Passed by the House February 18, 2013 Yeas 96 FRANK CHOPP ________________________________________ Speaker of the House of Representatives Passed by the Senate April 11, 2013 Yeas 48 BRAD OWEN ________________________________________ President of the Senate | I, Barbara Baker, Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is HOUSE BILL 1213 as passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on the dates hereon set forth. BARBARA BAKER ________________________________________ Chief Clerk | |
Approved April 25, 2013, 1:52 p.m. JAY INSLEE ________________________________________ Governor of the State of Washington | April 25, 2013 Secretary of State State of Washington |
State of Washington | 63rd Legislature | 2013 Regular Session |
Read first time 01/21/13. Referred to Committee on Health Care & Wellness.
AN ACT Relating to social worker licensing; amending RCW 18.225.010, 18.225.090, 18.225.145, and 43.70.442; and adding new sections to chapter 18.225 RCW.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1 A new section is added to chapter 18.225 RCW
to read as follows:
The legislature finds that licensed advanced social workers and
licensed independent clinical social workers represent different
specializations within the social work profession, with each license
signifying the highest degree of licensure as it pertains to each
specialty. The legislature further finds that practitioners in each
specialty exercise independent judgment and operate independently
within their area of practice.
Therefore, for purposes of job classification, licensed advanced
social workers and licensed independent clinical social workers
licensed under this chapter shall both be considered the top tier of
licensure for the profession.
Sec. 2 RCW 18.225.010 and 2008
c 135 s 11 are each amended to
read as follows:
The definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter
unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
(1) "Advanced social work" means the application of social work
theory and methods, including:
(a) Emotional and biopsychosocial assessment((,));
(b) Psychotherapy under the supervision of a licensed independent
clinical social worker, psychiatrist, psychologist, psychiatric
advanced registered nurse practitioner, psychiatric nurse, or other
mental health professionals as may be defined by rules adopted by the
(c) Case management((,));
(d) Consultation((,));
(e) Advocacy((,));
(f) Counseling((,)); ((and)) or
(g) Community organization.
(2) "Applicant" means a person who completes the required
application, pays the required fee, is at least eighteen years of age,
and meets any background check requirements and uniform disciplinary
act requirements.
(3) "Associate" means a prelicensure candidate who has a graduate
degree in a mental health field under RCW 18.225.090 and is gaining the
supervision and supervised experience necessary to become a licensed
independent clinical social worker, a licensed advanced social worker,
a licensed mental health counselor, or a licensed marriage and family
(4) "Committee" means the Washington state mental health
counselors, marriage and family therapists, and social workers advisory
(5) "Department" means the department of health.
(6) "Disciplining authority" means the department.
(7) "Independent clinical social work" means the diagnosis and
treatment of emotional and mental disorders based on knowledge of human
development, the causation and treatment of psychopathology,
psychotherapeutic treatment practices, and social work practice as
defined in advanced social work. Treatment modalities include but are
not limited to diagnosis and treatment of individuals, couples,
families, groups, or organizations.
(8) "Marriage and family therapy" means the diagnosis and treatment
of mental and emotional disorders, whether cognitive, affective, or
behavioral, within the context of relationships, including marriage and
family systems. Marriage and family therapy involves the professional
application of psychotherapeutic and family systems theories and
techniques in the delivery of services to individuals, couples, and
families for the purpose of treating such diagnosed nervous and mental
disorders. The practice of marriage and family therapy means the
rendering of professional marriage and family therapy services to
individuals, couples, and families, singly or in groups, whether such
services are offered directly to the general public or through
organizations, either public or private, for a fee, monetary or
(9) "Mental health counseling" means the application of principles
of human development, learning theory, psychotherapy, group dynamics,
and etiology of mental illness and dysfunctional behavior to
individuals, couples, families, groups, and organizations, for the
purpose of treatment of mental disorders and promoting optimal mental
health and functionality. Mental health counseling also includes, but
is not limited to, the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of mental
and emotional disorders, as well as the application of a wellness model
of mental health.
