Passed by the House February 13, 2014 Yeas 98 FRANK CHOPP ________________________________________ Speaker of the House of Representatives Passed by the Senate March 7, 2014 Yeas 49 BRAD OWEN ________________________________________ President of the Senate | I, Barbara Baker, Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is HOUSE BILL 2723 as passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on the dates hereon set forth. BARBARA BAKER ________________________________________ Chief Clerk | |
Approved March 31, 2014, 3:05 p.m. JAY INSLEE ________________________________________ Governor of the State of Washington | March 31, 2014 Secretary of State State of Washington |
State of Washington | 63rd Legislature | 2014 Regular Session |
Read first time 01/28/14. Referred to Committee on Judiciary.
AN ACT Relating to foreclosures; amending RCW 61.24.031, 61.24.163, 61.24.165, and 61.24.172; and reenacting and amending RCW 61.24.005.
Sec. 1 RCW 61.24.005 and 2011 c 364 s 3 and 2011 c 58 s 3 are
each reenacted and amended to read as follows:
The definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter
unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
(1) "Affiliate of beneficiary" means any entity which controls, is
controlled by, or is under common control with a beneficiary.
(2) "Beneficiary" means the holder of the instrument or document
evidencing the obligations secured by the deed of trust, excluding
persons holding the same as security for a different obligation.
(3) "Borrower" means a person or a general partner in a
partnership, including a joint venture, that is liable for all or part
of the obligations secured by the deed of trust under the instrument or
other document that is the principal evidence of such obligations, or
the person's successors if they are liable for those obligations under
a written agreement with the beneficiary.
(4) "Commercial loan" means a loan that is not made primarily for
personal, family, or household purposes.
(5) "Department" means the department of commerce or its designee.
(6) "Fair value" means the value of the property encumbered by a
deed of trust that is sold pursuant to a trustee's sale. This value
shall be determined by the court or other appropriate adjudicator by
reference to the most probable price, as of the date of the trustee's
sale, which would be paid in cash or other immediately available funds,
after deduction of prior liens and encumbrances with interest to the
date of the trustee's sale, for which the property would sell on such
date after reasonable exposure in the market under conditions requisite
to a fair sale, with the buyer and seller each acting prudently,
knowledgeably, and for self-interest, and assuming that neither is
under duress.
(7) "Grantor" means a person, or its successors, who executes a
deed of trust to encumber the person's interest in property as security
for the performance of all or part of the borrower's obligations.
(8) "Guarantor" means any person and its successors who is not a
borrower and who guarantees any of the obligations secured by a deed of
trust in any written agreement other than the deed of trust.
(9) "Housing counselor" means a housing counselor that has been
approved by the United States department of housing and urban
development or approved by the Washington state housing finance
(10) "Owner-occupied" means property that is the principal
residence of the borrower.
(11) "Person" means any natural person, or legal or governmental
(12) "Record" and "recorded" includes the appropriate registration
proceedings, in the instance of registered land.
(13) "Residential real property" means property consisting solely
of a single-family residence, a residential condominium unit, or a
residential cooperative unit. For the purposes of the application of
RCW 61.24.163, owner-occupied residential real property includes
residential real property of up to four units.
(14) "Senior beneficiary" means the beneficiary of a deed of trust
that has priority over any other deeds of trust encumbering the same
residential real property.
(15) "Tenant-occupied property" means property consisting solely of
residential real property that is the principal residence of a tenant
subject to chapter 59.18 RCW or other building with four or fewer
residential units that is the principal residence of a tenant subject
to chapter 59.18 RCW.
(16) "Trustee" means the person designated as the trustee in the
deed of trust or appointed under RCW 61.24.010(2).
(17) "Trustee's sale" means a nonjudicial sale under a deed of
trust undertaken pursuant to this chapter.
Sec. 2 RCW 61.24.031 and 2012 c 185 s 4 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1)(a) A trustee, beneficiary, or authorized agent may not issue a
notice of default under RCW 61.24.030(8) until: (i) Thirty days after
satisfying the due diligence requirements as described in subsection
(5) of this section and the borrower has not responded; or (ii) if the
borrower responds to the initial contact, ninety days after the initial
contact with the borrower was initiated.
