Passed by the House April 22, 2013 Yeas 60 FRANK CHOPP ________________________________________ Speaker of the House of Representatives Passed by the Senate April 15, 2013 Yeas 35 BRAD OWEN ________________________________________ President of the Senate | I, Barbara Baker, Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is HOUSE BILL 1207 as passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on the dates hereon set forth. BARBARA BAKER ________________________________________ Chief Clerk | |
Approved May 8, 2013, 2:11 p.m. JAY INSLEE ________________________________________ Governor of the State of Washington | May 8, 2013 Secretary of State State of Washington |
State of Washington | 63rd Legislature | 2013 Regular Session |
Read first time 01/18/13. Referred to Committee on Local Government.
AN ACT Relating to cemetery district formation requirements; and amending RCW 68.52.100, 68.52.110, 68.52.120, 68.52.130, 68.52.140, 68.52.150, 68.52.170, 68.52.180, and 68.52.220.
Sec. 1 RCW 68.52.100 and 2008 c 96 s 1 are each amended to read
as follows:
((For the purpose of forming)) (1) To form a cemetery district, a
petition designating the boundaries of the proposed district by metes
and bounds or describing the lands to be included in the proposed
district by government townships, ranges, and legal subdivisions,
((signed by not less than ten percent of the registered voters who
reside within the boundaries of the proposed district,)) setting forth
the object of the formation of ((such)) the proposed district, and
stating that the ((establishment thereof)) formation of the proposed
district will be conducive to the public welfare and convenience,
((shall)) must be filed with the county auditor of the county
((within)) in which the proposed district is located, accompanied by an
obligation signed by two or more petitioners agreeing to pay the cost
of publishing the notice ((hereinafter provided for.)) specified in RCW
(2) The petition must be signed by at least ten percent of the
registered voters in the proposed district. However, in counties with
only one municipality the petition must be signed by at least ten
percent of the registered voters in the proposed district, based on the
total vote cast in the most recent county general election.
(3) The county auditor ((shall)) must, within thirty days from the
date of filing of ((such)) the petition, examine the signatures and
certify ((to)) the sufficiency or insufficiency ((thereof.)) of the
(4) Notwithstanding subsection (3) of this section, in counties
with only one municipality the county auditor must examine the
signatures and certify the sufficiency or insufficiency of the petition
within fifteen days from the date of filing of the petition. If the
county auditor certifies that the petition is insufficient, the county
auditor must afford the person who filed the petition ten days from
that certification to add additional signatures to the petition. The
petition must be refiled by the end of that period. Within fifteen
days from the date of refiling, the county auditor must examine the
signatures and certify the sufficiency or insufficiency of the
(5) The name of any person who signed a petition ((shall)) may not
be withdrawn from the petition after it has been filed with the county
(6) If the petition is found to contain a sufficient number of
valid signatures, the county auditor ((shall)) must transmit it, with
a certificate of sufficiency attached, to the county legislative
authority, which ((shall)) must thereupon, by resolution entered upon
its minutes, receive the ((same)) petition and fix a day and hour when
it will publicly hear the petition.
(7) For the purposes of this section, "municipality" means a city
or town.
Sec. 2 RCW 68.52.110 and 1947 c 6 s 3 are each amended to read as
The ((hearing on such petition shall be at the office of the board
of county commissioners and shall be held)) county legislative
must conduct a hearing on the petition not less than twenty
nor more than forty days from the date of receipt ((thereof)) of the
petition from the county auditor. The hearing may be completed on the
day set ((therefor)) for hearing the petition or it may be adjourned
from time to time as ((may be)) necessary, but ((such adjournment or
adjournments shall not extend the time for determining said petition
more than sixty days in all from the date of receipt by the board)) an
adjournment may not extend the time for the county legislative
authority's determination pursuant to RCW 68.52.140 more than sixty
days from the date of receipt of the petition from the county auditor.
Sec. 3 RCW 68.52.120 and 2012 c 117 s 319 are each amended to
read as follows:
((A copy of)) The text of the petition with the names of
petitioners omitted((, together with)) and a notice signed by the clerk
of the ((board of county commissioners)) county legislative authority
stating the day, hour, and place of the hearing((, shall)) must be
published in three consecutive weekly issues of the official newspaper
of the county prior to the date of the hearing. ((Said clerk shall))
The clerk must also cause a copy of the petition with the names of
petitioners omitted, ((together)) with a copy of the notice attached,
to be posted for not less than fifteen days before the date of the
hearing in ((each of)) three public places ((within the boundaries of))
in the proposed district, to be previously designated by him or her and
made a matter of record in the proceedings.
Sec. 4 RCW 68.52.130 and 1947 c 6 s 5 are each amended to read as
At the time and place fixed for the hearing on the petition or at
any adjournment thereof, the ((board of county commissioners shall hear
said)) county legislative authority must hear the petition and receive
such evidence as it may deem material in favor of or opposed to the
formation of the proposed cemetery district or to the inclusion
((therein)) or exclusion ((therefrom)) of any lands in the proposed
district, but no lands not within the boundaries of the proposed
district as described in the petition ((shall)) may be included without
a written waiver describing the land, executed by all persons having
interest of record therein, having been filed in the proceedings.
