SB 5737-S2.E - DIGEST |
Establishes the performance management act. |
Creates the office of performance management in the office of the governor and requires the office to: (1) Conduct an inventory and review of state agency performance management plans; |
(2) Develop one or more mechanisms to promote the sharing of information between agencies regarding best practices, challenges, and successes; |
(3) Annually select one or more multiagency programs or processes for a lean performance analysis; |
(4) Adopt and implement a state strategic plan and a state performance management implementation plan; |
(5) Assist agencies in developing agency strategic plans, agency ethics plans, workforce learning and training development and workforce performance management systems, and agency performance management implementation plans; |
(6) Enter into a partnership with the Baldrige performance excellence program, national institutes of standards and technology, the United States department of commerce, performance excellence northwest, and Washington state quality award to accomplish specific tasks; |
(7) Collaborate with the office of financial management, the department of enterprise services, and other agencies to develop a financial data system; and |
(8) Collaborate with the department of enterprise services to develop a workforce learning and training development and workforce performance management system. |
Requires the department of enterprise services to enter into a partnership with the Baldrige performance excellence program, national institutes of standards and technology, the United States department of commerce, performance excellence northwest, and Washington state quality award to develop a suite of web-based classroom training modules for employees, middle managers, supervisors, and senior agency leaders. |
Requires state agencies to adopt an agency strategic plan, an agency ethics plan, a workforce learning and training development and workforce performance management system, and an agency performance management implementation plan. |