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Washington State Senate | ||
Introduction and First Reading of Bills, Memorials, Joint Resolutions and Concurrent Resolutions |
2016 Regular Session of the 64th Legislature |
BRAD OWEN, President of the Senate | PAM ROACH, President Pro Tem | ||
HUNTER G. GOODMAN, Secretary of the Senate | SHARON BROWN, Vice President Pro Tem | ||
February 18, 2016 - Thursday | 39TH DAY | ||
SB 6661 | By Senators Rolfes, Parlette, Warnick and Rivers Concerning career and technical education materials, supplies, and operating costs. Referred to Committee on WAYS & MEANS. |
SB 6662 | By Senator Braun Creating a flexible voluntary program to allow family members to provide personal care services to persons with developmental disabilities or long-term care needs under a consumer-directed medicaid service program. Referred to Committee on WAYS & MEANS. |
SJR 8215 | By Senators Braun, Benton, Rivers, Angel, Becker, Roach, Schoesler, Bailey, Brown, Miloscia, Warnick, Honeyford, Dammeier, Fain, O'Ban, Sheldon, Parlette and Hewitt Requiring voter approval for any action or combination of actions by the legislature that raises taxes. Referred to Committee on WAYS & MEANS. |
2SHB 1037 | By House Committee on Appropriations (originally sponsored by Representatives Moeller, Ormsby and Kilduff) Implementing changes to child support based on the child support schedule work group report. Referred to Committee on LAW & JUSTICE. |
SHB 1130 | By House Committee on Environment (originally sponsored by Representatives Fey, Short, Tharinger, Fitzgibbon and Gregerson; by request of Department of Ecology and Department of Fish and Wildlife) Concerning water power license fees. Referred to Committee on ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT & TELECOMMUNICATIONS. |
HB 1231 | By Representatives Ormsby, Sells, Morris, Goodman, Ortiz-Self, Wylie, Gregerson, Stanford, Riccelli, Moeller, Sawyer, Fitzgibbon, Takko, Reykdal, Bergquist, Moscoso, Kirby, Pollet, Walkinshaw and Hudgins Establishing the prevailing rate of wage based on collective bargaining agreements or other methods if collective bargaining agreements are not available. Referred to Committee on COMMERCE & LABOR. |
SHB 1290 | By House Committee on General Government & Information Technology (originally sponsored by Representatives Condotta, Hurst and Sawyer) Increasing the number of tasting rooms allowed under a domestic winery license. Referred to Committee on COMMERCE & LABOR. |
2SHB 1448 | By House Committee on Judiciary (originally sponsored by Representatives Riccelli, Holy, Parker, Ormsby, Caldier, Hayes, Jinkins, Walkinshaw, Gregerson, Appleton, Ryu, McBride and Shea) Providing procedures for responding to reports of threatened or attempted suicide. Referred to Committee on HUMAN SERVICES, MENTAL HEALTH & HOUSING. |
3SHB 1499 | By House Committee on Public Safety (originally sponsored by Representatives Goodman, Jinkins, Johnson, Orwall, Appleton, Lytton and Tharinger) Concerning vulnerable adults. Referred to Committee on LAW & JUSTICE. |
HB 1512 | By Representatives Sells, Hayes, Moscoso and Ormsby Encouraging fairness in disciplinary actions of peace officers. Referred to Committee on LAW & JUSTICE. |
2ESHB 1553 | By House Committee on Public Safety (originally sponsored by Representatives Walkinshaw, MacEwen, Ryu, Appleton, Moscoso, Holy, Gregerson, Zeiger, Peterson, Farrell, Walsh, Reykdal, Orwall, Pettigrew, Tharinger, Fitzgibbon and Kagi) Encouraging certificates of restoration of opportunity. Referred to Committee on LAW & JUSTICE. |
HB 1561 | By Representatives Hudgins, Scott, Stanford, Magendanz, Ormsby, Smith, Hunt, S. and Wylie Concerning the consideration of information technology security matters. Referred to Committee on GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS & SECURITY. |
HB 1565 | By Representatives Ormsby, Walsh, Pettigrew, Kirby, Jinkins, Robinson, Riccelli, Wylie and Santos Concerning the preservation of housing options for participants in government assistance programs. Referred to Committee on HUMAN SERVICES, MENTAL HEALTH & HOUSING. |