(b) A beneficiary or authorized agent shall make initial contact
with the borrower by letter to provide the borrower with information
required under (c) of this subsection and by telephone as required
under subsection (5) of this section. The letter required under this
subsection must be mailed in accordance with subsection (5)(a) of this
section and must include the information described in (c) of this
subsection and subsection (5)(e)(i) through (iv) of this section.
(c) The letter required under this subsection, developed by the
department pursuant to RCW 61.24.033, at a minimum shall include:
(i) A paragraph printed in no less than twelve-point font and
bolded that reads:
"You must respond within thirty days of the date of this letter.
IF YOU DO NOT RESPOND within thirty days, a notice of default may be
issued and you may lose your home in foreclosure.
IF YOU DO RESPOND within thirty days of the date of this letter,
you will have an additional sixty days to meet with your lender before
a notice of default may be issued.
You should contact a housing counselor or attorney as soon as
possible. Failure to contact a housing counselor or attorney may
result in your losing certain opportunities, such as meeting with your
lender or participating in mediation in front of a neutral third party.
A housing counselor or attorney can help you work with your lender to
avoid foreclosure.
If you filed bankruptcy or have been discharged in bankruptcy, this
communication is not intended as an attempt to collect a debt from you
personally, but is notice of enforcement of the deed of trust lien
against the property. If you wish to avoid foreclosure and keep your
property, this notice sets forth your rights and options.";
(ii) The toll-free telephone number from the United States
department of housing and urban development to find a department-approved housing counseling agency, the toll-free numbers for the
statewide foreclosure hotline recommended by the housing finance
commission, and the statewide civil legal aid hotline for assistance
and referrals to other housing counselors and attorneys;
(iii) A paragraph stating that a housing counselor may be available
at little or no cost to the borrower and that whether or not the
borrower contacts a housing counselor or attorney, the borrower has the
right to request a meeting with the beneficiary; and
(iv) A paragraph explaining how the borrower may respond to the
letter and stating that after responding the borrower will have an
opportunity to meet with his or her beneficiary in an attempt to
resolve and try to work out an alternative to the foreclosure and that,
after ninety days from the date of the letter, a notice of default may
be issued, which starts the foreclosure process.
(d) If the beneficiary has exercised due diligence as required
under subsection (5) of this section and the borrower does not respond
by contacting the beneficiary within thirty days of the initial
contact, the notice of default may be issued. "Initial contact" with
the borrower is considered made three days after the date the letter
required in (b) of this subsection is sent.
(e) If a meeting is requested by the borrower or the borrower's
housing counselor or attorney, the beneficiary or authorized agent
shall schedule the meeting to occur before the notice of default is
issued. An assessment of the borrower's financial ability to modify or
restructure the loan obligation and a discussion of options must occur
during the meeting scheduled for that purpose.
(f) The meeting scheduled to assess the borrower's financial
ability to modify or restructure the loan obligation and discuss
options to avoid foreclosure may be held telephonically, unless the
borrower or borrower's representative requests in writing that a
meeting be held in person. The written request for an in-person
meeting must be made within thirty days of the initial contact with the
borrower. If the meeting is requested to be held in person, the
meeting must be held in the county where the ((borrower resides))
property is located unless the parties agree otherwise. A person who
is authorized to agree to a resolution, including modifying or
restructuring the loan obligation or other alternative resolution to
foreclosure on behalf of the beneficiary, must be present either in
person or on the telephone or videoconference during the meeting.