No land within the boundaries described in the petition ((shall)) may
be excluded from the proposed district.
Sec. 5 RCW 68.52.140 and 1996 c 324 s 3 are each amended to read
as follows:
((The county legislative authority shall have full authority to
hear and determine the petition, and if it finds that the formation of
the district will be conducive to the public welfare and convenience,
it shall by resolution so declare, otherwise it shall deny the
petition. If the county legislative authority finds in favor of the
formation of the district, it shall designate the name and number of
the district, fix the boundaries thereof, and cause an election to be
held therein for the purpose of determining whether or not the district
shall be organized under the provisions of this chapter, and for the
purpose of electing its first cemetery district commissioners. At the
same election three cemetery district commissioners shall be elected,
but the election of the commissioners shall be null and void if the
district is not created. No primary shall be held for the office of
cemetery district commissioner. A special filing period shall be
opened as provided in RCW 29.15.170 and 29.15.180. Candidates shall
run for specific commissioner positions. The person receiving the
greatest number of votes for each commissioner position shall be
elected to that commissioner)) (1) After conducting the hearing on the
petition, if the county legislative authority determines that the
formation of the proposed cemetery district will be conducive to the
public welfare and convenience, the county legislative authority must
by resolution so declare, otherwise the county legislative authority
must deny the petition.
(2) If the county legislative authority finds in favor of the
formation of the proposed district, the county legislative authority
must designate the name and number of the proposed district, fix the
boundaries of the proposed district, and cause an election to be held
in the proposed district to determine whether the proposed district
will be formed under the provisions of this chapter, and to elect the
first cemetery district commissioners.
(3) Three cemetery district commissioners must be elected at the
election to determine whether the proposed district will be formed, but
the election of the commissioners is null and void if the district is
not formed. No primary will be held for the office of cemetery
district commissioner. A special filing period must be opened as
provided in RCW 29A.24.171 and 29A.24.181. Candidates must run for
specific commissioner positions. The person receiving the greatest
number of votes for each commissioner position is elected to that
position. The terms of office of the initial commissioners ((shall
be)) are as provided in RCW 68.52.220.
Sec. 6 RCW 68.52.150 and 1947 c 6 s 7 are each amended to read as
Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, the election
((shall)) must insofar as possible be called, noticed, held, conducted,
and canvassed in the same manner and by the same officials as provided
by law for special elections in the county. ((For the purpose of such
election county voting precincts may be combined or divided and
redefined, and the territory in the district shall be included in one
or more election precincts as may be deemed convenient, a polling place
being designated for each such precinct. The notice of election shall
state generally and briefly the purpose thereof, shall give the
boundaries of the proposed district, define the election precinct or
precincts, designate the polling place for each, mention the names of
the candidates for first cemetery district commissioners, and name the
day of the election and the hours during which the polls will be open))
The notice of election must: State generally and briefly the purpose
of the election; describe the boundaries of the proposed cemetery
district; list the names of the candidates for first cemetery district
commissioners; and specify the election date.
Sec. 7 RCW 68.52.170 and 1947 c 6 s 9 are each amended to read as
((The returns of such election shall be canvassed at the court
house on the Monday next following the day of the election, but the
canvass may be adjourned from time to time if necessary to await the
receipt of election returns which may be unavoidably delayed. The
canvassing officials, upon conclusion of the canvass, shall forthwith
certify the results thereof in writing to the board of county
commissioners. If upon examination of the certificate of the
canvassing officials it is found that two-thirds of all the votes cast
at said election were in favor of the formation of the cemetery
district, the board of county commissioners shall, by resolution
entered upon its minutes, declare such territory duly organized as a
cemetery district under the name theretofore designated and shall
declare the three candidates receiving the highest number of votes for
cemetery commissioners, the duly elected first cemetery commissioners
of the district. The clerk of the board of county commissioners shall
certify a copy of the resolution and cause it to be filed for record in
the offices of the county auditor and the county assessor of the
county. The certified copy shall be entitled to record without payment
of a recording fee. If the certificate of the canvassing officials
shows that the proposition to organize the proposed cemetery district
failed to receive two-thirds of the votes cast at said election, the
board of county commissioners shall enter a minute to that effect and
all proceedings theretofore had shall become)) (1) The returns of the
election must be canvassed following the election, but the canvass may
be adjourned from time to time to await the receipt of election
returns. Upon conclusion of the canvass, the canvassing officials must
certify the results to the county legislative authority.
(2) The cemetery district is formed if two-thirds of all votes cast
at the election were in favor of the formation of the proposed
district. However, in counties with only one municipality the district
is formed if a majority of all votes cast at the election were in favor
of the formation of the proposed district.
