2285-S AMH BUYS HATF 160
SHB 2285 - H AMD 716
By Representative Buys
WITHDRAWN 02/12/2018
On page 3, line 14, after "(1)" insert "(a)"
On page 3, line 17, after "may:" strike "(a)" and insert "(i)"
On page 3, line 23, after "landowners;" insert "and"
On page 3, beginning on line 23, after "groups;" strike "and other interested parties deemed appropriate by the commissioner;"
On page 3, line 24, after "and" strike "(b)" and insert "(ii)"
On page 3, after line 25, insert the following:
"(b) The advisory committee must include at least one legislative member from each of the minority and majority caucuses of the house of representatives and the senate whose districts have lands that are included in the 1997 habitat conservation plan or any proposed amendments thereto."
EFFECT: Removes authorization to Commissioner of Public Lands to appoint other interested parties deemed appropriate by the Commissioner to the marbled murrelet advisory committee. Requires that the marbled murrelet advisory committee include at least one legislative member from each of the minority and majority caucuses of the house of representatives and the senate whose districts have lands that are included in the 1997 habitat conservation plan or any amendments thereto.
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