(2) A notice of default issued under RCW 61.24.030(8) must include
a declaration, as provided in subsection (9) of this section, from the
beneficiary or authorized agent that it has contacted the borrower as
provided in subsection (1) of this section, it has tried with due
diligence to contact the borrower under subsection (5) of this section,
or the borrower has surrendered the property to the trustee,
beneficiary, or authorized agent. Unless the trustee has violated his
or her duty under RCW 61.24.010(4), the trustee is entitled to rely on
the declaration as evidence that the requirements of this section have
been satisfied, and the trustee is not liable for the beneficiary's or
its authorized agent's failure to comply with the requirements of this
(3) If, after the initial contact under subsection (1) of this
section, a borrower has designated a housing counseling agency, housing
counselor, or attorney to discuss with the beneficiary or authorized
agent, on the borrower's behalf, options for the borrower to avoid
foreclosure, the borrower shall inform the beneficiary or authorized
agent and provide the contact information to the beneficiary or
authorized agent. The beneficiary or authorized agent shall contact
the designated representative for the borrower to meet.
(4) The beneficiary or authorized agent and the borrower or the
borrower's representative shall attempt to reach a resolution for the
borrower within the ninety days from the time the initial contact is
sent and the notice of default is issued. A resolution may include,
but is not limited to, a loan modification, an agreement to conduct a
short sale, or a deed in lieu of foreclosure transaction, or some other
workout plan. Any modification or workout plan offered at the meeting
with the borrower's designated representative by the beneficiary or
authorized agent is subject to approval by the borrower.
(5) A notice of default may be issued under RCW 61.24.030(8) if a
beneficiary or authorized agent has initiated contact with the borrower
as required under subsection (1)(b) of this section and the failure to
meet with the borrower occurred despite the due diligence of the
beneficiary or authorized agent. Due diligence requires the following:
(a) A beneficiary or authorized agent shall first attempt to
contact a borrower by sending ((a)), by both first-class and either
registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, a letter to the
address in the beneficiary's records for sending account statements to
the borrower and to the address of the property encumbered by the deed
of trust. The letter must be the letter described in subsection (1)(c)
of this section.
(b)(i) After the letter has been sent, the beneficiary or
authorized agent shall attempt to contact the borrower by telephone at
least three times at different hours and on different days. Telephone
calls must be made to the primary and secondary telephone numbers on
file with the beneficiary or authorized agent.
(ii) A beneficiary or authorized agent may attempt to contact a
borrower using an automated system to dial borrowers if the telephone
call, when answered, is connected to a live representative of the
beneficiary or authorized agent.
(iii) A beneficiary or authorized agent satisfies the telephone
contact requirements of this subsection (5)(b) if the beneficiary or
authorized agent determines, after attempting contact under this
subsection (5)(b), that the borrower's primary telephone number and
secondary telephone number or numbers on file, if any, have been
disconnected or are not good contact numbers for the borrower.
(iv) The telephonic contact under this subsection (5)(b) does not
constitute the meeting under subsection (1)(f) of this section.
(c) If the borrower does not respond within fourteen days after the
telephone call requirements of (b) of this subsection have been
satisfied, the beneficiary or authorized agent shall send a certified
letter, with return receipt requested, to the borrower at the address
in the beneficiary's records for sending account statements to the
borrower and to the address of the property encumbered by the deed of
trust. The letter must include the information described in (e)(i)
through (iv) of this subsection. The letter must also include a
paragraph stating: "Your failure to contact a housing counselor or
attorney may result in your losing certain opportunities, such as
meeting with your lender or participating in mediation in front of a
neutral third party."
(d) The beneficiary or authorized agent shall provide a means for
the borrower to contact the beneficiary or authorized agent in a timely
manner, including a toll-free telephone number or charge-free
equivalent that will provide access to a live representative during
business hours for the purpose of initiating and scheduling the meeting
under subsection (1)(f) of this section.
(e) The beneficiary or authorized agent shall post a link on the
home page of the beneficiary's or authorized agent's internet web site,
if any, to the following information:
(i) Options that may be available to borrowers who are unable to
afford their mortgage payments and who wish to avoid foreclosure, and
instructions to borrowers advising them on steps to take to explore
those options;
(ii) A list of financial documents borrowers should collect and be
prepared to present to the beneficiary or authorized agent when
discussing options for avoiding foreclosure;
(iii) A toll-free telephone number or charge-free equivalent for
borrowers who wish to discuss options for avoiding foreclosure with
their beneficiary or authorized agent; and
(iv) The toll-free telephone number or charge-free equivalent made
available by the department to find a department-approved housing
counseling agency.
