Passed by the House February 3, 2014 Yeas 72 FRANK CHOPP ________________________________________ Speaker of the House of Representatives Passed by the Senate March 7, 2014 Yeas 47 BRAD OWEN ________________________________________ President of the Senate | I, Barbara Baker, Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is HOUSE BILL 1724 as passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on the dates hereon set forth. BARBARA BAKER ________________________________________ Chief Clerk | |
Approved March 28, 2014, 2:09 p.m. JAY INSLEE ________________________________________ Governor of the State of Washington | March 31, 2014 Secretary of State State of Washington |
State of Washington | 63rd Legislature | 2013 Regular Session |
Read first time 02/06/13. Referred to Committee on Early Learning & Human Services.
AN ACT Relating to statements made by juveniles during assessments or screenings for mental health or chemical dependency treatment; and amending RCW 13.40.020 and 13.40.140.
Sec. 1 RCW 13.40.020 and 2012 c 201 s 1 are each amended to read
as follows:
For the purposes of this chapter:
(1) "Assessment" means an individualized examination of a child to
determine the child's psychosocial needs and problems, including the
type and extent of any mental health, substance abuse, or co-occurring
mental health and substance abuse disorders, and recommendations for
treatment. "Assessment" includes, but is not limited to, drug and
alcohol, psychological and psychiatric evaluations, records review,
clinical interview, and administration of a formal test or instrument;
(2) "Community-based rehabilitation" means one or more of the
following: Employment; attendance of information classes; literacy
classes; counseling, outpatient substance abuse treatment programs,
outpatient mental health programs, anger management classes, education
or outpatient treatment programs to prevent animal cruelty, or other
services; or attendance at school or other educational programs
appropriate for the juvenile as determined by the school district.
Placement in community-based rehabilitation programs is subject to
available funds;
(((2))) (3) "Community-based sanctions" may include one or more of
the following:
(a) A fine, not to exceed five hundred dollars;
(b) Community restitution not to exceed one hundred fifty hours of
community restitution;
(((3))) (4) "Community restitution" means compulsory service,
without compensation, performed for the benefit of the community by the
offender as punishment for committing an offense. Community
restitution may be performed through public or private organizations or
through work crews;
(((4))) (5) "Community supervision" means an order of disposition
by the court of an adjudicated youth not committed to the department or
an order granting a deferred disposition. A community supervision
order for a single offense may be for a period of up to two years for
a sex offense as defined by RCW 9.94A.030 and up to one year for other
offenses. As a mandatory condition of any term of community
supervision, the court shall order the juvenile to refrain from
committing new offenses. As a mandatory condition of community
supervision, the court shall order the juvenile to comply with the
mandatory school attendance provisions of chapter 28A.225 RCW and to
inform the school of the existence of this requirement. Community
supervision is an individualized program comprised of one or more of
the following:
(a) Community-based sanctions;
(b) Community-based rehabilitation;
(c) Monitoring and reporting requirements;
(d) Posting of a probation bond;
(((5))) (6) "Confinement" means physical custody by the department
of social and health services in a facility operated by or pursuant to
a contract with the state, or physical custody in a detention facility
operated by or pursuant to a contract with any county. The county may
operate or contract with vendors to operate county detention
facilities. The department may operate or contract to operate
detention facilities for juveniles committed to the department.
confinement or confinement of less than thirty-one days
imposed as part of a disposition or modification order may be served
consecutively or intermittently, in the discretion of the court;
(((6))) (7) "Court," when used without further qualification, means
the juvenile court judge(s) or commissioner(s);
(((7))) (8) "Criminal history" includes all criminal complaints
against the respondent for which, prior to the commission of a current
(a) The allegations were found correct by a court. If a respondent
is convicted of two or more charges arising out of the same course of
conduct, only the highest charge from among these shall count as an
offense for the purposes of this chapter; or
(b) The criminal complaint was diverted by a prosecutor pursuant to
the provisions of this chapter on agreement of the respondent and after
an advisement to the respondent that the criminal complaint would be
considered as part of the respondent's criminal history. A
successfully completed deferred adjudication that was entered before
July 1, 1998, or a deferred disposition shall not be considered part of
the respondent's criminal history;
(((8))) (9) "Department" means the department of social and health
(((9))) (10) "Detention facility" means a county facility, paid for
by the county, for the physical confinement of a juvenile alleged to
have committed an offense or an adjudicated offender subject to a
disposition or modification order. "Detention facility" includes
county group homes, inpatient substance abuse programs, juvenile basic
training camps, and electronic monitoring;
(((10))) (11) "Diversion unit" means any probation counselor who
enters into a diversion agreement with an alleged youthful offender, or
any other person, community accountability board, youth court under the
supervision of the juvenile court, or other entity except a law
enforcement official or entity, with whom the juvenile court
administrator has contracted to arrange and supervise such agreements
pursuant to RCW 13.40.080, or any person, community accountability
board, or other entity specially funded by the legislature to arrange
and supervise diversion agreements in accordance with the requirements
