On page 15, beginning on line 20 of the amendment, after "November 1," strike all material through "process" on line 24, and insert "2018, that includes:
(i) A review of the current process for addressing foster parent complaints and concerns through the department and through the office of the family and children's ombuds established in chapter
43.06A RCW that includes an examination of any deficiencies of the current system; and
(ii) Recommendations for expanding, modifying, and enhancing the current system for addressing individual foster parent complaints to improve child welfare, the experience of foster parents, and the overall functioning of the child welfare system"
EFFECT: The Office of Innovation, Alignment, and Accountability report regarding foster parent complaints is due one year earlier on November 1, 2018. This report is modified to specify that the report include: (1) A review of the current process for addressing foster parent complaints and concerns through the department and through the Family and Children's Ombuds that includes an examination of any deficiencies of the current system; and (2) recommendations for expanding, modifying, and enhancing the current system for addressing individual foster parent complaints to improve child welfare, the experience of foster parents, and the overall functioning of the child welfare system.