EHB 1578 | By Representatives Kirby and Vick Authorizing insurers to offer customer satisfaction benefits. Referred to Committee on FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS & INSURANCE. |
EHB 1590 | By Representatives Reykdal, Haler, Dunshee, Ryu, Van De Wege, Ormsby, Fitzgibbon, Riccelli, Blake, Tarleton, McBride, Wylie and Goodman Requiring completion of an apprenticeship program to receive a journey level or residential specialty electrician certificate of competency. Referred to Committee on COMMERCE & LABOR. |
E2SHB 1605 | By House Committee on Finance (originally sponsored by Representatives Peterson, Van De Wege, Griffey, Riccelli and Fitzgibbon) Concerning benefit charges of fire protection districts and regional fire protection service authorities. Referred to Committee on GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS & SECURITY. |
SHB 1631 | By House Committee on Community Development, Housing & Tribal Affairs (originally sponsored by Representatives Lytton, Appleton, Van De Wege, Pollet and Santos) Allowing federally recognized tribes with lands held in trust in a county that is west of the Cascade mountain range that borders Puget Sound with a population of at least one hundred eighteen thousand, but less than two hundred fifty thousand, persons to enter into agreements regarding fuel taxes. Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION. |
2SHB 1651 | By House Committee on Labor & Workplace Standards (originally sponsored by Representatives Ryu, Goodman, Rodne, Griffey, Van Werven, Wylie, Moscoso, Ormsby and Santos) Concerning definitions related to human trafficking. Referred to Committee on COMMERCE & LABOR. |
E2SHB 2061 | By House Committee on Environment (originally sponsored by Representatives Short and Kretz) Authorizing county legislative authorities to approve certain group B water systems based upon their delivery of water meeting safe drinking water standards. Referred to Committee on ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT & TELECOMMUNICATIONS. |
ESHB 2148 | By House Committee on General Government & Information Technology (originally sponsored by Representatives Chandler, Pike and Hudgins) Concerning the state auditor including allowing for audits to be conducted by a private entity and establishing an appeal process. (REVISED FOR ENGROSSED: Concerning the state auditor including allowing for audits to be conducted by a private entity. ) Referred to Committee on ACCOUNTABILITY & REFORM. |
HB 2321 | By Representatives Stokesbary, Reykdal, Peterson, Fitzgibbon, Tharinger and Van De Wege Removing disincentives to the voluntary formation of regional fire protection service authorities by equalizing certain provisions with existing laws governing fire protection districts and by clarifying the formation process. Referred to Committee on GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS & SECURITY. |
HB 2332 | By Representative Kirby; by request of Insurance Commissioner Removing an expiration date concerning the filing and public disclosure of health care provider compensation. Referred to Committee on HEALTH CARE . |
E2SHB 2346 | By House Committee on Appropriations (originally sponsored by Representatives Morris, Smith, Haler, Rossetti, Tarleton, Hayes and Peterson) Promoting a sustainable, local renewable energy industry through modifying renewable energy system tax incentives and providing guidance for renewable energy system component recycling. Referred to Committee on ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT & TELECOMMUNICATIONS. |
HB 2350 | By Representatives Cody and Jinkins Defining the administration of medication by medical assistants. Referred to Committee on HEALTH CARE . |
ESHB 2355 | By House Committee on Business & Financial Services (originally sponsored by Representatives Kirby, Vick and Blake) Concerning registered service contract and protection product guarantee providers. Referred to Committee on FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS & INSURANCE. |
