2338-S2 AMH PIKE LIPS 479


2SHB 2338 - H AMD 1030

By Representative Pike


    On page 3, line 26, after "fuel." insert "For each type of low-carbon transportation fuel that is less able to be utilized efficiently by traditional vehicle engines than a comparable reference fuel, and thereby requires comparably greater volumes of fuel in order to achieve the same performance as the reference fuel, the department must adopt rules that include mechanisms that have the effect of compensating operators of vehicles used in food transport, food production, and other trade-dependent industries to offset the efficiency losses." 




    EFFECT: Requires the Department of Ecology's Clean Fuels Program rules to include mechanisms that have the effect of compensating operators of vehicles in food product transport and other trade-dependent industries for any engine efficiency losses that result from the use of low-carbon fuels relative to comparable reference fuels.  


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