of this chapter. For purposes of this subsection, "community
accountability board" means a board comprised of members of the local
community in which the juvenile offender resides. The superior court
shall appoint the members. The boards shall consist of at least three
and not more than seven members. If possible, the board should include
a variety of representatives from the community, such as a law
enforcement officer, teacher or school administrator, high school
student, parent, and business owner, and should represent the cultural
diversity of the local community;
(((11))) (12) "Foster care" means temporary physical care in a
foster family home or group care facility as defined in RCW 74.15.020
and licensed by the department, or other legally authorized care;
(((12))) (13) "Institution" means a juvenile facility established
pursuant to chapters 72.05 and 72.16 through 72.20 RCW;
(((13))) (14) "Intensive supervision program" means a parole
program that requires intensive supervision and monitoring, offers an
array of individualized treatment and transitional services, and
emphasizes community involvement and support in order to reduce the
likelihood a juvenile offender will commit further offenses;
(((14))) (15) "Juvenile," "youth," and "child" mean any individual
who is under the chronological age of eighteen years and who has not
been previously transferred to adult court pursuant to RCW 13.40.110,
unless the individual was convicted of a lesser charge or acquitted of
the charge for which he or she was previously transferred pursuant to
RCW 13.40.110 or who is not otherwise under adult court jurisdiction;
(((15))) (16) "Juvenile offender" means any juvenile who has been
found by the juvenile court to have committed an offense, including a
person eighteen years of age or older over whom jurisdiction has been
extended under RCW 13.40.300;
(((16))) (17) "Labor" means the period of time before a birth
during which contractions are of sufficient frequency, intensity, and
duration to bring about effacement and progressive dilation of the
(((17))) (18) "Local sanctions" means one or more of the following:
(a) 0-30 days of confinement; (b) 0-12 months of community supervision;
(c) 0-150 hours of community restitution; or (d) $0-$500 fine;
(((18))) (19) "Manifest injustice" means a disposition that would
either impose an excessive penalty on the juvenile or would impose a
serious, and clear danger to society in light of the purposes of this
(((19))) (20) "Monitoring and reporting requirements" means one or
more of the following: Curfews; requirements to remain at home,
school, work, or court-ordered treatment programs during specified
hours; restrictions from leaving or entering specified geographical
areas; requirements to report to the probation officer as directed and
to remain under the probation officer's supervision; and other
conditions or limitations as the court may require which may not
include confinement;
(((20))) (21) "Offense" means an act designated a violation or a
crime if committed by an adult under the law of this state, under any
ordinance of any city or county of this state, under any federal law,
or under the law of another state if the act occurred in that state;
(((21))) (22) "Physical restraint" means the use of any bodily
force or physical intervention to control a juvenile offender or limit
a juvenile offender's freedom of movement in a way that does not
involve a mechanical restraint. Physical restraint does not include
momentary periods of minimal physical restriction by direct person-to-person contact, without the aid of mechanical restraint, accomplished
with limited force and designed to:
(a) Prevent a juvenile offender from completing an act that would
result in potential bodily harm to self or others or damage property;
(b) Remove a disruptive juvenile offender who is unwilling to leave
the area voluntarily; or
(c) Guide a juvenile offender from one location to another;
(((22))) (23) "Postpartum recovery" means (a) the entire period a
woman or youth is in the hospital, birthing center, or clinic after
giving birth and (b) an additional time period, if any, a treating
physician determines is necessary for healing after the youth leaves
the hospital, birthing center, or clinic;
(((23))) (24) "Probation bond" means a bond, posted with sufficient
security by a surety justified and approved by the court, to secure the
offender's appearance at required court proceedings and compliance with
court-ordered community supervision or conditions of release ordered
pursuant to RCW 13.40.040 or 13.40.050. It also means a deposit of
cash or posting of other collateral in lieu of a bond if approved by
the court;
(((24))) (25) "Respondent" means a juvenile who is alleged or
proven to have committed an offense;
(((25))) (26) "Restitution" means financial reimbursement by the
offender to the victim, and shall be limited to easily ascertainable
damages for injury to or loss of property, actual expenses incurred for
medical treatment for physical injury to persons, lost wages resulting
from physical injury, and costs of the victim's counseling reasonably
related to the offense. Restitution shall not include reimbursement
for damages for mental anguish, pain and suffering, or other intangible
losses. Nothing in this chapter shall limit or replace civil remedies
or defenses available to the victim or offender;
(((26))) (27) "Restorative justice" means practices, policies, and
programs informed by and sensitive to the needs of crime victims that
are designed to encourage offenders to accept responsibility for
repairing the harm caused by their offense by providing safe and
supportive opportunities for voluntary participation and communication
between the victim, the offender, their families, and relevant
community members;
(((27))) (28) "Restraints" means anything used to control the
movement of a person's body or limbs and includes:
(a) Physical restraint; or
(b) Mechanical device including but not limited to: Metal
handcuffs, plastic ties, ankle restraints, leather cuffs, other
hospital-type restraints, tasers, or batons;
(((28))) (29) "Screening" means a process that is designed to
identify a child who is at risk of having mental health, substance
abuse, or co-occurring mental health and substance abuse disorders that
