5096.E AMH SHEA HASA 026
ESB 5096 - H AMD TO H AMD (H-2628.2/17) 518
By Representative Shea
WITHDRAWN 04/12/2017
On page 8, beginning on line 36 of the striking amendment, beginning with "The" strike all material through "project." on page 9, line 30.
On page 25, line 4 of the striking amendment, decrease the Motor Vehicle Account--Federal Appropriation by $2,418,000
On page 25, line 10 of the striking amendment, correct the total.
On page 110, line 8 of the striking amendment, decrease the Motor Vehicle Account--Federal Appropriation by $1,429,000
On page 110, line 16 of the striking amendment, correct the total.
EFFECT: Removes the funding for the road usage charge project conducted by the Transportation Commission and the Department of Transportation.
FISCAL IMPACT: Reduces Motor Vehicle Acct - State by $2,418,000 in the 2017-19 transportation budget and $1,429,000 in the 2017 supplemental transportation budget.
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