Passed by the House April 18, 2013 Yeas 93 FRANK CHOPP ________________________________________ Speaker of the House of Representatives Passed by the Senate April 25, 2013 Yeas 46 BRAD OWEN ________________________________________ President of the Senate | I, Barbara Baker, Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is ENGROSSED HOUSE BILL 1421 as passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on the dates hereon set forth. BARBARA BAKER ________________________________________ Chief Clerk | |
Approved May 14, 2013, 11:10 a.m. JAY INSLEE ________________________________________ Governor of the State of Washington | May 14, 2013 Secretary of State State of Washington |
State of Washington | 63rd Legislature | 2013 Regular Session |
Read first time 01/25/13. Referred to Committee on Finance.
AN ACT Relating to protecting the state's interest in collecting deferred property taxes; amending RCW 35.49.160, 36.35.110, 36.35.140, 36.35.190, 36.35.220, 36.35.250, 84.37.070, 84.38.100, 84.38.140, 84.60.010, and 84.64.050; and adding a new section to chapter 84.64 RCW.
Sec. 1 RCW 35.49.160 and 1965 c 7 s 35.49.160 are each amended to
read as follows:
Whenever property struck off to or bid in by a county at a sale for
general taxes is subsequently sold by the county, the proceeds of the
sale ((shall first be applied to discharge in full the lien or liens
for general taxes for which property was sold; the remainder, or such
portion thereof as may be necessary, shall be paid to the city or town
to discharge all local improvement assessment liens against the
property; and the surplus, if any, shall)) must be applied as follows:
(1) First, to reimburse the county for the costs of foreclosure and
sale as defined in RCW 36.35.110;
(2) Any remaining proceeds must next be applied to pay any amounts
deferred under chapter 84.37 or 84.38 RCW on the property, including
accrued interest, and outstanding at the time the county acquired the
property by tax deed;
(3) Any remaining proceeds must next be applied to discharge in
full the lien or liens for general taxes for which the property was
(4) Any remaining proceeds must be paid to the city or town to
discharge all local improvement assessment liens against the property;
(5) Any surplus proceeds must be distributed among the proper
county funds.
Sec. 2 RCW 36.35.110 and 1961 c 15 s 84.64.230 are each amended
to read as follows:
(1) No claims ((shall ever be)) are allowed against the county from
any municipality, school district, road district or other taxing
district for taxes levied on property acquired by the county by tax
deed under the provisions of this chapter, but all taxes ((shall)) must
at the time of deeding ((said)) the property be thereby canceled((:
PROVIDED, That)). However, the proceeds of any sale of any property
acquired by the county by tax deed ((shall be)) must first be applied
to reimburse the county for the costs of foreclosure and sale. The
remainder of the proceeds, if any, must be applied to pay any amounts
deferred under chapter 84.37 or 84.38 RCW on the property, including
accrued interest, and outstanding at the time the county acquired the
property by tax deed. The remainder of the proceeds, if any, must be
justly apportioned to the various funds existing at the date of the
sale, in the territory in which such property is located, according to
the tax levies of the year last in process of collection.
(2) For purposes of this section, "costs of foreclosure and sale"
means those costs of foreclosing on the property that, when collected,
are subject to RCW 84.56.020(9), and the direct costs incurred by the
county in selling the property.
Sec. 3 RCW 36.35.140 and 1961 c 15 s 84.64.310 are each amended
to read as follows:
The board of county commissioners of any county may, pending sale
of any county property acquired by foreclosure of delinquent taxes or
amounts deferred under chapter 84.37 or 84.38 RCW, rent any portion
thereof on a tenancy from month to month. From the proceeds of the
rentals the board of county commissioners ((shall)) must first pay all
expense in management of said property and in repairing, maintaining
and insuring the improvements thereon((, and)). The balance of said
proceeds ((shall)) must first be paid to reimburse the county for the
costs of foreclosure and sale as defined in RCW 36.35.110. The
remainder of the proceeds, if any, must be paid to the department of
revenue in the amount of any taxes deferred under chapter 84.37 or
84.38 RCW on the property, including accrued interest, outstanding at
the time the county acquired the property by tax deed, and then to the
various taxing units interested in the taxes levied against said
property in the same proportion as the current tax levies of the taxing
units having levies against said property.
