Passed by the House March 10, 2014 Yeas 98 FRANK CHOPP ________________________________________ Speaker of the House of Representatives Passed by the Senate March 7, 2014 Yeas 48 BRAD OWEN ________________________________________ President of the Senate | I, Barbara Baker, Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is HOUSE BILL 2253 as passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on the dates hereon set forth. BARBARA BAKER ________________________________________ Chief Clerk | |
Approved March 31, 2014, 2:47 p.m. JAY INSLEE ________________________________________ Governor of the State of Washington | March 31, 2014 Secretary of State State of Washington |
State of Washington | 63rd Legislature | 2014 Regular Session |
Read first time 01/15/14. Referred to Committee on Labor & Workforce Development.
AN ACT Relating to telecommunications installations; amending RCW 19.28.400 and 19.28.191; and declaring an emergency.
Sec. 1 RCW 19.28.400 and 2000 c 238 s 204 are each amended to
read as follows:
The definitions in this section apply throughout this subchapter
unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
(1) "Telecommunications backbone cabling systems" means a system
that provides interconnections between telecommunications closets,
equipment rooms, and entrance facilities in the telecommunications
cabling system structure. Backbone cabling consists of the backbone
cables, intermediate and main cross-connects, mechanical terminations,
and patch cords or jumpers used for backbone to backbone cross-connection. Backbone cabling also includes cabling between buildings.
(2) "Board" means the electrical board under RCW 19.28.311.
(3) "Department" means the department of labor and industries.
(4) "Director" means the director of the department or the
director's designee.
(5) "Telecommunications horizontal cabling systems" means the
portions of the telecommunications cabling system that extend((s
[extend])) from the work area telecommunications outlet or connector to
the telecommunications closet. The horizontal cabling includes the
horizontal cables, the telecommunications outlet or connector in the
work area, the mechanical termination, and horizontal cross-connections
located in the telecommunications closet.
(6) "Telecommunications network demarcation point" means the point
or interconnection between the service provider's communications
cabling, terminal equipment, and protective apparatus and the
customer's premises telecommunications cabling system. The location of
this point for regulated carriers is determined by federal and state
regulations. The carrier should be contacted to determine the location
policies in effect in the area.
(7) "Telecommunications scope of work" means the work of a
telecommunications contractor. This includes the installation,
maintenance, and testing of telecommunications systems, equipment, and
associated hardware, pathway systems, and cable management systems,
which excludes cable tray and conduit raceway systems. The scope also
includes installation of open wiring systems of telecommunications
cables, surface nonmetallic raceways designated and used exclusively
for telecommunications, optical fiber innerduct raceway, underground
raceways designated and used exclusively for telecommunications and
installed for additions or extensions to existing telecommunications
systems not to exceed fifty feet inside the building, and incidental
short sections of circular or surface metal raceway, not to exceed ten
feet, for access or protection of telecommunications cabling and
installation of cable trays and ladder racks in telecommunications
service entrance rooms, spaces, or closets.
(8) A "telecommunications structured cabling system" is the
complete collective configuration of cabling and associated hardware at
a given site and installed to perform specific telecommunications
(9) "Telecommunications administrator" means a person designated by
a telecommunications contractor to supervise the installation of
telecommunications systems in accordance with rules adopted under this
(10) "Telecommunications closet" means a room for housing
telecommunications equipment, cable terminations, and cross-connect
wiring that serve that particular floor. The closet is the recognized
transition point between the backbone and horizontal cabling systems.
(11) "Telecommunications contractor" means a person, firm,
partnership, corporation, or other entity that advertises, offers to
undertake, undertakes, submits a bid for, or does the work of
installing or maintaining telecommunications systems.
(12) "Telecommunications service entrance room or space" means a
room or space used as the building serving facility in which the
joining of inter-building and intra-building backbone facilities takes
place. The service entrance room may also house electronic equipment
serving any telecommunications function.
(13) "Telecommunications systems" means structured cabling systems
that begin at the demarcation point between the local service provider
and the customer's premises structured cabling system.
(a) Telecommunications systems encompass all forms of information
generation, processing, and transporting of signals conveyed
electronically or optically within or between buildings, including
voice, data, video, and audio.
(b) Telecommunications systems include structured cabling systems,
compatible connecting hardware, telecommunications equipment, premises
switching equipment providing operational power to the
telecommunications device, infrared, fiber optic, radio-frequency,
power distribution associated with telecommunications systems, and
other limited-energy interconnections associated with
telecommunications systems or appliances.
(c) Telecommunications systems do not include horizontal cabling
used for fire protection signaling systems, intrusion alarms, access
control systems, patient monitoring systems, energy management control
systems, industrial and automation control systems, HVAC/refrigeration
control systems, lighting or lighting control systems, and stand-alone
amplified sound or public address systems.
(d) Telecommunications systems may interface with other building
signal systems including security, alarms, and energy management at
cross-connection junctions within telecommunications closets or at
extended points of demarcation. Horizontal cabling for a
telecommunications outlet, necessary to interface with any of these
systems outside of a telecommunications closet, is the work of the
telecommunications contractor. Telecommunications systems do not
include the installation or termination of premises line voltage
service, feeder, or branch circuit conductors or equipment.
