1616 AMH MANW KLEE 074


HB 1616 - H AMD 66

By Representative Manweller

WITHDRAWN 02/28/2017

    On page 2, beginning on line 3, after "to" strike all material through "land." on line 7 and insert ":

    (i) Purchase vacant or improved land on which to develop affordable housing. In addition to affordable housing, facilities intended to provide supportive services to affordable housing residents and low-income households in the nearby community may be developed on the land; or

    (ii) Drill a well exempt from permitting requirements pursuant to RCW 90.44.050 that does not exceed five thousand gallons a day, for withdrawal of public groundwaters on land used for affordable housing."






·    Allows Affordable Housing Land Acquisition Revolving Loan funds to be used for loans to drill certain wells for affordable housing purposes.



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