5558-S3 AMH HUDG LEON 164


3SSB 5558 - H AMD 579

By Representative Hudgins


     On page 2, beginning on line 13, strike all of subsection (c)


    Renumber the remaining subsections consecutively and correct any internal references accordingly.


    On page 2, beginning on line 22, strike all of subsection (3)





·    Removes from the eligibility criteria for obtaining an identicard the requirement that the offender not be subject to an immigration detainer or removal order and not become subject to a removal order while incarcerated. Removes the requirement that the Department of Corrections (DOC) inquire as to an offender's immigration status according to processes in current law before issuing him or her an identicard.

·    Removes the provision specifying that a state law enforcement agency, court, or the DOC may not be prohibited from investigating the legal presence of a person or identifying a defendant's legal presence on a judgment and sentence form or any other investigatory or arrest materials provided to the DOC for the purposes of the identicard program.



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