Passed by the House February 12, 2014 Yeas 72 FRANK CHOPP ________________________________________ Speaker of the House of Representatives Passed by the Senate March 7, 2014 Yeas 48 BRAD OWEN ________________________________________ President of the Senate | I, Barbara Baker, Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is HOUSE BILL 1360 as passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on the dates hereon set forth. BARBARA BAKER ________________________________________ Chief Clerk | |
Approved March 31, 2014, 2:38 p.m. JAY INSLEE ________________________________________ Governor of the State of Washington | March 31, 2014 Secretary of State State of Washington |
State of Washington | 63rd Legislature | 2013 Regular Session |
Read first time 01/24/13. Referred to Committee on Local Government.
AN ACT Relating to extending the deadline to designate one or more industrial land banks; and amending RCW 36.70A.367.
Sec. 1 RCW 36.70A.367 and 2007 c 433 s 1 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) In addition to the major industrial development allowed under
RCW 36.70A.365, a county planning under RCW 36.70A.040 that meets the
criteria in subsection (5) of this section may establish, in
consultation with cities consistent with provisions of RCW 36.70A.210,
a process for designating a bank of no more than two master planned
locations for major industrial activity outside urban growth areas.
(2) A master planned location for major industrial developments may
be approved through a two-step process: Designation of an industrial
land bank area in the comprehensive plan; and subsequent approval of
specific major industrial developments through a local master plan
process described under subsection (3) of this section.
(a) The comprehensive plan must identify locations suited to major
industrial development due to proximity to transportation or resource
assets. The plan must identify the maximum size of the industrial land
bank area and any limitations on major industrial developments based on
local limiting factors, but does not need to specify a particular
parcel or parcels of property or identify any specific use or user
except as limited by this section. In selecting locations for the
industrial land bank area, priority must be given to locations that are
adjacent to, or in close proximity to, an urban growth area.
(b) The environmental review for amendment of the comprehensive
plan must be at the programmatic level and, in addition to a threshold
determination, must include:
(i) An inventory of developable land as provided in RCW 36.70A.365;
(ii) An analysis of the availability of alternative sites within
urban growth areas and the long-term annexation feasibility of sites
outside of urban growth areas.
(c) Final approval of an industrial land bank area under this
section must be by amendment to the comprehensive plan adopted under
RCW 36.70A.070, and the amendment is exempt from the limitation of RCW
36.70A.130(2) and may be considered at any time. Approval of a
specific major industrial development within the industrial land bank
area requires no further amendment of the comprehensive plan.
(3) In concert with the designation of an industrial land bank
area, a county shall also adopt development regulations for review and
approval of specific major industrial developments through a master
plan process. The regulations governing the master plan process shall
ensure, at a minimum, that:
(a) Urban growth will not occur in adjacent nonurban areas;
(b) Development is consistent with the county's development
regulations adopted for protection of critical areas;
(c) Required infrastructure is identified and provided concurrent
with development. Such infrastructure, however, may be phased in with
(d) Transit-oriented site planning and demand management programs
are specifically addressed as part of the master plan approval;
(e) Provision is made for addressing environmental protection,
including air and water quality, as part of the master plan approval;
(f) The master plan approval includes a requirement that interlocal
agreements between the county and service providers, including cities
and special purpose districts providing facilities or services to the
approved master plan, be in place at the time of master plan approval;
(g) A major industrial development is used primarily by industrial
and manufacturing businesses, and that the gross floor area of all
commercial and service buildings or facilities locating within the
major industrial development does not exceed ten percent of the total
gross floor area of buildings or facilities in the development. The
intent of this provision for commercial or service use is to meet the
needs of employees, clients, customers, vendors, and others having
business at the industrial site, to attract and retain a quality
workforce, and to further other public objectives, such as trip
reduction. These uses may not be promoted to attract additional
clientele from the surrounding area. Commercial and service businesses
must be established concurrently with or subsequent to the industrial
or manufacturing businesses;
(h) New infrastructure is provided for and/or applicable impact
fees are paid to assure that adequate facilities are provided
concurrently with the development. Infrastructure may be achieved in
phases as development proceeds;
(i) Buffers are provided between the major industrial development
and adjacent rural areas;
(j) Provision is made to mitigate adverse impacts on designated
agricultural lands, forest lands, and mineral resource lands; and
(k) An open record public hearing is held before either the
planning commission or hearing examiner with notice published at least
thirty days before the hearing date and mailed to all property owners
within one mile of the site.