(3) If the proposition to form the proposed district received the
voter approval required under this section, the county legislative
authority must by resolution recorded in the county legislative
authority's minutes: Declare the district formed under the name and
number previously designated; and declare the three candidates
receiving the highest number of votes for cemetery district
commissioners as the duly elected first commissioners of the district.
The clerk of the county legislative authority must certify a copy of
the resolution and cause it to be filed for record in the offices of
the county auditor and the county assessor of the county. The
certified copy may be recorded without payment of a recording fee.
(4) If the proposition to form the proposed district failed to
receive the voter approval required under this section, the county
legislative authority must record in the county legislative authority's
minutes the failed vote, and all proceedings relating to the proposed
district are null and void.
(5) For the purposes of this section, "municipality" means a city
or town.
Sec. 8 RCW 68.52.180 and 1947 c 6 s 10 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) Any person, firm, or corporation having a substantial interest
involved, and feeling aggrieved by any finding, determination, or
resolution of the ((board of county commissioners)) county legislative
authority under the provisions of this chapter, may appeal within five
days after ((such)) the finding, determination, or resolution was made
to the superior court of the county in the same manner as provided by
law for appeals from orders of ((said board)) the county legislative
(2) After the expiration of five days from the date of the
resolution declaring the district ((organized)) formed, and upon filing
of certified copies ((thereof)) of the resolution in the offices of the
county auditor and county assessor, the formation of the cemetery
district ((shall be)) is complete and its legal existence ((shall)) may
not thereafter be questioned by any person by reason of any defect in
the proceedings ((had for the creation thereof)) for the formation of
the cemetery district.
Sec. 9 RCW 68.52.220 and 2011 c 60 s 47 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) The affairs of the cemetery district ((shall)) must be managed
by a board of cemetery district commissioners composed of three
members. The board may provide, by resolution passed by the
commissioners, for the payment of compensation to each of its
commissioners at a rate of up to ninety dollars for each day or portion
of a day spent in actual attendance at official meetings of the
district commission, or in performance of other official services or
duties on behalf of the district. However, the compensation for each
commissioner must not exceed eight thousand six hundred forty dollars
per year.
(2) Any commissioner may waive all or any portion of his or her
compensation payable under this section as to any month or months
during his or her term of office, by a written waiver filed with the
clerk of the board. The waiver, to be effective, must be filed any
time after the commissioner's election and prior to the date on which
the compensation would otherwise be paid. The waiver ((shall)) must
specify the month or period of months for which it is made. The board
((shall)) must fix the compensation to be paid the secretary and other
employees of the district. Cemetery district commissioners and
candidates for cemetery district commissioner are exempt from the
requirements of chapter 42.17A RCW.
(3) The initial cemetery district commissioners ((shall)) must
assume office immediately upon their election and qualification.
Staggering of terms of office ((shall)) must be accomplished as
follows: (((1))) (a) The person elected receiving the greatest number
of votes ((shall be)) is elected to a six-year term of office if the
election is held in an odd-numbered year or a five-year term of office
if the election is held in an even-numbered year; (((2))) (b) the
person who is elected receiving the next greatest number of votes
((shall be)) is elected to a four-year term of office if the election
is held in an odd-numbered year or a three-year term of office if the
election is held in an even-numbered year; and (((3))) (c) the other
person who is elected ((shall be)) is elected to a two-year term of
office if the election is held in an odd-numbered year or a one-year
term of office if the election is held in an even-numbered year. The
initial commissioners ((shall)) must assume office immediately after
they are elected and qualified but their terms of office ((shall)) must
be calculated from the first day of January after the election.
(4) Thereafter, commissioners ((shall be)) are elected to six-year
terms of office. Commissioners ((shall)) must serve until their
successors are elected and qualified and assume office as provided in
RCW 29A.20.040.
((The polling places for a cemetery district election may be
located inside or outside the boundaries of the district, as determined
by the auditor of the county in which the cemetery district is located,
and no such election shall be held irregular or void on that account.))
(5) The dollar thresholds established in this section must be
adjusted for inflation by the office of financial management every five
years, beginning July 1, 2008, based upon changes in the consumer price
index during that time period. "Consumer price index" means, for any
calendar year, that year's annual average consumer price index, for
Washington state, for wage earners and clerical workers, all items,
compiled by the bureau of labor and statistics, United States
department of labor. If the bureau of labor and statistics develops
more than one consumer price index for areas within the state, the
index covering the greatest number of people, covering areas
exclusively within the boundaries of the state, and including all items
((shall)) must be used for the adjustments for inflation in this
section. The office of financial management must calculate the new
dollar threshold and transmit it to the office of the code reviser for
publication in the Washington State Register at least one month before
the new dollar threshold is to take effect.
(6) A person holding office as commissioner for two or more special
purpose districts ((shall)) may receive only that per diem compensation
authorized for one of his or her commissioner positions as compensation
for attending an official meeting or conducting official services or
duties while representing more than one of his or her districts.
However, such commissioner may receive additional per diem compensation
if approved by resolution of all boards of the affected commissions.