(14) "Telecommunications worker" means a person primarily and
regularly engaged in the installation and/or maintenance of
telecommunications systems, equipment, and infrastructure as defined in
this chapter.
(15) "Telecommunications workstation" means a building space where
the occupant normally interacts with telecommunications equipment. The
telecommunications outlet in the work area is the point at which end-user equipment plugs into the building telecommunications utility
formed by the pathway, space, and building wiring system.
Sec. 2 RCW 19.28.191 and 2013 c 23 s 30 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) Upon receipt of the application, the department shall review
the application and determine whether the applicant is eligible to take
an examination for the master journey level electrician, journey level
electrician, master specialty electrician, or specialty electrician
certificate of competency.
(a) Before July 1, 2005, an applicant who possesses a valid journey
level electrician certificate of competency in effect for the previous
four years and a valid general administrator's certificate may apply
for a master journey level electrician certificate of competency
without examination.
(b) Before July 1, 2005, an applicant who possesses a valid
specialty electrician certificate of competency, in the specialty
applied for, for the previous two years and a valid specialty
administrator's certificate, in the specialty applied for, may apply
for a master specialty electrician certificate of competency without
(c) Before December 1, 2003, the following persons may obtain an
equipment repair specialty electrician certificate of competency
without examination:
(i) A person who has successfully completed an apprenticeship
program approved under chapter 49.04 RCW for the machinist trade; and
(ii) A person who provides evidence in a form prescribed by the
department affirming that: (A) He or she was employed as of April 1,
2003, by a factory-authorized equipment dealer or service company; and
(B) he or she has worked in equipment repair for a minimum of four
thousand hours.
(d) To be eligible to take the examination for a master journey
level electrician certificate of competency, the applicant must have
possessed a valid journey level electrician certificate of competency
for four years.
(e) To be eligible to take the examination for a master specialty
electrician certificate of competency, the applicant must have
possessed a valid specialty electrician certificate of competency, in
the specialty applied for, for two years.
(f) To be eligible to take the examination for a journey level
certificate of competency, the applicant must have:
(i) Worked in the electrical construction trade for a minimum of
eight thousand hours, of which four thousand hours shall be in
industrial or commercial electrical installation under the supervision
of a master journey level electrician or journey level electrician and
not more than a total of four thousand hours in all specialties under
the supervision of a master journey level electrician, journey level
electrician, master specialty electrician working in that electrician's
specialty, or specialty electrician working in that electrician's
specialty. Specialty electricians with less than a four thousand hour
work experience requirement cannot credit the time required to obtain
that specialty towards qualifying to become a journey level
electrician; or
(ii) Successfully completed an apprenticeship program approved
under chapter 49.04 RCW for the electrical construction trade.
(g)(i) To be eligible to take the examination for a specialty
electrician certificate of competency, the applicant must have:
(((i))) (A) Worked in the residential (as specified in WAC 296-46B-920(2)(a)), pump and irrigation (as specified in WAC 296-46B-920(2)(b)), sign (as specified in WAC 296-46B-920(2)(d)), limited
energy (as specified in WAC 296-46B-920(2)(e)), nonresidential
maintenance (as specified in WAC 296-46B-920(2)(g)), or other new
nonresidential specialties as determined by the department in rule
under the supervision of a master journey level electrician, journey
level electrician, master specialty electrician working in that
electrician's specialty, or specialty electrician working in that
electrician's specialty for a minimum of four thousand hours;
(((ii))) (B) Worked in the appliance repair specialty as determined
by the department in rule, restricted nonresidential maintenance as
determined by the department in rule, the equipment repair specialty as
determined by the department in rule, the pump and irrigation specialty
other than as defined by (g)(i)(A) of this subsection or domestic pump
specialty as determined by the department in rule, or a specialty other
than the designated specialties in (g)(i)(A) of this subsection for a
minimum of the initial ninety days, or longer if set by rule by the
department. The restricted nonresidential maintenance specialty is
limited to a maximum of 277 volts and 20 amperes for lighting branch
circuits and/or a maximum of 250 volts and 60 amperes for other
circuits, but excludes the replacement or repair of circuit breakers.
The initial period must be spent under one hundred percent supervision
of a master journey level electrician, journey level electrician,
master specialty electrician working in that electrician's specialty,
or specialty electrician working in that electrician's specialty.
After this initial period, a person may take the specialty examination.
If the person passes the examination, the person may work unsupervised
for the balance of the minimum hours required for certification. A
person may not be certified as a specialty electrician in the appliance
repair specialty or in a specialty other than the designated
((specialities)) specialties in (g)(i)(A) of this subsection, however,
until the person has worked a minimum of two thousand hours in that
specialty, or longer if set by rule by the department; or
(((iii))) (C) Successfully completed an approved apprenticeship
program under chapter 49.04 RCW for the applicant's specialty in the
electrical construction trade((; or)).