Sec. 4 RCW 36.35.190 and 2009 c 549 s 4076 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) Any person, firm or corporation who or which may have been
entitled to redeem the property involved prior to the issuance of the
treasurer's deed to the county, and his or her or its successor in
interest, ((shall have)) has the right, at any time after the
commencement of, and prior to the judgment in the action authorized
herein, to redeem such property by paying to the county treasurer:
(a) The amount of any taxes deferred under chapter 84.37 or 84.38
RCW on the property, including accrued interest, outstanding at the
time the county acquired the property by tax deed;
(b) The amount of the taxes for which the property was sold to the
county, and the amount of any other general taxes which may have
accrued prior to the issuance of said treasurer's deed, together with
interest on all such taxes from the date of delinquency thereof,
respectively, at the rate of twelve percent per annum((, and by
(c) For the benefit of the assessment district concerned the amount
of principal, penalty and interest of all special assessments, if any,
which ((shall)) have been levied against such property ((and by
paying)); and
(d) Such proportional part of the costs of the tax or tax deferral
foreclosure proceedings and of the action herein authorized as the
county treasurer ((shall)) determines.
(2) Upon redemption of any property before judgment as herein
provided, the county treasurer ((shall)) must issue to the redemptioner
a certificate specifying the amount of the taxes, including amounts
deferred under chapters 84.37 and 84.38 RCW, special assessments,
penalty, interest and costs charged describing the land and stating
that the taxes, including any applicable deferred taxes, special
assessments, penalty, interest and costs specified have been fully
paid, and the liens thereof discharged. Such certificate ((shall))
must clear the land described therein from any claim of the county
based on the treasurer's deed previously issued in the tax or tax
deferral foreclosure proceedings.
Sec. 5 RCW 36.35.220 and 2009 c 549 s 4077 are each amended to
read as follows:
Any person filing a statement in such action ((shall)) must pay the
clerk of the court an appearance fee in the amount required by the
county for appearances in civil actions, and ((shall be)) is required
to tender the amount of all taxes, including any amounts deferred under
chapter 84.37 or 84.38 RCW, interest and costs charged against the real
property to which he or she lays claim, and no further costs in such
action ((shall)) may be required or recovered.
Sec. 6 RCW 36.35.250 and 1998 c 106 s 19 are each amended to read
as follows:
Nothing in RCW 36.35.160 through 36.35.270 contained ((shall)) may
be construed to deprive any city, town, or other unit of local
government that imposed special assessments on the property by
including the property in a local improvement or special assessment
district of its right to reimbursement for special assessments out of
any surplus over and above the taxes, including amounts deferred under
chapters 84.37 and 84.38 RCW, interest and costs involved.
Sec. 7 RCW 84.37.070 and 2010 c 161 s 1167 are each amended to
read as follows:
Whenever a person's special assessment or real property tax
obligation, or both, is deferred under this chapter, the amount
deferred and required to be paid pursuant to RCW 84.38.120 ((shall))
becomes a lien in favor of the state upon his or her property and
((shall have)) has priority as provided in chapters 35.49, 35.50,
36.35, and 84.60 RCW((: PROVIDED, That)). However, the interest of a
mortgage or purchase contract holder who requires an accumulation of
reserves out of which real estate taxes are paid ((shall have)) has
priority to said deferred lien. This lien may accumulate up to forty
percent of the amount of the claimant's equity value in ((said)) the
property and the rate of interest ((shall)) must be an average of the
federal short-term rate as defined in 26 U.S.C. Sec. 1274(d) plus two
percentage points. The rate set for each new year ((shall be)) is
computed by taking an arithmetical average to the nearest percentage
point of the federal short-term rate, compounded annually. That
average ((shall)) must be calculated using the rates from four months:
January, April, and July of the calendar year immediately preceding the
new year, and October of the previous preceding year. The interest
((shall be)) is calculated from the time it could have been paid before
delinquency until ((said)) such obligation is paid or the date that the
obligation is charged off as finally uncollectible. In the case of a
mobile home, the department of licensing ((shall)) must show the
state's lien on the certificate of title for the mobile home. In the
case of all other property, the department of revenue ((shall)) must
file a notice of the deferral with the county recorder or auditor.
