HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 2015-4619, by Representative Harris
WHEREAS, In 1865, The Salvation Army was founded in London, England by William and Catherine Booth; and
WHEREAS, The Salvation Army operates in 126 countries around the world with the motto "Soup, Soap and Salvation"; and
WHEREAS, The first Salvation Army Officers arrived on American soil, March 10, 1880; and
WHEREAS, The phrase "on the wagon" was coined by men and women receiving services of The Salvation Army. Former National Commander Evangeline Booth drove a hay wagon through the streets of New York to encourage alcoholics onboard for a ride back to The Salvation Army. Hence, alcoholics in recovery were said to be "on the wagon"; and
WHEREAS, The Salvation Army Red Kettle began as a crab pot in San Francisco in 1891. A depression had thrown many out of work, including hundreds of seamen and longshoremen, and a Salvation Army officer used the pot to collect money for a meal to feed the unemployed. The campaign proved so successful that by 1900 it was replicated in cities throughout the nation; and
WHEREAS, The Salvation Army Brass Band has performed in the Rose Bowl Parade in Pasadena, California every year since the 1920's; and
WHEREAS, In 1890, The Salvation Army commenced its work at 6th and Main Street in downtown Vancouver, Washington; and
WHEREAS, The Salvation Army Clark County exists to provide humanitarian care for those in need, ministering to body, mind, and spirit without discrimination; and
WHEREAS, The Salvation Army Clark County serves 35,000 individuals annually with food, clothing, utilities, housing, and educational services; and
WHEREAS, The Salvation Army has initiated an after school program targeting "at risk" youth grades K-5 to help kids with homework. This free program provides a safe environment for kids until their parents are able to pick them up after work; and
WHEREAS, The Salvation Army reaches out to inner city youth with a residential outdoor camp every year during the summer months; and
WHEREAS, The Salvation Army Clark County is working to expand its literacy and after school programs to reach children beyond grade five; and
WHEREAS, The Salvation Army Clark County plans to provide social and educational services for senior citizens in its community;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Washington state House of Representatives commend The Salvation Army and extend its heartfelt appreciation to all its supporters for 125 years of service to suffering humanity in Clark County, Washington.