(6) Subsections (1) and (5) of this section do not apply if the
borrower has surrendered the property as evidenced by either a letter
confirming the surrender or delivery of the keys to the property to the
trustee, beneficiary, or authorized agent.
(7)(a) This section applies only to deeds of trust that are
recorded against owner-occupied residential real property. This
section does not apply to deeds of trust: (i) Securing a commercial
loan; (ii) securing obligations of a grantor who is not the borrower or
a guarantor; or (iii) securing a purchaser's obligations under a
seller-financed sale.
(b) This section does not apply to association beneficiaries
subject to chapter 64.32, 64.34, or 64.38 RCW.
(8) As used in this section:
(a) "Department" means the United States department of housing and
urban development.
(b) "Seller-financed sale" means a residential real property
transaction where the seller finances all or part of the purchase
price, and that financed amount is secured by a deed of trust against
the subject residential real property.
(9) The form of declaration to be provided by the beneficiary or
authorized agent as required under subsection (2) of this section must
be in substantially the following form:
Sec. 3 RCW 61.24.163 and 2012 c 185 s 6 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) The foreclosure mediation program established in this section
applies only to borrowers who have been referred to mediation by a
housing counselor or attorney. The referral to mediation may be made
any time after a notice of default has been issued but no later than
twenty days after the date a notice of sale has been recorded. If the
borrower has failed to elect to mediate within the applicable time
frame, the borrower and the beneficiary may, but are under no duty to,
agree in writing to enter the foreclosure mediation program. The
mediation program under this section is not governed by chapter 7.07
RCW and does not preclude mediation required by a court or other
provision of law.
(2) A housing counselor or attorney referring a borrower to
mediation shall send a notice to the borrower and the department,
stating that mediation is appropriate.
(3) Within ten days of receiving the notice, the department shall:
(a) Send a notice to the beneficiary, the borrower, the housing
counselor or attorney who referred the borrower, and the trustee
stating that the parties have been referred to mediation. The notice
must include the statements and list of documents and information
described in subsections (4) and (5) of this section and a statement
explaining each party's responsibility to pay the mediator's fee; and
(b) Select a mediator and notify the parties of the selection.
(4) Within twenty-three days of the department's notice that the
parties have been referred to mediation, the borrower shall transmit
the documents required for mediation to the mediator and the
beneficiary. The required documents include an initial Making Home
Affordable Application (HAMP) package or such other equivalent
homeowner financial information worksheet as required by the
department. In the event the department is required to create a
worksheet, the worksheet must include, at a minimum, the following
(a) The borrower's current and future income;
(b) Debts and obligations;
(c) Assets;
(d) Expenses;
(e) Tax returns for the previous two years;
(f) Hardship information;
(g) Other applicable information commonly required by any
applicable federal mortgage relief program.
(5) Within twenty days of the beneficiary's receipt of the
borrower's documents, the beneficiary shall transmit the documents
required for mediation to the mediator and the borrower. The required
documents include:
(a) An accurate statement containing the balance of the loan within
thirty days of the date on which the beneficiary's documents are due to
the parties;
(b) Copies of the note and deed of trust;
(c) Proof that the entity claiming to be the beneficiary is the
owner of any promissory note or obligation secured by the deed of
trust. Sufficient proof may be a copy of the declaration described in
RCW 61.24.030(7)(a);
(d) The best estimate of any arrearage and an itemized statement of
the arrearages;
(e) An itemized list of the best estimate of fees and charges
(f) The payment history and schedule for the preceding twelve
months, or since default, whichever is longer, including a breakdown of
all fees and charges claimed;
(g) All borrower-related and mortgage-related input data used in
any net present values analysis. If no net present values analysis is
required by the applicable federal mortgage relief program, then the
input data required under the federal deposit insurance corporation and
published in the federal deposit insurance corporation loan
modification program guide, or if that calculation becomes unavailable,
substantially similar input data as determined by the department;
(h) An explanation regarding any denial for a loan modification,
forbearance, or other alternative to foreclosure in sufficient detail
for a reasonable person to understand why the decision was made;
(i) Appraisal or other broker price opinion most recently relied
upon by the beneficiary not more than ninety days old at the time of
the scheduled mediation; and
(j) The portion or excerpt of the pooling and servicing agreement
or other investor restriction that prohibits the beneficiary from
implementing a modification, if the beneficiary claims it cannot
implement a modification due ((solely)) to limitations in a pooling and
servicing agreement or other investor restriction, and documentation or
a statement detailing the efforts of the beneficiary to obtain a waiver
of the pooling and servicing agreement or other investor restriction
(6) Within seventy days of receiving the referral from the
department, the mediator shall convene a mediation session in the
county where the ((borrower resides)) property is located, unless the
parties agree on another location. The parties may agree to extend the
time in which to schedule the mediation session. If the parties agree
to extend the time, the beneficiary shall notify the trustee of the
extension and the date the mediator is expected to issue the mediator's
(7)(a) The mediator may schedule phone conferences, consultations
with the parties individually, and other communications to ensure that
the parties have all the necessary information and documents to engage
in a productive mediation.