(4) For the purposes of this section:
(a) "Major industrial development" means a master planned location
suitable for manufacturing or industrial businesses that: (i) Requires
a parcel of land so large that no suitable parcels are available within
an urban growth area; (ii) is a natural resource-based industry
requiring a location near agricultural land, forest land, or mineral
resource land upon which it is dependent; or (iii) requires a location
with characteristics such as proximity to transportation facilities or
related industries such that there is no suitable location in an urban
growth area. The major industrial development may not be for the
purpose of retail commercial development or multitenant office parks.
(b) "Industrial land bank" means up to two master planned
locations, each consisting of a parcel or parcels of contiguous land,
sufficiently large so as not to be readily available within the urban
growth area of a city, or otherwise meeting the criteria contained in
(a) of this subsection, suitable for manufacturing, industrial, or
commercial businesses and designated by the county through the
comprehensive planning process specifically for major industrial use.
(5) This section and the termination provisions specified in
subsection (6) of this section apply to a county that at the time the
process is established under subsection (1) of this section:
(a) Has a population greater than two hundred fifty thousand and is
part of a metropolitan area that includes a city in another state with
a population greater than two hundred fifty thousand;
(b) Has a population greater than one hundred forty thousand and is
adjacent to another country;
(c) Has a population greater than forty thousand but less than
seventy-five thousand and has an average level of unemployment for the
preceding three years that exceeds the average state unemployment for
those years by twenty percent; and
(i) Is bordered by the Pacific Ocean;
(ii) Is located in the Interstate 5 or Interstate 90 corridor; or
(iii) Is bordered by Hood Canal;
(d) Is east of the Cascade divide; and
(i) Borders another state to the south; or
(ii) Is located wholly south of Interstate 90 and borders the
Columbia river to the east;
(e) Has an average population density of less than one hundred
persons per square mile as determined by the office of financial
management, and is bordered by the Pacific Ocean and by Hood Canal; or
(f) Meets all of the following criteria:
(i) Has a population greater than forty thousand but fewer than
eighty thousand;
(ii) Has an average level of unemployment for the preceding three
years that exceeds the average state unemployment for those years by
twenty percent; and
(iii) Is located in the Interstate 5 or Interstate 90 corridor.
(6) In order to identify and approve locations for industrial land
banks, the county shall take action to designate one or more industrial
land banks and adopt conforming regulations as provided by ((RCW
36.70A.367(2))) subsection (2) of this section on or before the last
date to complete that county's next periodic review under RCW
36.70A.130(4) that occurs prior to December 31, ((2014)) 2016. The
authority to take action to designate a land bank area in the
comprehensive plan expires if not acted upon by the county within the
time frame provided in this section. Once a land bank area has been
identified in the county's comprehensive plan, the authority of the
county to process a master plan or site projects within an approved
master plan does not expire.
(7) Any county seeking to designate an industrial land bank under
this section must:
(a) Provide countywide notice, in conformity with RCW 36.70A.035,
of the intent to designate an industrial land bank. Notice must be
published in a newspaper or newspapers of general circulation
reasonably likely to reach subscribers in all geographic areas of the
county. Notice must be provided not less than thirty days prior to
commencement of consideration by the county legislative body; and
(b) Make a written determination of the criteria and rationale used
by the legislative body as the basis for siting an industrial land bank
under this chapter.
(8) Any location included in an industrial land bank pursuant to
section 2, chapter 289, Laws of 1998, section 1, chapter 402, Laws of
1997, and section 2, chapter 167, Laws of 1996 shall remain available
for major industrial development according to this section as long as
the requirements of this section continue to be satisfied.