warrant immediate attention, intervention, or more comprehensive
assessment. A screening may be undertaken with or without the
administration of a formal instrument;
(30) "Secretary" means the secretary of the department of social
and health services. "Assistant secretary" means the assistant
secretary for juvenile rehabilitation for the department;
(((29))) (31) "Services" means services which provide alternatives
to incarceration for those juveniles who have pleaded or been
adjudicated guilty of an offense or have signed a diversion agreement
pursuant to this chapter;
(((30))) (32) "Sex offense" means an offense defined as a sex
offense in RCW 9.94A.030;
(((31))) (33) "Sexual motivation" means that one of the purposes
for which the respondent committed the offense was for the purpose of
his or her sexual gratification;
(((32))) (34) "Surety" means an entity licensed under state
insurance laws or by the state department of licensing, to write
corporate, property, or probation bonds within the state, and justified
and approved by the superior court of the county having jurisdiction of
the case;
(((33))) (35) "Transportation" means the conveying, by any means,
of an incarcerated pregnant youth from the institution or detention
facility to another location from the moment she leaves the institution
or detention facility to the time of arrival at the other location, and
includes the escorting of the pregnant incarcerated youth from the
institution or detention facility to a transport vehicle and from the
vehicle to the other location;
(((34))) (36) "Violation" means an act or omission, which if
committed by an adult, must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, and is
punishable by sanctions which do not include incarceration;
(((35))) (37) "Violent offense" means a violent offense as defined
in RCW 9.94A.030;
(((36))) (38) "Youth court" means a diversion unit under the
supervision of the juvenile court.
Sec. 2 RCW 13.40.140 and 1981 c 299 s 11 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) A juvenile shall be advised of his or her rights when appearing
before the court.
(2) A juvenile and his or her parent, guardian, or custodian shall
be advised by the court or its representative that the juvenile has a
right to be represented by counsel at all critical stages of the
proceedings. Unless waived, counsel shall be provided to a juvenile
who is financially unable to obtain counsel without causing substantial
hardship to himself or herself or the juvenile's family, in any
proceeding where the juvenile may be subject to transfer for criminal
prosecution, or in any proceeding where the juvenile may be in danger
of confinement. The ability to pay part of the cost of counsel does
not preclude assignment. In no case may a juvenile be deprived of
counsel because of a parent, guardian, or custodian refusing to pay
therefor. The juvenile shall be fully advised of his or her right to
an attorney and of the relevant services an attorney can provide.
(3) The right to counsel includes the right to the appointment of
experts necessary, and the experts shall be required pursuant to the
procedures and requirements established by the supreme court.
(4) Upon application of a party, the clerk of the court shall
issue, and the court on its own motion may issue, subpoenas requiring
attendance and testimony of witnesses and production of records,
documents, or other tangible objects at any hearing, or such subpoenas
may be issued by an attorney of record.
(5) All proceedings shall be transcribed verbatim by means which
will provide an accurate record.
(6) The general public and press shall be permitted to attend any
hearing unless the court, for good cause, orders a particular hearing
to be closed. The presumption shall be that all such hearings will be
(7) In all adjudicatory proceedings before the court, all parties
shall have the right to adequate notice, discovery as provided in
criminal cases, opportunity to be heard, confrontation of witnesses
except in such cases as this chapter expressly permits the use of
hearsay testimony, findings based solely upon the evidence adduced at
the hearing, and an unbiased fact finder.
(8) A juvenile shall be accorded the same privilege against self-incrimination as an adult. An extrajudicial statement which would be
constitutionally inadmissible in a criminal proceeding may not be
received in evidence at an adjudicatory hearing over objection.
Evidence illegally seized or obtained may not be received in evidence
over objection at an adjudicatory hearing to prove the allegations
against the juvenile if the evidence would be inadmissible in an adult
criminal proceeding. An extrajudicial admission or confession made by
the juvenile out of court is insufficient to support a finding that the
juvenile committed the acts alleged in the information unless evidence
of a corpus delicti is first independently established in the same
manner as required in an adult criminal proceeding.
(9) Statements, admissions, or confessions made by a juvenile in
the course of a mental health or chemical dependency screening or
assessment, whether or not the screening or assessment was ordered by
the court, shall not be admissible into evidence against the juvenile
on the issue of guilt in any juvenile offense matter or adult criminal
proceeding, unless the juvenile has placed his or her mental health at
issue. The statement is admissible for any other purpose or proceeding
allowed by law. This prohibition does not apply to statements,
admissions, or confessions made to law enforcement, and may not be used
to argue for derivative suppression of other evidence lawfully obtained
as a result of an otherwise inadmissible statement, admission, or
(10) Waiver of any right which a juvenile has under this chapter
must be an express waiver intelligently made by the juvenile after the
juvenile has been fully informed of the right being waived.
(((10))) (11) Whenever this chapter refers to waiver or objection
by a juvenile, the word juvenile shall be construed to refer to a
juvenile who is at least twelve years of age. If a juvenile is under
twelve years of age, the juvenile's parent, guardian, or custodian
shall give any waiver or offer any objection contemplated by this