(10) "Secretary" means the secretary of health or the secretary's
Sec. 3 RCW 18.225.090 and 2008 c 141 s 1 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) The secretary shall issue a license to any applicant who
demonstrates to the satisfaction of the secretary that the applicant
meets the following education and experience requirements for the
applicant's practice area.
(a) Licensed social work classifications:
(i) Licensed advanced social worker:
(A) Graduation from a master's or doctorate social work educational
program accredited by the council on social work education and approved
by the secretary based upon nationally recognized standards;
(B) Successful completion of an approved examination;
(C) Successful completion of a supervised experience requirement.
The supervised experience requirement consists of a minimum of three
thousand two hundred hours with supervision by an approved supervisor
who has been licensed for at least two years. Of those supervised
(I) At least ninety hours must include direct supervision as
specified in this subsection by a licensed independent clinical social
worker, a licensed advanced social worker, or an equally qualified
licensed mental health professional. Of those hours of directly
supervised experience:
(1) At least fifty hours must include supervision by a licensed
advanced social worker or licensed independent clinical social worker;
the other forty hours may be supervised by an equally qualified
licensed mental health practitioner; and
(2) At least forty hours must be in one-to-one supervision and
fifty hours may be in one-to-one supervision or group supervision;
(II) Distance supervision is limited to forty supervision hours;
(III) Eight hundred hours must be in direct client contact; and
(D) Successful completion of continuing education requirements of
thirty-six hours, with six in professional ethics.
(ii) Licensed independent clinical social worker:
(A) Graduation from a master's or doctorate level social work
educational program accredited by the council on social work education
and approved by the secretary based upon nationally recognized
(B) Successful completion of an approved examination;
(C) Successful completion of a supervised experience requirement.
The supervised experience requirement consists of a minimum of four
thousand hours of experience, over a ((three-year)) period of not less
than three years, with supervision by an approved supervisor who has
been licensed for at least two years and, as specified in this
subsection, may be either a licensed independent clinical social worker
who has had at least one year of experience in supervising the clinical
social work of others or an equally qualified licensed mental health
practitioner. Of those supervised hours:
(I) At least one thousand hours must be direct client contact;
(II) Hours of direct supervision must include:
(1) At least one hundred thirty hours by a licensed mental health
(2) At least seventy hours of supervision with a licensed
independent clinical social worker meeting the qualifications under
this subsection (1)(a)(ii)(C); the other sixty hours may be supervised
by an equally qualified licensed mental health practitioner; and
(3) At least sixty hours must be in one-to-one supervision and
seventy hours may be in one-to-one supervision or group supervision;
(III) Distance supervision is limited to sixty supervision hours;
(D) Successful completion of continuing education requirements of
thirty-six hours, with six in professional ethics.
(b) Licensed mental health counselor:
(i) Graduation from a master's or doctoral level educational
program in mental health counseling or a related discipline from a
college or university approved by the secretary based upon nationally
recognized standards;
(ii) Successful completion of an approved examination;
(iii) Successful completion of a supervised experience requirement.
The experience requirement consists of a minimum of thirty-six months
full-time counseling or three thousand hours of postgraduate mental
health counseling under the supervision of a qualified licensed mental
health counselor or equally qualified licensed mental health
practitioner, in an approved setting. The three thousand hours of
required experience includes a minimum of one hundred hours spent in
immediate supervision with the qualified licensed mental health
counselor, and includes a minimum of one thousand two hundred hours of
direct counseling with individuals, couples, families, or groups; and
(iv) Successful completion of continuing education requirements of
thirty-six hours, with six in professional ethics.
(c) Licensed marriage and family therapist:
(i) Graduation from a master's degree or doctoral degree
educational program in marriage and family therapy or graduation from
an educational program in an allied field equivalent to a master's
degree or doctoral degree in marriage and family therapy approved by
the secretary based upon nationally recognized standards;
(ii) Successful passage of an approved examination;
(iii) Successful completion of a supervised experience requirement.