(((iv))) (ii) In meeting the training requirements for the pump and
irrigation or domestic pump specialties, the individual shall be
allowed to obtain the experience required by this section at the same
time the individual is meeting the experience required by RCW
18.106.040(1)(c). After meeting the training requirements provided in
this section, the individual may take the examination and upon passing
the examination, meeting additional training requirements as may still
be required for those seeking a pump and irrigation, or a domestic pump
specialty certificate as defined by rule, and paying the applicable
fees, the individual must be issued the appropriate certificate. The
department may include an examination for specialty plumbing
certificate defined in RCW 18.106.010(10)(c) with the examination
required by this section. The department, by rule and in consultation
with the electrical board, may establish additional equivalent ways to
gain the experience requirements required by this subsection.
Individuals who are able to provide evidence to the department, prior
to January 1, 2007, that they have been employed as a pump installer in
the pump and irrigation or domestic pump business by an appropriately
licensed electrical contractor, registered general contractor defined
by chapter 18.27 RCW, or appropriate general specialty contractor
defined by chapter 18.27 RCW for not less than eight thousand hours in
the most recent six calendar years shall be issued the appropriate
certificate by the department upon receiving such documentation and
applicable fees. The department shall establish a single document for
those who have received both an electrical specialty certification as
defined by this subsection and have also met the certification
requirements for the specialty plumber as defined by RCW
18.106.010(10)(c), showing that the individual has received both
certifications. No other experience or training requirements may be
(iii) Before July 1, 2015, an applicant possessing an electrical
training certificate issued by the department is eligible to apply one
hour of every two hours of unsupervised telecommunications system
installation work experience toward eligibility for examination for a
limited energy system certificate of competency (as specified in WAC
296-46B-920(2)(e)), if:
(A) The telecommunications work experience was obtained while
employed by a contractor licensed under this chapter as a general
electrical contractor (as specified in WAC 296-46B-920(1)) or limited
energy system specialty contractor (as specified in WAC 296-46B-920(2)(e)); and
(B) Evidence of the telecommunications work experience is submitted
in the form of an affidavit prescribed by the department.
(h) Any applicant for a journey level electrician certificate of
competency who has successfully completed a two-year program in the
electrical construction trade at public community or technical
or not-for-profit nationally accredited technical or trade
schools licensed by the workforce training and education coordinating
board under chapter 28C.10 RCW, may substitute up to two years of the
technical or trade school program for two years of work experience
under a master journey level electrician or journey level electrician.
The applicant shall obtain the additional two years of work experience
required in industrial or commercial electrical installation prior to
the beginning, or after the completion, of the technical school
program. Any applicant who has received training in the electrical
construction trade in the armed service of the United States may be
eligible to apply armed service work experience towards qualification
to take the examination for the journey level electrician certificate
of competency.
(i) An applicant for a specialty electrician certificate of
competency who, after January 1, 2000, has successfully completed a
two-year program in the electrical construction trade at a public
community or technical college, or a not-for-profit nationally
accredited technical or trade school licensed by the workforce training
and education coordinating board under chapter 28C.10 RCW, may
substitute up to one year of the technical or trade school program for
one year of work experience under a master journey level electrician,
journey level electrician, master specialty electrician working in that
electrician's specialty, or specialty electrician working in that
electrician's specialty. Any applicant who has received training in
the electrical construction trade in the armed services of the United
States may be eligible to apply armed service work experience towards
qualification to take the examination for an appropriate specialty
electrician certificate of competency.
(j) The department must determine whether hours of training and
experience in the armed services or school program are in the
electrical construction trade and appropriate as a substitute for hours
of work experience. The department must use the following criteria for
evaluating the equivalence of classroom electrical training programs
and work in the electrical construction trade:
(i) A two-year electrical training program must consist of three
thousand or more hours.
(ii) In a two-year electrical training program, a minimum of two
thousand four hundred hours of student/instructor contact time must be
technical electrical instruction directly related to the scope of work
of the electrical specialty. Student/instructor contact time includes
lecture and in-school lab.
(iii) The department may not allow credit for a program that
accepts more than one thousand hours transferred from another school's
(iv) Electrical specialty training school programs of less than two
years will have all of the above student/instructor contact time hours
proportionately reduced. Such programs may not apply to more than
fifty percent of the work experience required to attain certification.
(v) Electrical training programs of less than two years may not be
credited towards qualification for journey level electrician unless the
training program is used to gain qualification for a four thousand hour
electrical specialty.
(k) No other requirement for eligibility may be imposed.
(2) The department shall establish reasonable rules for the
examinations to be given applicants for certificates of competency. In
establishing the rules, the department shall consult with the board.
Upon determination that the applicant is eligible to take the
examination, the department shall so notify the applicant, indicating
the time and place for taking the examination.
(3) No noncertified individual may work unsupervised more than one
year beyond the date when the trainee would be eligible to test for a
certificate of competency if working on a full-time basis after
original application for the trainee certificate. For the purposes of
this section, "full-time basis" means two thousand hours.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 3 Section 1 of this act is necessary for the
immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or
support of the state government and its existing public institutions,
and takes effect immediately.