(b) The mediator must send written notice of the time, date, and
location of the mediation session to the borrower, the beneficiary, and
the department at least thirty days prior to the mediation session. At
a minimum, the notice must contain:
(i) A statement that the borrower may be represented in the
mediation session by an attorney or other advocate;
(ii) A statement that a person with authority to agree to a
resolution, including a proposed settlement, loan modification, or
dismissal or continuation of the foreclosure proceeding, must be
present either in person or on the telephone or videoconference during
the mediation session; and
(iii) A statement that the parties have a duty to mediate in good
faith and that failure to mediate in good faith may impair the
beneficiary's ability to foreclose on the property or the borrower's
ability to modify the loan or take advantage of other alternatives to
(8)(a) The borrower, the beneficiary or authorized agent, and the
mediator must meet in person for the mediation session. However, a
person with authority to agree to a resolution on behalf of the
beneficiary may be present over the telephone or videoconference during
the mediation session.
(b) After the mediation session commences, the mediator may
continue the mediation session once, and any further continuances must
be with the consent of the parties.
(9) The participants in mediation must address the issues of
foreclosure that may enable the borrower and the beneficiary to reach
a resolution, including but not limited to reinstatement, modification
of the loan, restructuring of the debt, or some other workout plan. To
assist the parties in addressing issues of foreclosure, the mediator
may require the participants to consider the following:
(a) The borrower's current and future economic circumstances,
including the borrower's current and future income, debts, and
obligations for the previous sixty days or greater time period as
determined by the mediator;
(b) The net present value of receiving payments pursuant to a
modified mortgage loan as compared to the anticipated net recovery
following foreclosure;
(c) Any affordable loan modification calculation and net present
value calculation when required under any federal mortgage relief
program, including the home affordable modification program (HAMP) as
applicable to government-sponsored enterprise and nongovernment-sponsored enterprise loans and any HAMP-related modification program
applicable to loans insured by the federal housing administration, the
veterans administration, and the rural housing service. If such a
calculation is not provided or required, then the beneficiary must
provide the net present value data inputs established by the federal
deposit insurance corporation and published in the federal deposit
insurance corporation loan modification program guide or other net
present value data inputs as designated by the department. The
mediator may run the calculation in order for a productive mediation to
occur and to comply with the mediator certification requirement; and
(d) Any other loss mitigation guidelines to loans insured by the
federal housing administration, the veterans administration, and the
rural housing service, if applicable.
(10) A violation of the duty to mediate in good faith as required
under this section may include:
(a) Failure to timely participate in mediation without good cause;
(b) Failure of the borrower or the beneficiary to provide the
documentation required before mediation or pursuant to the mediator's
(c) Failure of a party to designate representatives with adequate
authority to fully settle, compromise, or otherwise reach resolution
with the borrower in mediation; and
(d) A request by a beneficiary that the borrower waive future
claims he or she may have in connection with the deed of trust, as a
condition of agreeing to a modification, except for rescission claims
under the federal truth in lending act. Nothing in this section
precludes a beneficiary from requesting that a borrower dismiss with
prejudice any pending claims against the beneficiary, its agents, loan
servicer, or trustee, arising from the underlying deed of trust, as a
condition of modification.
