2658-S AMH MCBR H4697.2
SHB 2658 - H AMD 813By Representative McBride
ADOPTED 02/12/2018
On page 2, line 22, after "that" strike "a safer alternative is" and insert "safer alternatives are"
On page 2, line 26, after "assessment" insert "as part of the PFAS chemical action plan"
On page 2, beginning on line 34, after "whether" strike "a safer alternative" and insert "safer alternatives"
On page 2, line 36, after "packaging" strike "is" and insert "are"
On page 2, line 38, after "legislature." insert "In order to determine that safer alternatives are available, the safer alternatives must be readily available in sufficient quantity and at a comparable cost, and perform as well as or better than PFAS chemicals in a specific food packaging application. If an alternative is a chemical, it must have previously been approved for food contact by the United States food and drug administration, such as through the issuance of a determination that the chemical has a reasonable certainty of causing no harm."
On page 3, beginning on line 4, after "that" strike "a safer alternative is" and insert "safer alternatives are"
On page 3, beginning on line 7, after "that" strike "a safer alternative is" and insert "safer alternatives are"
On page 3, line 16, after "that" strike "a safer alternative is" and insert "safer alternatives are"
EFFECT: Requires, in order for restrictions on PFAS in food packaging to take effect, that the department of ecology must determine that there exist multiple safer alternatives to food packaging containing intentionally-added PFAS chemicals, rather than a single safer alternative. Requires that alternatives assessments of PFAS chemicals performed by the department of ecology be completed as part of the PFAS chemical action plan. Requires safer alternatives identified by the department of ecology to be readily available at a comparable cost, and to perform as well as or better than PFAS chemicals in a specific food packaging application. Requires, for safer alternatives that are a chemical, that the chemical have previously been approved for food contact by the United States food and drug administration.
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