Sec. 8 RCW 84.38.100 and 2010 c 161 s 1168 are each amended to
read as follows:
Whenever a person's special assessment and/or real property tax
obligation is deferred under the provisions of this chapter, the amount
deferred and required to be paid pursuant to RCW 84.38.120 ((shall))
becomes a lien in favor of the state upon his or her property and
((shall have)) has priority as provided in chapters 35.49, 35.50,
36.35, and 84.60 RCW((: PROVIDED, That)). However, the interest of a
mortgage or purchase contract holder who is required to cosign a
declaration of deferral under RCW 84.38.090, ((shall have)) has
priority to ((said)) such deferred lien. This lien may accumulate up
to eighty percent of the amount of the claimant's equity value in
((said)) the property and ((shall)) must bear interest at the rate of
five percent per year from the time it could have been paid before
delinquency until said obligation is paid((: PROVIDED, That)).
However, when taxes are deferred as provided in RCW 84.64.050, the
amount ((shall)) must bear interest at the rate of five percent per
year from the date the declaration is filed until the obligation is
paid or the date that the obligation is charged off as finally
uncollectible. In the case of a mobile home, the department of
licensing ((shall)) must show the state's lien on the certificate of
title for the mobile home. In the case of all other property, the
department of revenue ((shall)) must file a notice of the deferral with
the county recorder or auditor.
Sec. 9 RCW 84.38.140 and 2001 c 299 s 18 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) The department ((shall)) must collect all the amounts deferred
together with interest under this chapter. However, in the event that
the department is unable to collect an amount deferred together with
interest, that amount deferred together with interest ((shall)) must be
collected by the county treasurer in the manner provided for in chapter
84.56 RCW. For purposes of collection of deferred taxes, the
provisions of chapters 84.56, 84.60, and 84.64 RCW ((shall be)) are
(2) When any deferred special assessment and/or real property taxes
together with interest are collected the moneys ((shall)) must be
deposited in the state general fund.
(3) The department may charge off as finally uncollectible any
amount deferred under this chapter or chapter 84.37 RCW, including
accrued interest, if the department is satisfied that there are no
cost-effective means of collecting the amount due.
Sec. 10 RCW 84.60.010 and 1969 ex.s. c 251 s 1 are each amended
to read as follows:
All taxes and levies which may hereafter be lawfully imposed or
assessed ((shall be and they)) are ((hereby)) declared to be a lien
respectively upon the real and personal property upon which they may
hereafter be imposed or assessed, which liens ((shall)) include all
charges and expenses of and concerning the ((said)) taxes which, by the
provisions of this title, are directed to be made. The ((said)) lien
((shall have)) has priority to and ((shall)) must be fully paid and
satisfied before any recognizance, mortgage, judgment, debt,
obligation, or responsibility to or with which ((said)) the real and
personal property may become charged or liable, except that the lien is
of equal rank with liens for amounts deferred under chapter 84.37 or
84.38 RCW.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 11 A new section is added to chapter 84.64 RCW
to read as follows:
Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, for purposes of this
(1) "Interest" means interest and penalties; and
(2) "Taxes;" "taxes, interest and costs;" and "taxes, interest, or
costs" include any assessments and amounts deferred under chapters
84.37 and 84.38 RCW, where such assessments and deferred amounts are
included in a certificate of delinquency by the county treasurer.
Sec. 12 RCW 84.64.050 and 1999 c 18 s 7 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) After the expiration of three years from the date of
delinquency, when any property remains on the tax rolls for which no
certificate of delinquency has been issued, the county treasurer
((shall)) must proceed to issue certificates of delinquency on the
property to the county for all years' taxes, interest, and costs((:
PROVIDED, That)). However, the county treasurer, with the consent of
the county legislative authority, may elect to issue a certificate for
fewer than all years' taxes, interest, and costs to a minimum of the
taxes, interest, and costs for the earliest year.
