SB 6484 - DIGEST |
Requires the Washington association of sheriffs and police chiefs, when funded, to create and operate a statewide sexual assault kit tracking system. |
Requires local law enforcement agencies, a sheriff and his or her deputies, the Washington state patrol, and certain hospitals to participate in the statewide sexual assault kit tracking system. |
Requires the bureau of forensic laboratory services, in consultation with the state forensic investigations council, to develop budget submissions to the office of financial management sufficient to increase capacity to test all evidence submitted from crimes against persons by 2020 and all evidence submitted from property crimes by 2025. |
Creates the Washington sexual assault kit program within the department of commerce for the purpose of accepting private funds for testing sexual assault kits and conducting related investigations. |
Imposes a four-dollar fee on the admission to a sexually oriented live adult entertainment establishment. |
Exempts the following from public inspection and copying under the public records act: Records and information contained within the statewide sexual assault kit tracking system. |
Creates the Washington sexually oriented business fee account. |