The experience requirement consists of a minimum of two calendar years
of full-time marriage and family therapy. Of the total supervision,
one hundred hours must be with a licensed marriage and family therapist
with at least five years' clinical experience; the other one hundred
hours may be with an equally qualified licensed mental health
practitioner. Total experience requirements include:
(A) A minimum of three thousand hours of experience, one thousand
hours of which must be direct client contact; at least five hundred
hours must be gained in diagnosing and treating couples and families;
(B) At least two hundred hours of qualified supervision with a
supervisor. At least one hundred of the two hundred hours must be one-on-one supervision, and the remaining hours may be in one-on-one or
group supervision.
Applicants who have completed a master's program accredited by the
commission on accreditation for marriage and family therapy education
of the American association for marriage and family therapy may be
credited with five hundred hours of direct client contact and one
hundred hours of formal meetings with an approved supervisor; and
(iv) Successful completion of continuing education requirements of
thirty-six hours, with six in professional ethics.
(2) The department shall establish by rule what constitutes
adequate proof of meeting the criteria. Only rules in effect on the
date of submission of a completed application of an associate for her
or his license shall apply. If the rules change after a completed
application is submitted but before a license is issued, the new rules
shall not be reason to deny the application.
(3) In addition, applicants shall be subject to the grounds for
denial of a license or issuance of a conditional license under chapter
18.130 RCW.
Sec. 4 RCW 18.225.145 and 2008 c 135 s 13 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) The secretary shall issue an associate license to any applicant
who demonstrates to the satisfaction of the secretary that the
meets the following requirements for the applicant's practice
area and submits a declaration that the applicant is working toward
full licensure in that category:
(a) Licensed social worker associate--advanced or licensed social
worker associate--independent clinical: Graduation from a master's
degree or doctoral degree educational program in social work accredited
by the council on social work education and approved by the secretary
based upon nationally recognized standards.
(b) Licensed mental health counselor associate: Graduation from a
master's degree or doctoral degree educational program in mental health
counseling or a related discipline from a college or university
approved by the secretary based upon nationally recognized standards.
(c) Licensed marriage and family therapist associate: Graduation
from a master's degree or doctoral degree educational program in
marriage and family therapy or graduation from an educational program
in an allied field equivalent to a master's degree or doctoral degree
in marriage and family therapy approved by the secretary based upon
nationally recognized standards.
(2) Associates may not provide independent social work, mental
health counseling, or marriage and family therapy for a fee, monetary
or otherwise. Associates must work under the supervision of an
approved supervisor.
(3) Associates shall provide each client or patient, during the
first professional contact, with a disclosure form according to RCW
18.225.100, disclosing that he or she is an associate under the
supervision of an approved supervisor.
(4) The department shall adopt by rule what constitutes adequate
proof of compliance with the requirements of this section.
(5) Applicants are subject to the denial of a license or issuance
of a conditional license for the reasons set forth in chapter 18.130
(6) An associate license may be renewed no more than ((four)) six
times, provided that the applicant for renewal has successfully
completed eighteen hours of continuing education in the preceding year.
Beginning with the second renewal, at least six of the continuing
education hours in the preceding two years must be in professional
NEW SECTION. Sec. 5 A new section is added to chapter
18.225 RCW
to read as follows:
To assess whether limitations on associate license renewals may be
limiting the number of people able to complete the licensing process
within statutory deadlines, the secretary shall report to the
appropriate committees of the legislature on October 1st of each year,
beginning in 2014 and ending in 2020, the number of associate licenses
that have been renewed four, five, or six times.