(11) If the mediator reasonably believes a borrower will not attend
a mediation session based on the borrower's conduct, such as the lack
of response to the mediator's communications, the mediator may cancel
a scheduled mediation session and send a written cancellation to the
department and the trustee and send copies to the parties. The
beneficiary may proceed with the foreclosure after receipt of the
mediator's written confirmation of cancellation.
(12) Within seven business days after the conclusion of the
mediation session, the mediator must send a written certification to
the department and the trustee and send copies to the parties of:
(a) The date, time, and location of the mediation session;
(b) The names of all persons attending in person and by telephone
or videoconference, at the mediation session;
(c) Whether a resolution was reached by the parties, including
whether the default was cured by reinstatement, modification, or
restructuring of the debt, or some other alternative to foreclosure was
agreed upon by the parties;
(d) Whether the parties participated in the mediation in good
faith; and
(e) If a written agreement was not reached, a description of any
net present value test used, along with a copy of the inputs, including
the result of any net present value test expressed in a dollar amount.
(13) If the parties are unable to reach an agreement, the
beneficiary may proceed with the foreclosure after receipt of the
mediator's written certification.
(14)(a) The mediator's certification that the beneficiary failed to
act in good faith in mediation constitutes a defense to the nonjudicial
foreclosure action that was the basis for initiating the mediation. In
any action to enjoin the foreclosure, the beneficiary is entitled to
rebut the allegation that it failed to act in good faith.
(b) The mediator's certification that the beneficiary failed to act
in good faith during mediation does not constitute a defense to a
judicial foreclosure or a future nonjudicial foreclosure action if a
modification of the loan is agreed upon and the borrower subsequently
(c) If an affordable loan modification is not offered in the
mediation or a written agreement was not reached and the mediator's
certification shows that the net present value of the modified loan
exceeds the anticipated net recovery at foreclosure, that showing in
the certification constitutes a basis for the borrower to enjoin the
(15) The mediator's certification that the borrower failed to act
in good faith in mediation authorizes the beneficiary to proceed with
the foreclosure.
(16)(a) If a borrower has been referred to mediation before a
notice of trustee sale has been recorded, a trustee may not record the
notice of sale until the trustee receives the mediator's certification
stating that the mediation has been completed. If the trustee does not
receive the mediator's certification, the trustee may record the notice
of sale after ten days from the date the certification to the trustee
was due. If, after a notice of sale is recorded under this subsection
(16)(a), the mediator subsequently issues a certification finding that
the beneficiary violated the duty of good faith, the certification
constitutes a basis for the borrower to enjoin the foreclosure.
(b) If a borrower has been referred to mediation after the notice
of sale was recorded, the sale may not occur until the trustee receives
the mediator's certification stating that the mediation has been
(17) A mediator may charge reasonable fees as authorized by this
subsection ((and)) or as authorized by the department. Unless the fee
is waived ((or)), the parties agree otherwise, or the department
otherwise authorizes, a foreclosure mediator's fee may not exceed four
hundred dollars for preparing, scheduling, and conducting a mediation
session lasting between one hour and three hours. For a mediation
session exceeding three hours, the foreclosure mediator may charge a
reasonable fee, as authorized by the department. The mediator must
provide an estimated fee before the mediation, and payment of the
mediator's fee must be divided equally between the beneficiary and the
borrower. The beneficiary and the borrower must tender the loan
mediator's fee within thirty calendar days from receipt of the
department's letter referring the parties to mediation or pursuant to
the mediator's instructions.
