HB 2357-S - DIGEST |
Requires the pollution liability insurance agency to establish an underground storage tank revolving loan and grant program to assist owners and operators of petroleum underground storage tank systems to: (1) Remediate past releases; |
(2) Upgrade, replace, or remove petroleum underground storage tank systems to prevent future releases; and |
(3) Install new infrastructure or retrofit existing infrastructure for dispensing of renewable or alternative energy. |
Provides a July 1, 2030, expiration date for the program. |
Delays, until July 1, 2030, the expiration of: (1) Chapter 70.148 RCW (underground petroleum storage tanks); |
(2) Chapter 70.149 RCW (the heating oil pollution liability protection act); and |
(3) Chapter 82.23A RCW (petroleum products--underground storage tank program funding). |
Creates the pollution liability insurance agency underground storage tank revolving account. |