HB 2356 | By Representatives Kirby and Vick Concerning employer agreements to reimburse certain employee costs for the use of personal vehicles for business purposes. Referred to Committee on FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS & INSURANCE. |
E2SHB 2375 | By House Committee on General Government & Information Technology (originally sponsored by Representatives Magendanz, Orwall, Smith, Tarleton, MacEwen, Muri, Stanford and Wylie) Concerning cybercrime. Referred to Committee on LAW & JUSTICE. |
HB 2388 | By Representatives Hudgins, MacEwen, Stanford, Rossetti and Bergquist Concerning theatrical wrestling. Referred to Committee on COMMERCE & LABOR. |
HB 2398 | By Representatives Holy, Riccelli, Appleton, Haler, Stokesbary, Ormsby, Parker, Santos and Hunt, S. Clarifying current requirements for public purchases of goods and services from nonprofit agencies for the blind. Referred to Committee on GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS & SECURITY. |
SHB 2427 | By House Committee on Local Government (originally sponsored by Representatives Springer, Stokesbary, Fitzgibbon, Muri, Appleton and Kilduff) Concerning local government modernization. Referred to Committee on GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS & SECURITY. |
E2SHB 2439 | By House Committee on Appropriations (originally sponsored by Representatives Kagi, Walsh, Senn, Johnson, Orwall, Dent, McBride, Reykdal, Jinkins, Tharinger, Fey, Tarleton, Stanford, Springer, Frame, Kilduff, Sells, Bergquist and Goodman) Increasing access to adequate and appropriate mental health services for children and youth. Referred to Committee on HUMAN SERVICES, MENTAL HEALTH & HOUSING. |
SHB 2441 | By House Committee on Labor & Workplace Standards (originally sponsored by Representatives Kirby, Sells and Hunt, S.) Restricting the social security offset to disability compensation. Referred to Committee on COMMERCE & LABOR. |
SHB 2498 | By House Committee on Health Care & Wellness (originally sponsored by Representatives Caldier, Cody, DeBolt, Manweller, Walsh, Johnson, Pike, Appleton, Jinkins, Kilduff and Gregerson) Concerning prior authorization for dental services and supplies in medical assistance programs. Referred to Committee on HEALTH CARE . |
SHB 2503 | By House Committee on Local Government (originally sponsored by Representatives Buys, Griffey, Springer and Van De Wege) Preventing water-sewer districts from prohibiting multipurpose fire sprinkler systems. Referred to Committee on GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS & SECURITY. |
ESHB 2518 | By House Committee on Early Learning & Human Services (originally sponsored by Representatives Sawyer, Walsh, Kagi, Kilduff, Zeiger, Reykdal, Frame, McBride, Ormsby, Walkinshaw, Gregerson, Bergquist and Stanford) Promoting the reduction of intergenerational poverty. Referred to Committee on HUMAN SERVICES, MENTAL HEALTH & HOUSING. |
SHB 2519 | By House Committee on Local Government (originally sponsored by Representatives McCaslin, Gregerson, Shea, Appleton, Tharinger, Peterson, McBride, Manweller, Stokesbary, Reykdal, Sells, Fitzgibbon, Springer, Kochmar, Orwall, Nealey, Pike, Van De Wege and Stanford) Allowing nuisance abatement cost recovery for cities. Referred to Committee on GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS & SECURITY. |
2SHB 2530 | By House Committee on Appropriations (originally sponsored by Representatives Orwall, McCabe, Appleton, Wylie, Tarleton, Senn, McBride, Kagi, Ryu, Hudgins, Hunt, S., Gregerson, Reykdal, Farrell, Pollet, Ortiz-Self, Harris, Bergquist, Lytton, Kochmar, Blake, Cody, Stambaugh, Wilson, Jinkins, Kuderer, Muri, Van De Wege, Frame, Hargrove, Ormsby, Sells, Pettigrew and Stanford) Protecting victims of sex crimes. Referred to Committee on LAW & JUSTICE. |
