5133-S AMH PIKE WAYV 131


SSB 5133 - H AMD 508

By Representative Pike

NOT ADOPTED 04/11/2017

     On page 3, beginning on line 9, after "equalization" strike all material through "equalization))" on line 14 and insert ", and the assessor shall make duplicate abstracts of such corrected values, one copy of which shall be retained in the office, and one copy forwarded to the department of revenue on or before the eighteenth day of August next following the meeting of the county board of equalization"



    EFFECT:   Restores the statute to current law and as a result, requires county assessors to: (1) forward to the Department of Revenue corrected real and personal assessment rolls that have been changed by a county board of equalization; and (2) make duplicate abstracts of the corrected values with one copy being retained in the assessor's office and the second copy forwarded to the Department of Revenue by August 18.


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