1802-S2 AMH MCCG KLEE 084


2SHB 1802 - H AMD 176

By Representative McCabe

ADOPTED 03/02/2017

    On page 1, line 15, after "(iii)" insert "The employee is a current member of the uniformed services or is a veteran as defined under RCW 41.04.005, and is attending medical appointments or treatments for a service connected injury or disability;

    (iv) The employee is a spouse of a current member of the uniformed services or a veteran as defined under RCW 41.04.005, who is attending medical appointments or treatments for a service connected injury or disability and requires assistance while attending appointment or treatment;



    Renumber the remaining subsections consecutively and correct any internal references accordingly.


    On page 5, line 31, after "The" strike "office of financial management" and insert "department of veterans affairs"


    On page 6, beginning on line 4, after "leave" strike "for the expected term of service"


    On page 6, line 34, after "management" insert ", in consultation with the department of veterans affairs,"





·         Allows state employees, who are current members of the uniformed services or are veterans, or their spouses, to access shared leave for the purpose of  attending medical appointments or treatments for a service connected injury or disability.

·         Changes the agency who administers the Veterans' In-State Shared Leave Pool from the Office of Financial Management (OFM) to the Washington State Department of Veterans Affairs (WDVA).

·         Requires the OFM to consult with the WDVA to develop rules and policies governing the donation and use of shared leave from the Veterans' In-State Shared Leave Pool.



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