Passed by the House March 5, 2013 Yeas 95 FRANK CHOPP ________________________________________ Speaker of the House of Representatives Passed by the Senate April 16, 2013 Yeas 47 BRAD OWEN ________________________________________ President of the Senate | I, Barbara Baker, Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is HOUSE BILL 1330 as passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on the dates hereon set forth. BARBARA BAKER ________________________________________ Chief Clerk | |
Approved May 1, 2013, 1:38 p.m. JAY INSLEE ________________________________________ Governor of the State of Washington | May 1, 2013 Secretary of State State of Washington |
State of Washington | 63rd Legislature | 2013 Regular Session |
Read first time 01/23/13. Referred to Committee on Health Care & Wellness.
AN ACT Relating to allowing dental hygienists and dental assistants to provide certain services under the supervision of a dentist; amending RCW 18.29.050, 18.29.056, and 18.260.040; and adding a new section to chapter 18.29 RCW.
Sec. 1 RCW 18.29.050 and 2003 c 257 s 1 are each amended to read
as follows:
Any person licensed as a dental hygienist in this state may remove
deposits and stains from the surfaces of the teeth, may apply topical
preventive or prophylactic agents, may polish and smooth restorations,
may perform root planing and soft-tissue curettage, and may perform
other dental operations and services delegated to them by a licensed
dentist. Any person licensed as a dental hygienist in this state may
apply topical anesthetic agents under the general supervision, as
defined in RCW 18.260.010, of a dentist: PROVIDED HOWEVER, That
licensed dental hygienists shall in no event perform the following
dental operations or services:
(1) Any surgical removal of tissue of the oral cavity;
(2) Any prescription of drugs or medications requiring the written
order or prescription of a licensed dentist or physician, except that
a hygienist may place antimicrobials pursuant to the order of a
licensed dentist and under the dentist's required supervision;
(3) Any diagnosis for treatment or treatment planning; or
(4) The taking of any impression of the teeth or jaw, or the
relationships of the teeth or jaws, for the purpose of fabricating any
intra-oral restoration, appliance, or prosthesis.
Such licensed dental hygienists may perform dental operations and
services only under the supervision of a licensed dentist, and under
such supervision may be employed by hospitals, boards of education of
public or private schools, county boards, boards of health, or public
or charitable institutions, or in dental offices.
Sec. 2 RCW 18.29.056 and 2009 c 321 s 1 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1)(a) Subject to RCW 18.29.230 and (e) of this subsection, dental
hygienists licensed under this chapter with two years' practical
clinical experience with a licensed dentist within the preceding five
years may be employed, retained, or contracted by health care
facilities and senior centers to perform authorized dental hygiene
operations and services without dental supervision.
(b) Subject to RCW 18.29.230 and (e) of this subsection, dental
hygienists licensed under this chapter with two years' practical
clinical experience with a licensed dentist within the preceding five
years may perform authorized dental hygiene operations and services
without dental supervision under a lease agreement with a health care
facility or senior center.
(c) Dental hygienists performing operations and services under (a)
or (b) of this subsection are limited to removal of deposits and stains
from the surfaces of the teeth, application of topical preventive or
prophylactic agents, application of topical anesthetic agents,
polishing and smoothing restorations, and performance of root planing
and soft-tissue curettage, but shall not perform injections of
anesthetic agents, administration of nitrous oxide, or diagnosis for
dental treatment.
(d) The performance of dental hygiene operations and services in
health care facilities shall be limited to patients, students, and
residents of the facilities.
(e) A dental hygienist employed, retained, or contracted to perform
services under this section or otherwise performing services under a
lease agreement under this section in a senior center must, before
providing services:
(i) Enter into a written practice arrangement plan, approved by the
department, with a dentist licensed in this state, under which the
dentist will provide off-site supervision of the dental services
provided. This agreement does not create an obligation for the dentist
to accept referrals of patients receiving services under the program;
(ii) Collect data on the patients treated by dental hygienists
under the program, including age, treatments rendered, insurance
coverage, if any, and patient referral to dentists. This data must be
submitted to the department of health at the end of each annual
quarter, during the period of time between October 1, 2007, and October
1, 2013; and
(iii) Obtain information from the patient's primary health care
provider about any health conditions of the patient that would be
relevant to the provision of preventive dental care. The information
may be obtained by the dental hygienist's direct contact with the
provider or through a written document from the provider that the
patient presents to the dental hygienist.
(f) For dental planning and dental treatment, dental hygienists
shall refer patients to licensed dentists.
(2) For the purposes of this section:
(a) "Health care facilities" are limited to hospitals; nursing
homes; home health agencies; group homes serving the elderly,
individuals with disabilities, and juveniles; state-operated
institutions under the jurisdiction of the department of social and
health services or the department of corrections; and federal, state,
and local public health facilities, state or federally funded community
and migrant health centers, and tribal clinics.
(b) "Senior center" means a multipurpose community facility
operated and maintained by a nonprofit organization or local government
for the organization and provision of a combination of some of the
following: Health, social, nutritional, educational services, and
recreational activities for persons sixty years of age or older.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 3 A new section is added to chapter 18.29 RCW
to read as follows:
(1)(a) Any person licensed in this state as a dental hygienist with
two years of practical clinical experience within the preceding five
years may perform delegated acts specified in (b) of this subsection on
a homebound patient under the general supervision of a dentist licensed
under chapter 18.32 RCW if the patient has first been examined by the
supervising dentist within a time frame deemed appropriate by the
supervising dentist.
(b) The acts that may be performed under (a) of this subsection are
limited to the acts, specified in rule by the dental quality assurance
commission, that a dental hygienist is authorized to perform under the
general supervision of a dentist.
(2) Prior to performing acts under this section, the dental
hygienist shall:
(a) Obtain information from the patient's primary health care
provider about any health conditions of the patient that would be
relevant to the provision of preventive dental care. The dental
hygienist shall review and discuss any changes in health condition with
the supervising dentist prior to treatment;
(b) Discuss appropriateness of care with the supervising dentist;
(c) Obtain written consent from the supervising dentist.
(3) For purposes of this section:
(a) "General supervision" has the same meaning as in RCW
18.260.010; and
(b) "Homebound patient" means a patient incapable of travel due to
age or disability.
Sec. 4 RCW 18.260.040 and 2007 c 269 s 5 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1)(a) The commission shall adopt rules relating to the scope of
dental assisting services related to patient care and laboratory duties
that may be performed by dental assistants.
(b) In addition to the services and duties authorized by the rules
adopted under (a) of this subsection, a dental assistant may apply
topical anesthetic agents.
(c) All dental services performed by dental assistants under (a) or
(b) of this subsection must be performed under the close supervision of
a supervising dentist as the dentist may allow.
(2) In addition to any other limitations established by the
commission, dental assistants may not perform the following procedures:
(a) Any scaling procedure;
(b) Any oral prophylaxis, except coronal polishing;
(c) Administration of any general or local anesthetic, including
intravenous sedation;
(d) Any removal of or addition to the hard or soft tissue of the
oral cavity;
(e) Any diagnosis of or prescription for treatment of disease,
pain, deformity, deficiency, injury, or physical condition of the human
teeth, jaw, or adjacent structures; and
(f) The taking of any impressions of the teeth or jaw or the
relationships of the teeth or jaws, for the purpose of fabricating any
intra-oral restoration, appliance, or prosthesis.
(3) A dentist may not assign a dental assistant to perform duties
until the dental assistant has demonstrated skills necessary to perform
competently all assigned duties and responsibilities.