser, Rolfes, Hatfield, Billig, Dammeier, Smith, Rivers, Benton, Braun, Holmquist Newbry, Nelson, Kohl-Welles, Fraser, and Schlicher

     WHEREAS, Doris M. Brougham was born in Seattle on August 5, 1926, and earned her B.A. in Far East Studies from the University of Washington in 1948; and
     WHEREAS, Ms. Brougham personally witnessed the Chinese Civil War and moved to Taiwan in 1951, where, at the age of twenty-five, she made the choice to dedicate the rest of her life to help improve the lives of the people of Taiwan; and
     WHEREAS, Despite adversities, political threats, and earthquakes, Ms. Brougham has always kept Washington State in her heart and has lived and worked with the people of Taiwan for the past 62 years; and
     WHEREAS, Ms. Brougham, known to her students as Peng Meng-hui, in 1962 founded Taiwan's most popular English radio program, Studio Classroom, magazine Let's Talk English, and Overseas Radio And Television Inc., a Taiwanese Christian media outlet; and
     WHEREAS, She established the Doris Brougham Scholarship to provide financial assistance to needy high school students with good grades in English, as well as undergraduate and graduate college students majoring in English or Mass Communications; and
     WHEREAS, Ms. Brougham speaks fluent Mandarin and learned the Ami language during the time she lived with the Aboriginal Hualien mountain tribal people of Taiwan; and
     WHEREAS, Ms. Brougham's lifelong dedication to Taiwan and its people has yielded her tremendous respect, love, and admiration from not just the people of Taiwan, but also from its highest leaders; and
     WHEREAS, In 2002, Ms. Brougham was honored with the most prestigious medal, the Order of the Brilliant Star with Special Grand Cordon, and was awarded as an honorary civil servant of the highest level; and
     WHEREAS, Ms. Brougham, as a native daughter of Washington State, has brought honor and prestige to our state and our nation and is a vivid testimony to the good bilateral relations between Washington State and Taiwan;
     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Washington State Senate, in unison with our friends from Taiwan, honor and congratulate Doris M. Brougham for her unselfish and lifelong achievements and dedication to the well-being, education, and progress of all students young and old in Taiwan and offer their best wishes for a continued happy and fulfilling career and deepest respect and gratitude to Doris M. Brougham; and
     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution be immediately transmitted by the Secretary of the Senate to Doris M. Brougham; Ma Ying-jeou, President of Taiwan; Barack Obama, President of the United States; Jay Inslee, Governor of the State of Washington; Brad Owen, Lieutenant Governor of the State of Washington; and Director General Andy Chin of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Seattle.

I, Hunter G. Goodman, Secretary of the Senate,
do hereby certify that this is a true and
correct copy of Senate Resolution 8651,
adopted by the Senate
April 24, 2013

Secretary of the Senate