Passed by the House January 31, 2014 Yeas 95 FRANK CHOPP ________________________________________ Speaker of the House of Representatives Passed by the Senate March 7, 2014 Yeas 49 BRAD OWEN ________________________________________ President of the Senate | I, Barbara Baker, Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is HOUSE BILL 2115 as passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on the dates hereon set forth. BARBARA BAKER ________________________________________ Chief Clerk | |
Approved April 2, 2014, 3:23 p.m. JAY INSLEE ________________________________________ Governor of the State of Washington | April 4, 2014 Secretary of State State of Washington |
State of Washington | 63rd Legislature | 2014 Regular Session |
Prefiled 12/10/13. Read first time 01/13/14. Referred to Committee on Community Development, Housing & Tribal Affairs.
AN ACT Relating to the composition of the officer promotion board; and amending RCW 38.12.125.
Sec. 1 RCW 38.12.125 and 1989 c 19 s 18 are each amended to read
as follows:
The officer promotion board shall be composed as follows:
(1) For promotions ((or appointments)) of army national guard
officers, the ((board will consist of the adjutant general, the
assistant adjutant general army, and the five commanders senior in
grade and date of rank in that grade in the Washington army national
guard. If the board is selecting an officer for promotion to the rank
of colonel, any member of the board who is a lieutenant colonel will be
automatically disqualified and will not be replaced. If the board is
selecting an officer for promotion to the rank of brigadier general,
any member of the board who is a lieutenant colonel or who is a colonel
will be automatically disqualified and will not be replaced)) adjutant
general must appoint a board that includes at least five voting members
who are officers in the army national guard senior in grade to those
officers being considered by the board for promotion.
(a) Any officer appointed to the board who is not senior in grade
to officers being considered for promotion must be recused from
participating in the consideration for promotion of those officers to
whom he or she is not senior.
(b) For consideration of an officer for promotion to the grade of
O5 and above, the board must include at least one general officer
appointed by the adjutant general as a voting member.
(2) For promotions ((or appointments)) of air national guard
officers, the ((board will consist of the adjutant general, the
assistant adjutant general air, and the five commanders senior in grade
and date of rank in that grade in the Washington air national guard. If
the board is selecting an officer for promotion to the rank of colonel,
any member of the board who is a lieutenant colonel will be
automatically disqualified and will not be replaced. If the board is
selecting an officer for promotion to the rank of brigadier general,
any member of the board who is a lieutenant colonel or who is a colonel
will be automatically disqualified and will not be replaced)) adjutant
general must appoint a board that includes at least five voting members
who are officers in the air national guard senior in grade to those
officers being considered by the board for promotion.
(a) Any officer appointed to the board who is not senior in grade
to officers being considered for promotion must be recused from
participating in the consideration for promotion of those officers to
whom he or she is not senior.
(b) For consideration of an officer for promotion to the grade of
O5 and above, the board must include at least one general officer
appointed by the adjutant general as a voting member.
(3) For promotions ((or appointments)) of state guard officers, the
((board will consist of the adjutant general, the assistant adjutant
general army, and the five officers senior in grade and in date of rank
in that grade in the state guard. If the board is selecting an officer
for promotion to the rank of colonel, any member of the board who is a
lieutenant colonel will be automatically disqualified and will not be
replaced. If the board is selecting an officer for promotion to the
rank of brigadier general, any member of the board who is a lieutenant
colonel or who is a colonel will be automatically disqualified and will
not be replaced)) adjutant general must appoint a board that includes
at least five voting members who are officers in the state guard senior
in grade to those officers being considered by the board for promotion.
(a) Any officer appointed to the board who is not senior in grade
to officers being considered for promotion must be recused from
participating in the consideration for promotion of those officers to
whom he or she is not senior.
(b) For consideration of an officer for promotion to the grade of
O5 and above, the board must include at least one general officer
appointed by the adjutant general as a voting member.