Sec. 6 RCW 43.70.442 and 2012 c 181 s 2 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1)(a) Beginning January 1, 2014, each of the following
professionals certified or licensed under Title 18 RCW shall, at least
once every six years, complete a training program in suicide
assessment, treatment, and management that is approved, in rule, by the
relevant disciplining authority:
(i) An adviser or counselor certified under chapter 18.19 RCW;
(ii) A chemical dependency professional licensed under chapter
18.205 RCW;
(iii) A marriage and family therapist licensed under chapter 18.225
(iv) A mental health counselor licensed under chapter 18.225 RCW;
(v) An occupational therapy practitioner licensed under chapter
18.59 RCW;
(vi) A psychologist licensed under chapter 18.83 RCW; ((and))
(vii) An advanced social worker or independent clinical social
worker licensed under chapter 18.225 RCW; and
(viii) A social worker associate--advanced or social worker
associate--independent clinical licensed under chapter 18.225 RCW.
(b) The requirements in (a) of this subsection apply to a person
holding a retired active license for one of the professions in (a) of
this subsection.
(2)(a)(((i))) Except as provided in (((a)(ii))) (b) of this
subsection, a professional listed in subsection (1)(a) of this section
must complete the first training required by this section during the
first full continuing education reporting period after June 7, 2012, or
the first full continuing education reporting period after initial
licensure or certification, whichever occurs later.
(((ii))) (b) A professional listed in subsection (1)(a) of this
section applying for initial licensure on or after June 7, 2012, may
delay completion of the first training required by this section for six
years after initial licensure if he or she can demonstrate successful
completion of a six-hour training program in suicide assessment,
treatment, and management that:
(((A))) (i) Was completed no more than six years prior to the
application for initial licensure; and
(((B))) (ii) Is listed on the best practices registry of the
American foundation for suicide prevention and the suicide prevention
resource center.
(3) The hours spent completing a training program in suicide
assessment, treatment, and management under this section count toward
meeting any applicable continuing education or continuing competency
requirements for each profession.
(4)(a) A disciplining authority may, by rule, specify minimum
training and experience that is sufficient to exempt a professional
from the training requirements in subsection (1) of this section.
(b) The board of occupational therapy practice may exempt
occupational therapists from the training requirements of subsection
(1) of this section by specialty, if the specialty in question has only
brief or limited patient contact.
(5)(a) The secretary and the disciplining authorities shall work
collaboratively to develop a model list of training programs in suicide
assessment, treatment, and management.
(b) When developing the model list, the secretary and the
disciplining authorities shall:
(i) Consider suicide assessment, treatment, and management training
programs of at least six hours in length listed on the best practices
registry of the American foundation for suicide prevention and the
suicide prevention resource center; and
(ii) Consult with public and private institutions of higher
education, experts in suicide assessment, treatment, and management,
and affected professional associations.
(c) The secretary and the disciplining authorities shall report the
model list of training programs to the appropriate committees of the
legislature no later than December 15, 2013.
(6) Nothing in this section may be interpreted to expand or limit
the scope of practice of any profession regulated under chapter 18.130
(7) The secretary and the disciplining authorities affected by this
section shall adopt any rules necessary to implement this section.
(8) For purposes of this section:
(a) "Disciplining authority" has the same meaning as in RCW
(b) "Training program in suicide assessment, treatment, and
management" means an empirically supported training program approved by
the appropriate disciplining authority that contains the following
elements: Suicide assessment, including screening and referral,
suicide treatment, and suicide management. The disciplining authority
may approve a training program that excludes one of the elements if the
element is inappropriate for the profession in question based on the
profession's scope of practice. A training program that includes only
screening and referral elements shall be at least three hours in
length. All other training programs approved under this section shall
be at least six hours in length.
(9) A state or local government employee is exempt from the
requirements of this section if he or she receives a total of at least
six hours of training in suicide assessment, treatment, and management
from his or her employer every six years. For purposes of this
subsection, the training may be provided in one six-hour block or may
be spread among shorter training sessions at the employer's discretion.
(10) An employee of a community mental health agency licensed under
chapter 71.24 RCW or a chemical dependency program certified under
chapter 70.96A RCW is exempt from the requirements of this section if
he or she receives a total of at least six hours of training in suicide
assessment, treatment, and management from his or her employer every
six years. For purposes of this subsection, the training may be
provided in one six-hour block or may be spread among shorter training
sessions at the employer's discretion.