SHB 2539 | By House Committee on Finance (originally sponsored by Representatives Nealey, Manweller, Hansen, Tharinger, Harris, Walsh, Magendanz, Wilson, Haler, Springer, Johnson, Muri, Hayes and Dent) Concerning the inheritance exemption for the real estate excise tax. Referred to Committee on WAYS & MEANS. |
ESHB 2540 | By House Committee on Finance (originally sponsored by Representatives Nealey, Tharinger, Harris, Walsh, Ryu, Griffey, Hayes, Manweller, Pike, Smith, Stokesbary, MacEwen, Van De Wege, Johnson, Magendanz, Wilson, McBride, Hargrove, Schmick, Pollet and Van Werven) Modifying the penalty for taxpayers that do not submit an annual survey or report. Referred to Committee on WAYS & MEANS. |
HB 2565 | By Representatives Vick, Reykdal, Orcutt, Wilson, Springer, Robinson, Nealey, Wilcox, Manweller, Stokesbary, Condotta, Pike, Haler, Frame, Hargrove and Muri Reducing the frequency of local sales and use tax changes. Referred to Committee on WAYS & MEANS. |
HB 2619 | By Representatives Haler, Pettigrew, Klippert, Reykdal, Zeiger, Frame and Pollet; by request of State Board for Community and Technical Colleges Providing postsecondary education to enhance education opportunities and public safety. Referred to Committee on LAW & JUSTICE. |
HB 2651 | By Representatives Rossetti and Orcutt; by request of Department of Transportation Concerning vehicle maximum gross weight values. Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION. |
EHB 2659 | By Representatives Jinkins, Hansen, Magendanz, Kilduff and Goodman; by request of Attorney General Developing a plan for the consolidation of traffic-based financial obligations. Referred to Committee on LAW & JUSTICE. |
HB 2764 | By Representatives Jinkins, Chandler, Gregerson, Johnson, Appleton and Senn Clarifying public defense fund distributions. Referred to Committee on WAYS & MEANS. |
SHB 2767 | By House Committee on Early Learning & Human Services (originally sponsored by Representatives Walsh, Kagi, Kilduff, Schmick and Dye) Defining and using the term center-based services for individuals with developmental disabilities. Referred to Committee on HUMAN SERVICES, MENTAL HEALTH & HOUSING. |
HB 2768 | By Representatives Schmick, Cody, Tharinger, Jinkins, Harris and Robinson Addressing taxes and service charges on certain qualified stand-alone dental plans offered in the individual or small group markets. Referred to Committee on HEALTH CARE . |
EHB 2775 | By Representatives Klippert, Appleton, Haler, Hayes and Dent Concerning coroners and medical examiners regarding death investigations. Referred to Committee on LAW & JUSTICE. |
ESHB 2778 | By House Committee on Transportation (originally sponsored by Representatives Fey, Orcutt, Clibborn, McBride, Moscoso, Hickel, Stambaugh, Bergquist, Tharinger and Tarleton) Modifying retail sales and use tax exemption criteria for certain clean alternative fuel vehicles. Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION. |
ESHB 2783 | By House Committee on Finance (originally sponsored by Representatives Springer, Stokesbary, Reykdal, Vick, Robinson, Orcutt, Johnson and Wilson) Specifying the documentation that must be provided to determine when sales tax applies to the sale of a motor vehicle to an enrolled tribal member. Referred to Committee on WAYS & MEANS. |
E2SHB 2793 | By House Committee on Finance (originally sponsored by Representatives Orwall, Blake, Kretz, Sullivan, Cody, Jinkins, Kagi, Goodman, Ormsby, Tharinger, Rossetti and Reykdal) Providing for suicide awareness and prevention education for safer homes. Referred to Committee on HUMAN SERVICES, MENTAL HEALTH & HOUSING. |
HB 2800 | By Representative Haler Correcting a double amendment concerning county legislative authorities. Referred to Committee on GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS & SECURITY. |
HB 2815 | By Representatives Hayes, Smith, Lytton and Morris Modifying the eligibility requirements for certain counties with ferry terminals to form a regional transportation planning organization. Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION. |
