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Washington State Senate | ||
Introduction and First Reading of Bills, Memorials, Joint Resolutions and Concurrent Resolutions |
2015 Regular Session of the 64th Legislature |
BRAD OWEN, President of the Senate | PAM ROACH, President Pro Tem | ||
HUNTER G. GOODMAN, Secretary of the Senate | SHARON BROWN, Vice President Pro Tem | ||
January 30, 2015 - Friday | 19TH DAY | ||
SB 5716 | By Senator McCoy; by request of Department of Health Increasing the surcharge to fund biotoxin testing and monitoring. Referred to Committee on NATURAL RESOURCES & PARKS. |
SB 5717 | By Senators Angel, Mullet and Keiser; by request of Insurance Commissioner Amending the insurer holding company act. Referred to Committee on FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS & INSURANCE. |
SB 5718 | By Senators Jayapal, McAuliffe, Dammeier, Rolfes, Darneille, Roach, Frockt, Hasegawa, Billig, McCoy, Cleveland, Fraser, Ranker, Keiser, Chase and Conway Concerning consideration of equity and social justice impacts from public education system decision making. Referred to Committee on EARLY LEARNING & K-12 EDUCATION. |
SB 5719 | By Senators Bailey, Baumgartner, Becker, Kohl-Welles, Parlette, Dammeier, Honeyford, Fain, Fraser, Darneille, McAuliffe, Pearson, Angel, Keiser, Chase, Sheldon, Hill, Jayapal and Frockt Creating a task force on campus sexual violence prevention. Referred to Committee on HIGHER EDUCATION. |
SB 5720 | By Senators Kohl-Welles, Becker, Parlette and King; by request of Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission Concerning fingerprint-based background checks for health professionals. Referred to Committee on HEALTH CARE . |
SB 5721 | By Senators Billig, Dammeier and Jayapal Concerning the membership of the expanded learning opportunities council. Referred to Committee on EARLY LEARNING & K-12 EDUCATION. |
SB 5722 | By Senators Benton and Conway Addressing premiums on policies issued through the Washington longshore and harbor workers' compensation act insurance assigned risk plan. Referred to Committee on COMMERCE & LABOR. |
SB 5723 | By Senators Honeyford and Keiser; by request of State Treasurer and Office of Financial Management Concerning the amendment, recodification, decodification, or repeal of statutes relating to state capital construction funds and accounts and bond authorizations that are inactive, obsolete, or no longer necessary for continued publication in the Revised Code of Washington. Referred to Committee on WAYS & MEANS. |
SB 5724 | By Senators Billig, Rivers, Liias, Fain, Hobbs, Frockt, Rolfes, Fraser, Hasegawa, Roach, Jayapal, Habib and Conway Concerning funding for the safe routes to school program. Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION. |
SB 5725 | By Senator Benton Addressing surplus lines of insurance. Referred to Committee on FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS & INSURANCE. |
SB 5726 | By Senators Frockt, Rivers, Keiser, Hasegawa and Roach Requiring free infectious disease testing for good samaritans. Referred to Committee on HEALTH CARE . |
SB 5727 | By Senators Frockt, Mullet, Pedersen, Miloscia, Keiser, McCoy, Liias, Hasegawa, Chase, Darneille, Jayapal, Cleveland, Billig, Fraser, Rolfes, McAuliffe and Habib Concerning extreme risk protective orders. Referred to Committee on LAW & JUSTICE. |
SB 5728 | By Senators Darneille, Rivers, Rolfes, Ranker, Keiser, Parlette, Hasegawa, Chase and Jayapal Allowing patients to opt out of HIV testing. Referred to Committee on HEALTH CARE . |
SB 5729 | By Senators Hargrove and Keiser; by request of Office of Financial Management Concerning the taxation of cigarettes. Referred to Committee on WAYS & MEANS. |
SB 5730 | By Senators Pearson, Chase, Roach, Hewitt, Sheldon and Warnick Concerning access roads utilized by the department of natural resources. Referred to Committee on NATURAL RESOURCES & PARKS. |
SB 5731 | By Senators Dansel, Hasegawa and Chase Addressing political subdivisions purchasing health coverage through the public employees' benefits board program. Referred to Committee on HEALTH CARE . |
SB 5732 | By Senators Jayapal, Hasegawa, Kohl-Welles, Chase and Darneille Encouraging effective oversight of law enforcement conduct. Referred to Committee on LAW & JUSTICE. |
SB 5733 | By Senators Warnick, Hatfield and Hobbs; by request of Department of Agriculture Authorizing a livestock movement reporting system. Referred to Committee on AGRICULTURE, WATER & RURAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. |
SB 5734 | By Senators Roach, Pearson, Hobbs, Parlette and Keiser Concerning apprenticeship training programs. Referred to Committee on COMMERCE & LABOR. |
SB 5735 | By Senators Ericksen, Rivers, Angel, Baumgartner, Brown, Hewitt, Bailey, Schoesler, Parlette, Honeyford, Braun, Padden, Becker, Hatfield and Sheldon Providing incentives for carbon reduction investments. Referred to Committee on ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT & TELECOMMUNICATIONS. |
SB 5736 | By Senators Miloscia, Baumgartner, Brown, Bailey, Benton, Schoesler, Becker, Roach, Ericksen, Angel, Parlette, Braun, Padden, Hill and Dammeier Concerning savings from performance management. Referred to Committee on ACCOUNTABILITY AND REFORM. |
SB 5737 | By Senators Miloscia and Chase Concerning government performance and accountability. Referred to Committee on ACCOUNTABILITY AND REFORM. |
SB 5738 | By Senator Chase Creating equality in contribution limits for state-level, county-level, and district-level party political committees. Referred to Committee on GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS & SECURITY. |
SB 5739 | By Senator Chase Protecting salmon and steelhead spawning beds. Referred to Committee on NATURAL RESOURCES & PARKS. |
SB 5740 | By Senators Fain, Billig, Litzow, McAuliffe, Frockt, Miloscia, Darneille and Jayapal Concerning extended foster care services. Referred to Committee on HUMAN SERVICES, MENTAL HEALTH & HOUSING. |
SB 5741 | By Senators Hasegawa, Conway and Chase Concerning health care financing and development of a publicly sponsored integrated delivery system. Referred to Committee on HEALTH CARE . |
SB 5742 | By Senators Hasegawa, Kohl-Welles, Chase and Darneille Creating the Washington state preservation of liberty act condemning the unlawful detention of United States citizens and lawful resident aliens under the national defense authorization act. Referred to Committee on LAW & JUSTICE. |
SB 5743 | By Senators Fain, Hobbs, Benton, Mullet and Angel Addressing insurance producers, insurers, and title insurance agents activities with customers and potential customers. Referred to Committee on FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS & INSURANCE. |
SB 5744 | By Senators Litzow, Fain, Hill, Rivers, Schoesler, Braun and Becker Regarding school employee workforce reductions and assignments. Referred to Committee on EARLY LEARNING & K-12 EDUCATION. |