(18) Beginning December 1, 2012, and every year thereafter, the
department shall report annually to the legislature on:
(a) The performance of the program, including the numbers of
borrowers who are referred to mediation by a housing counselor or
(b) The results of the mediation program, including the number of
mediations requested by housing counselors and attorneys, the number of
certifications of good faith issued, the number of borrowers and
beneficiaries who failed to mediate in good faith, and the reasons for
the failure to mediate in good faith, if known, the numbers of loans
restructured or modified, the change in the borrower's monthly payment
for principal and interest and the number of principal write-downs and
interest rate reductions, and, to the extent practical, the number of
borrowers who report a default within a year of restructuring or
(c) The information received by housing counselors regarding
outcomes of foreclosures; and
(d) Any recommendations for changes to the statutes regarding the
mediation program.
Sec. 4 RCW 61.24.165 and 2011 c 58 s 8 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) RCW 61.24.163 applies only to deeds of trust that are recorded
against owner-occupied residential real property of up to four units.
The property must have been owner-occupied as of the date ((of)) the
initial contact under RCW 61.24.031 was made.
(2) A borrower under a deed of trust on owner-occupied residential
real property who has received a notice of default on or before July
22, 2011, may be referred to mediation under RCW 61.24.163 by a housing
counselor or attorney.
(3) RCW 61.24.163 does not apply to deeds of trust:
(a) Securing a commercial loan;
(b) Securing obligations of a grantor who is not the borrower or a
guarantor; or
(c) Securing a purchaser's obligations under a seller-financed
(4) RCW 61.24.163 does not apply to association beneficiaries
subject to chapter 64.32, 64.34, or 64.38 RCW.
(5) For purposes of referral and mediation under RCW 61.24.163, a
person may be referred to mediation if the borrower is deceased and the
person is a successor in interest of the deceased borrower who occupies
the property as his or her primary residence. The referring counselor
or attorney must determine a person's eligibility under this section
and indicate the grounds for eligibility on the referral to mediation
submitted to the department. For the purposes of mediation under RCW
61.24.163, the person must be treated as a "borrower." This subsection
does not impose an affirmative duty on the beneficiary to accept an
assumption of the loan.
(6) For purposes of referral and mediation under RCW 61.24.163, a
person may be referred to mediation if the person has been awarded
title to the property in a proceeding for dissolution or legal
separation. The referring counselor or attorney must determine the
person's eligibility under this section and indicate the grounds for
eligibility on the referral to mediation submitted to the department.
For the purposes of mediation under RCW 61.24.163, the person must be
treated as a "borrower." This subsection does not impose an
affirmative duty on the beneficiary to accept an assumption of the
Sec. 5 RCW 61.24.172 and 2012 c 185 s 12 are each amended to read
as follows:
The foreclosure fairness account is created in the custody of the
state treasurer. All receipts received under RCW 61.24.174 must be
deposited into the account. Only the director of the department of
commerce or the director's designee may authorize expenditures from the
account. Funding to agencies and organizations under this section must
be provided by the department through an interagency agreement or other
applicable contract instrument. The account is subject to allotment
procedures under chapter 43.88 RCW, but an appropriation is not
required for expenditures. Expenditures from the account must be used
as follows: (1) No less than seventy-((six)) one percent must be used
for the purposes of providing housing counseling activities to benefit
borrowers, except that this amount may be less than seventy-((six)) one
percent only if necessary to meet the funding level specified for the
office of the attorney general under subsection (2) of this section and
the department under subsection (4) of this section; (2) up to six
percent, or six hundred fifty-five thousand dollars per biennium,
whichever amount is greater, to the office of the attorney general to
be used by the consumer protection division to enforce this chapter;
(3) up to two percent to the office of civil legal aid to be used for
the purpose of contracting with qualified legal aid programs for legal
representation of homeowners in matters relating to foreclosure. Funds
provided under this subsection (3) must be used to supplement, not
supplant, other federal, state, and local funds; (4) up to ((thirteen))
eighteen percent, or ((five hundred ninety)) one million four hundred
thousand dollars per biennium, whichever amount is greater, to the
department to be used for implementation and operation of the
foreclosure fairness act; and (5) up to three percent to the department
of financial institutions to conduct homeowner prepurchase and
postpurchase outreach and education programs as defined in RCW
The department shall enter into interagency agreements to contract
with the Washington state housing finance commission and other
appropriate entities to implement the foreclosure fairness act.