SHB 2831 | By House Committee on Commerce & Gaming (originally sponsored by Representative Hurst) Assisting small businesses licensed to sell liquor in Washington state. Referred to Committee on COMMERCE & LABOR. |
HB 2838 | By Representatives Klippert and Hayes; by request of Department of Corrections Clarifying the department of corrections' authority to impose conditions prohibiting contact with other persons, even if the offender is not a sex offender. Referred to Committee on LAW & JUSTICE. |
SHB 2841 | By House Committee on Local Government (originally sponsored by Representatives Senn and Buys) Concerning the state building code council. Referred to Committee on GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS & SECURITY. |
HB 2845 | By Representatives Ormsby, Sells, Frame, Gregerson, Moscoso, Bergquist, Jinkins, Cody, Peterson, Robinson, Farrell, Riccelli, Sawyer, Pollet, Appleton, Reykdal, Kilduff, Stanford and Walkinshaw Addressing the time period for workers to recover wages under prevailing wage laws. Referred to Committee on COMMERCE & LABOR. |
ESHB 2847 | By House Committee on Environment (originally sponsored by Representative Rossetti) Creating an exemption to the definition of substantial development in chapter 90.58 RCW relating to the retrofitting of existing structures to accommodate physical access by individuals with disabilities. Referred to Committee on ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT & TELECOMMUNICATIONS. |
HB 2856 | By Representatives DeBolt, Tharinger, Van De Wege and Stanford Establishing the office of Chehalis river basin flood risk reduction. Referred to Committee on WAYS & MEANS. |
SHB 2876 | By House Committee on Judiciary (originally sponsored by Representatives Orwall, Kirby and Griffey) Addressing the foreclosure of deeds of trust. Referred to Committee on FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS & INSURANCE. |
HB 2886 | By Representative Manweller Concerning electrical scope of practice. Referred to Committee on COMMERCE & LABOR. |
SHB 2900 | By House Committee on Public Safety (originally sponsored by Representatives Klippert and Haler) Prohibiting marijuana, alcohol, or other intoxicant, or a cell phone while confined or incarcerated in a state, county, or local correctional institution. Referred to Committee on LAW & JUSTICE. |
ESHB 2906 | By House Committee on Early Learning & Human Services (originally sponsored by Representatives Stambaugh, Kagi, Magendanz, Tharinger, Ortiz-Self, Frame, Goodman and Ormsby) Strengthening opportunities for the rehabilitation and reintegration of juvenile offenders. Referred to Committee on HUMAN SERVICES, MENTAL HEALTH & HOUSING. |
ESHB 2908 | By House Committee on Public Safety (originally sponsored by Representatives Ryu, Ortiz-Self, Walkinshaw, Stanford and Santos) Establishing the joint legislative task force on the use of deadly force in community policing. Referred to Committee on LAW & JUSTICE. |
ESHB 2928 | By House Committee on Agriculture & Natural Resources (originally sponsored by Representatives Kretz, Blake, Schmick, Dunshee, Short, Haler, Stanford and Chandler) Ensuring that restrictions on outdoor burning for air quality reasons do not impede measures necessary to ensure forest resiliency to catastrophic fires. Referred to Committee on NATURAL RESOURCES & PARKS. |
EHB 2959 | By Representatives Lytton, Nealey and Ormsby Concerning local business tax and licensing simplification. Referred to Committee on TRADE & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. |
SHB 2964 | By House Committee on Appropriations (originally sponsored by Representatives Gregerson, Santos, Peterson, Rossetti, Kuderer, Stanford, Hudgins, Ormsby, Frame and Bergquist) Eliminating lunch copays for students who qualify for reduced-price lunches. Referred to Committee on EARLY LEARNING & K-12 EDUCATION. |
EHB 2971 | By Representatives McBride and Nealey Addressing real estate as it concerns the local government authority in the use of real estate excise tax revenues and regulating real estate transactions. Referred to Committee on WAYS & MEANS. |