(2) Certificates of delinquency ((shall be)) are prima facie
evidence that:
(((1))) (a) The property described was subject to taxation at the
time the same was assessed;
(((2))) (b) The property was assessed as required by law;
(((3))) (c) The taxes or assessments were not paid at any time
before the issuance of the certificate;
(((4))) (d) Such certificate ((shall have)) has the same force and
effect as a lis pendens required under chapter 4.28 RCW.
(3) The county treasurer may include in the certificate of
delinquency any assessments which are due on the property and are the
responsibility of the county treasurer to collect. ((For purposes of
this chapter, "taxes, interest, and costs" include any assessments
which are so included by the county treasurer, and "interest" means
interest and penalties unless the context requires otherwise.))
However, if the department of revenue has previously notified the
county treasurer in writing that the property has a lien on it for
deferred property taxes, the county treasurer must include in the
certificate of delinquency any amounts deferred under chapters 84.37
and 84.38 RCW that remain unpaid, including accrued interest and costs.
(4) The treasurer ((shall)) must file the certificates when
completed with the clerk of the court at no cost to the treasurer, and
the treasurer ((shall)) must thereupon, with legal assistance from the
county prosecuting attorney, proceed to foreclose in the name of the
county, the tax liens embraced in such certificates. Notice and
summons must be served or notice given in a manner reasonably
calculated to inform the owner or owners, and any person having a
recorded interest in or lien of record upon the property, of the
foreclosure action to appear within thirty days after service of such
notice and defend such action or pay the amount due. Either (a)
personal service upon the owner or owners and any person having a
recorded interest in or lien of record upon the property, or (b)
publication once in a newspaper of general circulation, which is
circulated in the area of the property and mailing of notice by
certified mail to the owner or owners and any person having a recorded
interest in or lien of record upon the property, or, if a mailing
address is unavailable, personal service upon the occupant of the
property, if any, is sufficient. If such notice is returned as
unclaimed, the treasurer ((shall)) must send notice by regular first-class mail. The notice ((shall)) must include the legal description on
the tax rolls, the year or years for which assessed, the amount of tax
and interest due, and the name of owner, or reputed owner, if known,
and the notice must include the local street address, if any, for
informational purposes only. The certificates of delinquency issued to
the county may be issued in one general certificate in book form
including all property, and the proceedings to foreclose the liens
against the property may be brought in one action and all persons
interested in any of the property involved in the proceedings may be
made codefendants in the action, and if unknown may be therein named as
unknown owners, and the publication of such notice ((shall be)) is
sufficient service thereof on all persons interested in the property
described therein, except as provided above. The person or persons
whose name or names appear on the treasurer's rolls as the owner or
owners of the property ((shall)) must be considered and treated as the
owner or owners of the property for the purpose of this section, and if
upon the treasurer's rolls it appears that the owner or owners of the
property are unknown, then the property ((shall)) must be proceeded
against, as belonging to an unknown owner or owners, as the case may
be, and all persons owning or claiming to own, or having or claiming to
have an interest therein, are hereby required to take notice of the
proceedings and of any and all steps thereunder((: PROVIDED, That)).
However, prior to the sale of the property, the treasurer ((shall))
must order or conduct a title search of the property to be sold to
determine the legal description of the property to be sold and the
record title holder, and if the record title holder or holders differ
from the person or persons whose name or names appear on the
treasurer's rolls as the owner or owners, the record title holder or
holders ((shall)) must be considered and treated as the owner or owners
of the property for the purpose of this section, and ((shall be)) are
entitled to the notice provided for in this section. Such title search
((shall)) must be included in the costs of foreclosure.
(5) If the title search required by subsection (4) of this section
reveals a lien in favor of the state for deferred taxes on the property
under RCW 84.37.070 or 84.38.100 and such deferred taxes are not
already included in the certificate of delinquency, the county
treasurer must issue an amended certificate of delinquency on the
property to include the outstanding amount of deferred taxes, including
accrued interest. The amended certificate of delinquency must be filed
with the clerk of the court as provided in subsection (4) of this
(6) The county treasurer ((shall)) may not sell property ((which))
that is eligible for deferral of taxes under chapter 84.38 RCW but
((shall)) must require the owner of the property to file a declaration
to defer taxes under chapter 84.38 RCW.